android Programming Glossary: debugged
[Android SDK]Can't copy external database (13MB) from Assets improve this question Use SQLiteAssetHelper which has a debugged version of the package the database with the app logic so you..
Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat) 48 48 48 48 byte 199 3 When the content of this array is debugged it will give 2 58 48 48 48 48 48 57 3 Please understand that..
Android Custom Layout - onDraw() never gets called code is that i get a white app scren with no oval so i debugged it and saw that onDraw never gets called... 3 questions why..
Caching images and displaying catch block e.printStackTrace return null Here i have debugged and found out that imageUrl gets formed correctly. Json only..
Android - Bitmap cache takes a lot of memory training displaying bitmaps index.html I debugged the code and checked the heap size in the DDMS view in eclipse..
Android - Camera preview is sideways the rotation checks to say what the rotation was and then debugged on the device and watched the logCat output while I rotated..
onCreateContextMenu() for EditText doesn't work on real device return super.onContextItemSelected item I have thoroughly debugged logged everything around my code but still Activity.onCreateContextMenu.. one passed in to onCreateContextMenu . I have thoroughly debugged logged everything around my code but still Activity.onCreateContextMenu..
Start service in android called at the end of the activity's onCreate . I already debugged and no exception is thrown. Any idea android service activity..
Android error: Failed to install *.apk on device *: timeout apk on device 'emulator 5554' timeout The app has been debugged in the past on that device many times app is live on Market..
Fragment not receiving menu callbacks and onOptionsItemSelected are being called I've debugged with some breakpoints in those methods and the menu isn't shown...
EditText not updated after text changed in the TextWatcher on my EditText isn't in sync with the Editable. When I debugged the code I saw that the variable text Editable has the expected..
Can I serialize the paths drawn on canvas for redrawing the paths on relaunch of the application the paths. I am reteriving the paths from the file as I debugged and checked the same. But I dont have any ida as why the paths..
'No peer certificate' error in Android 2.3 but NOT in 4 this question This thread was really helpful when I debugged a similar issue. Summary Android 2.3 HTTPS SSL checklist If..
Does the Android ICS API have a native equivalent to ViewPager support lib?
[Android SDK]Can't copy external database (13MB) from Assets solve this Many thanks android database large files share improve this question Use SQLiteAssetHelper which has a debugged version of the package the database with the app logic so you do not need to mess with any of this yourself. share improve..
Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat) I need to do the following byte sendBytes 2 byte 198 48 48 48 48 48 byte 199 3 When the content of this array is debugged it will give 2 58 48 48 48 48 48 57 3 Please understand that I am new to Android java and have a lot to learn. All help..
Android Custom Layout - onDraw() never gets called this layout to seat around it. What currently happens by this code is that i get a white app scren with no oval so i debugged it and saw that onDraw never gets called... 3 questions why is onDraw not getting called the sdk warns me that i shouldnt..
Caching images and displaying jsonlist.add map catch JSONException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace return null Here i have debugged and found out that imageUrl gets formed correctly. Json only returns the name of the jpg so i append that to the URL and..
Android - Bitmap cache takes a lot of memory Chaching code is pretty much copy pasted from here http training displaying bitmaps index.html I debugged the code and checked the heap size in the DDMS view in eclipse and there is about 15mb jump after these code lines options.inJustDecodeBounds..
Android - Camera preview is sideways and I had to initially put in logging statements in each of the rotation checks to say what the rotation was and then debugged on the device and watched the logCat output while I rotated the device. For the HTC Desire 0 was the phone as you would..
onCreateContextMenu() for EditText doesn't work on real device item Log.v TAG Context item selected as item.toString return super.onContextItemSelected item I have thoroughly debugged logged everything around my code but still Activity.onCreateContextMenu not even called though it's registered in proper.. instantiate your own ContextMenu object rather than use the one passed in to onCreateContextMenu . I have thoroughly debugged logged everything around my code but still Activity.onCreateContextMenu not even called This seems very odd obviously it's..
Start service in android The problem is that nothing happens. The above code block is called at the end of the activity's onCreate . I already debugged and no exception is thrown. Any idea android service activity share improve this question Probably you don't have the..
Android error: Failed to install *.apk on device *: timeout to a location without spaces according to Failed to install apk on device 'emulator 5554' timeout The app has been debugged in the past on that device many times app is live on Market but this problem happens every so often and is VERY FRUSTRATING.....
Fragment not receiving menu callbacks none of the menu callbacks onCreateOptionsMenu onPrepareOptionsMenu and onOptionsItemSelected are being called I've debugged with some breakpoints in those methods and the menu isn't shown. Am I missing something Do I need to add something in my..
EditText not updated after text changed in the TextWatcher p p 1 else p The problem I have is what is displayed on my EditText isn't in sync with the Editable. When I debugged the code I saw that the variable text Editable has the expected value but what's shown on the EditText doesn't always match..
Can I serialize the paths drawn on canvas for redrawing the paths on relaunch of the application paths to be redrawn on the canvas. I am not able to redraw the paths. I am reteriving the paths from the file as I debugged and checked the same. But I dont have any ida as why the paths are not getting redrawn. Kindly help. android serialization..
'No peer certificate' error in Android 2.3 but NOT in 4 premium android ssl share improve this question This thread was really helpful when I debugged a similar issue. Summary Android 2.3 HTTPS SSL checklist If your CA is in Android's 2.3 list of trusted CA's and Thawte..
Does the Android ICS API have a native equivalent to ViewPager support lib?