android Programming Glossary: debug.out
How to speed up unzipping time in Java / Android? for int c c 1 c fout.write c Debug.out Closing streams zin.closeEntry fout.close zin.close catch.. zin.closeEntry fout.close zin.close catch Exception e Debug.out Error trying to unzip file zipFile java android android emulator..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails instance and set it as the ContentView for this Activity Debug.out Welcome surface_view new CameraSurfaceView this mGLView new.. context super context Create an OpenGL ES 2.0 context. Debug.out Mysurfaceview welcome setEGLContextClientVersion 2 Set the Renderer.. SurfaceHolder holder getHolder holder.addCallback this Debug.out Init CSV camera public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder..
How to speed up unzipping time in Java / Android? FileOutputStream fout new FileOutputStream directory ze.getName for int c c 1 c fout.write c Debug.out Closing streams zin.closeEntry fout.close zin.close catch Exception e Debug.out Error trying to unzip file zipFile .. c 1 c fout.write c Debug.out Closing streams zin.closeEntry fout.close zin.close catch Exception e Debug.out Error trying to unzip file zipFile java android android emulator unzip zipinputstream share improve this question ..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails super.onCreate savedInstanceState Create a GLSurfaceView instance and set it as the ContentView for this Activity Debug.out Welcome surface_view new CameraSurfaceView this mGLView new MySurfaceView this setContentView mGLView addContentView surface_view.. extends GLSurfaceView public MySurfaceView NightCamActivity context super context Create an OpenGL ES 2.0 context. Debug.out Mysurfaceview welcome setEGLContextClientVersion 2 Set the Renderer for drawing on the GLSurfaceView MyRenderer renderer.. renderer public CameraSurfaceView Context context super context SurfaceHolder holder getHolder holder.addCallback this Debug.out Init CSV camera public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder holder Debug.out SC try camera.setPreviewDisplay holder..