android Programming Glossary: complaint
How to tell if Proguard has done its job know where my proguard installation was but there was no complaint. Indeed a new apk file appeared in my keystore and a set of..
PopupWindow not triggering sytem context dialog on EditText long-press on Freelancer and I almost have it finished except for a complaint from the customer after some testing. I use a PopupWindow in..
Embedding ads on Android app? that my users would be upset but I have not received one complaint from over 500 000 active installations. The only permission.. because in my experience it is more lucrative. My only complaint is the wait time on payouts. As an Android developer when I..
Streaming to the Android MediaPlayer stoked the Android Media Player kept consuming it without complaint. Playing audio only required one request and response. It ended..
Android “Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.” then touching it in run and it doesn't give me this complaint. So is there an obvious mistake here I'm new to both Android..
Unable to write files on sdcard android what exactly happens Do you mean the program runs without complaint but the file doesn't get written to the sdcard or do you mean..
Android Fragments. Retaining an AsyncTask during screen rotation or configuration change code is working fine I have around 10.000 users without complaint so it seemed logical to just copy this logic into the new Fragment..
How to tell if Proguard has done its job fully expecting eclipse to complain that it didn't know where my proguard installation was but there was no complaint. Indeed a new apk file appeared in my keystore and a set of files dump.txt etc appeared in my app's proguard subdirectory...
PopupWindow not triggering sytem context dialog on EditText long-press Sorry if the title was a bit vague. I'm developing an app on Freelancer and I almost have it finished except for a complaint from the customer after some testing. I use a PopupWindow in place of a dialog to edit contextual settings if that makes..
Embedding ads on Android app? Adsense . I was wary when I first implemented ads thinking that my users would be upset but I have not received one complaint from over 500 000 active installations. The only permission that you need to ad for either ad SDK to work is the android.permission.INTERNET.. almost identical between the two but I am sticking with Adsense because in my experience it is more lucrative. My only complaint is the wait time on payouts. As an Android developer when I sell an application I receive the money for that sale in my..
Streaming to the Android MediaPlayer inline filename xxxxx.mp3 r n r n As long as I kept the pipe stoked the Android Media Player kept consuming it without complaint. Playing audio only required one request and response. It ended up working pretty well. android http stream media player..
Android “Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.” here as I'm doing with the SeekBar creating the view in onCreate then touching it in run and it doesn't give me this complaint. So is there an obvious mistake here I'm new to both Android and Java so I won't be surprised if it's something dumb. android..
Unable to write files on sdcard android improve this question When you say it doesn't work .... what exactly happens Do you mean the program runs without complaint but the file doesn't get written to the sdcard or do you mean something else If the file is simply not getting there it's..
Android Fragments. Retaining an AsyncTask during screen rotation or configuration change deny entry or launch new Login Succesful Activity This code is working fine I have around 10.000 users without complaint so it seemed logical to just copy this logic into the new Fragment Based Design but of course it isnt working. Here is the..