android Programming Glossary: compute
Fill remaining space with fixed aspect ratio surfaceview in the xml. Then when onMeasure gets called I can compute the available aspect ratio and set the width and height of my..
How to build a mall map for Android in a map that represent each floor in the mall and compute the shortest path between his position and the selected place..
How to compute a radius around a point in an Android MapView? to compute a radius around a point in an Android MapView I have a MapView.. me an accurate enough distance in pixels . How would you compute this if you wanted to display a circle around your coordinate..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] then redraw it from your pre stored BufferedImage loop to compute the digits of the score and add after the Your score is every..
Adding distance to a GPS coordinate initial position in meters You can use an approximation to compute the position of the randomized position lat lat0 180 pi dy 6378137..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer for missing sections no names starting with.. It will compute the scroll space of surrounding empty sections and interpolate..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION of which produce 3 space XYZ vectors. These are used to compute the azimuth etc. values. Vectors are in device coordinate space.. takes the transformation matrix and computes azimuth pitch and roll values. These are taken relative to..
Get Latitude and Longitude without inserting Sim Card and Start/Stop Gps from Application assistance data from and A GPS server and use it to compute the location fix with the GPS chipset. If not the GPS chipset.. The process can also be sped up if a GPS location has been computed not too long ago. So first check that you have added ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION..
How to layout a 'grid' of images in the center of the screen parameter is the number of columns. The number of rows is computed automatically because we know the number of children. Another.. onLayout we receive the final size of the grid so we can compute the maximum width and height of the children. We then check..
Android 2.3 Visualizer - Trouble understanding getFft() the time series input N is the number of samples used to compute the FFT The two sides of the spectrum refers to the positive..
How to save GPS coordinates in exif data on Android? number is 22 1 22 degrees but I can't figure out how to compute the decimal there. android gps exif geotagging share improve..
Difference between /res and /assets directories assets. So why have an assets folder at all If you want to compute the asset you want to use at run time it's pretty easy. With.. a list of all the resource IDs that might be used and compute an index into the the list. This is kind of awkward and introduces..
Cardio graph for android this Optional but saves battery life. You may compute the value to match a given max framerate.. this.wait SOME_DELAY_IN_MS..
How to draw waveform of Android's music player? access the streaming data of the background music and compute the samples in real time but I have no idea how to get the streaming..
Store orientation to an array - and compare similar to the newly measured and the first is not. Let's compute the cost matrices according to this paper subsection 2.1 D i.. this recurrence relation is applied. In short columns are computed first starting from D 1 1 D 0 and D 0 are left out in the MIN... at each time point the x y z coordinates. I would simply compute Dist i j SQRT A i X B j X ^2 A i Y B j Y ^2 A i Z B j Z ^2 that..
Android Bitmap Limit - Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory in bad reviews returns and lower sales. So I have to compute the limit myself. Except that I've struggled here. I tried adding..
Android: How to get accurate altitude? to remember the last few I used 4 altitude readings and compute the average. This sufficed to get a relatively accurate reading..
Passing Array to rsForEach in Renderscript Compute Array to rsForEach in Renderscript Compute I found there's lacking good documentation in RenderScript..
How to center the camera so that marker is at the bottom of screen? (Google map api V2 Android) location of the marker on the device's display in pixels . Compute the location of a point New Point that's above Point M by half..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer nextNextSection nextIndex nextNextSection nextSection Compute the beginning and ending scroll range percentage of the currently..
iptables in android long checksum unsigned short addr unsigned int count Compute Internet Checksum for count bytes beginning at location addr..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? canvas Draw background. canvas.drawBitmap bgr 0 0 null Compute roughly ball speed and location. Y int dY Increase or decrease.. bgrScroll 0 reverseBackroundFirst reverseBackroundFirst Compute roughly the ball's speed and location. if ballFingerMove ballY..
Android image view matrix scale + translate in the view scale is appropriate . Here is the code Compute the scale to choose this works float scaleX float displayWidth.. Math.max 0 0.5f float displayHeight minScale imageHeight Compute the matrix Matrix m new Matrix m.reset Middle of the image should..
How to crop Bitmap Center like imageview? [duplicate] source.getWidth int sourceHeight source.getHeight Compute the scaling factors to fit the new height and width respectively...
Fill remaining space with fixed aspect ratio surfaceview also set MySurfaceView to have a layout_width height of wrap_content in the xml. Then when onMeasure gets called I can compute the available aspect ratio and set the width and height of my view as desired. The second thing I did to make this work..
How to build a mall map for Android to build an Android application for a mall so the user can navigate in a map that represent each floor in the mall and compute the shortest path between his position and the selected place the mall located in the middle east I heard about Google indoor..
How to compute a radius around a point in an Android MapView? to compute a radius around a point in an Android MapView I have a MapView that I'm displaying a useful radius think accuracy of coordinate.. which is admittedly just for equatorial distance isn't giving me an accurate enough distance in pixels . How would you compute this if you wanted to display a circle around your coordinate given radius android gps android mapview share improve..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] is really needs to be redrawn because say it's transparent then redraw it from your pre stored BufferedImage loop to compute the digits of the score and add after the Your score is every digit manually one by one by copying each the time the corresponding..
Adding distance to a GPS coordinate position unit degrees dx dy random offsets from your initial position in meters You can use an approximation to compute the position of the randomized position lat lat0 180 pi dy 6378137 lon lon0 180 pi dx 6378137 cos lat0 This is quite precise..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer section and index the following code will try to account for missing sections no names starting with.. It will compute the scroll space of surrounding empty sections and interpolate the currently visible letter's range across the available..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION BTW . Instead it uses accelerometers and magnetometers both of which produce 3 space XYZ vectors. These are used to compute the azimuth etc. values. Vectors are in device coordinate space World coordinates have Y facing north X facing east and.. be aware of orientation and compensate accordingly. SensorManager.getOrientation takes the transformation matrix and computes azimuth pitch and roll values. These are taken relative to a device in the neutral position. I have no idea what the difference..
Get Latitude and Longitude without inserting Sim Card and Start/Stop Gps from Application check if a network connection is available. If so they download assistance data from and A GPS server and use it to compute the location fix with the GPS chipset. If not the GPS chipset has to download the data from a GPS satellite which takes.. which takes a long time rate is 50 bits per second . The process can also be sped up if a GPS location has been computed not too long ago. So first check that you have added ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION to your manifest's permissions check that GPS..
How to layout a 'grid' of images in the center of the screen to the previous issue. Screenshots How it works A main parameter is the number of columns. The number of rows is computed automatically because we know the number of children. Another main parameter is the aspect ratio we want to use for the.. we want to use for the children set to 1 for squares . In onLayout we receive the final size of the grid so we can compute the maximum width and height of the children. We then check this against the aspect ratio. If the children are too tall..
Android 2.3 Visualizer - Trouble understanding getFft() Fk k Fs N k 0 1 ... N 1 where Fs is the sampling frequency of the time series input N is the number of samples used to compute the FFT The two sides of the spectrum refers to the positive and negative frequencies in the output of the FFT. The FFT..
How to save GPS coordinates in exif data on Android? Can anyone explain what this format is Obviously the first number is 22 1 22 degrees but I can't figure out how to compute the decimal there. android gps exif geotagging share improve this question GPSLatitude Indicates the latitude. The..
Difference between /res and /assets directories code and the resources themselves. None of that applies to assets. So why have an assets folder at all If you want to compute the asset you want to use at run time it's pretty easy. With resources you would have to declare a list of all the resource.. time it's pretty easy. With resources you would have to declare a list of all the resource IDs that might be used and compute an index into the the list. This is kind of awkward and introduces opportunities for error if the set of resources changes..
Cardio graph for android finally if c null mSurfaceHolder.unlockCanvasAndPost c synchronized this Optional but saves battery life. You may compute the value to match a given max framerate.. this.wait SOME_DELAY_IN_MS Where mSurfaceHolder is obtained by calling yourSurfaceView.getHolder..
How to draw waveform of Android's music player? how one could go about doing this. It seems I should somehow access the streaming data of the background music and compute the samples in real time but I have no idea how to get the streaming data. I think I can display the wave form by following..
Store orientation to an array - and compare similar to the newly measured Obviously the second array is similar to the newly measured and the first is not. Let's compute the cost matrices according to this paper subsection 2.1 D i j Dist i j MIN D i 1 j D i j 1 D i 1 j 1 Here D i j is the.. cost matrix see below. Check Figure 3 of that paper to see this recurrence relation is applied. In short columns are computed first starting from D 1 1 D 0 and D 0 are left out in the MIN. If we are comparing arrays A and B then Dist i j is the.. are using acceleration data you have 3 dimensional vectors at each time point the x y z coordinates. I would simply compute Dist i j SQRT A i X B j X ^2 A i Y B j Y ^2 A i Z B j Z ^2 that is the Eucledian distance between the two points. share..
Android Bitmap Limit - Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory mem limit checking. But it's still my app that crashes resulting in bad reviews returns and lower sales. So I have to compute the limit myself. Except that I've struggled here. I tried adding up the pixels myself EpicPixels but I still hit the memcrash..
Android: How to get accurate altitude? the altitude data. I used a circular array data structure to remember the last few I used 4 altitude readings and compute the average. This sufficed to get a relatively accurate reading of vertical speed for my application. share improve this..
Passing Array to rsForEach in Renderscript Compute Array to rsForEach in Renderscript Compute I found there's lacking good documentation in RenderScript for what I know forEach in RS is to execute the root for each..
How to center the camera so that marker is at the bottom of screen? (Google map api V2 Android) LatLng method. This gives you the location of the marker on the device's display in pixels . Compute the location of a point New Point that's above Point M by half of the map's height. Convert the New Point back to LatLng..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer nextNextSection nSections baseAdapter.getPositionForSection nextNextSection nextIndex nextNextSection nextSection Compute the beginning and ending scroll range percentage of the currently visible letter. This could be equal to or greater than..
iptables in android __u32 dst_addr __u8 zero __u8 proto __u16 length pseudohead long checksum unsigned short addr unsigned int count Compute Internet Checksum for count bytes beginning at location addr . register long sum 0 while count 1 This is the inner loop..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? @Override public void onDraw Canvas canvas super.onDraw canvas Draw background. canvas.drawBitmap bgr 0 0 null Compute roughly ball speed and location. Y int dY Increase or decrease vertical position. if Y screenH ballH dY 1 dY Reverse speed.. value for the background's position. if bgrScroll dBgrY bgrW bgrScroll 0 reverseBackroundFirst reverseBackroundFirst Compute roughly the ball's speed and location. if ballFingerMove ballY int dY Increase or decrease vertical position. if ballY..
Android image view matrix scale + translate matrix transformation . Problem is I can't get the image centered in the view scale is appropriate . Here is the code Compute the scale to choose this works float scaleX float displayWidth float imageWidth float scaleY float displayHeight float imageHeight.. 0 0.5f float displayWidth minScale imageWidth float ty Math.max 0 0.5f float displayHeight minScale imageHeight Compute the matrix Matrix m new Matrix m.reset Middle of the image should be the scale pivot m.postScale minScale imageWidth 2 imageHeight..
How to crop Bitmap Center like imageview? [duplicate] Bitmap source int newHeight int newWidth int sourceWidth source.getWidth int sourceHeight source.getHeight Compute the scaling factors to fit the new height and width respectively. To cover the final image the final scaling will be the..