android Programming Glossary: conexion.getcontentlength
Access the http response headers in a WebView? of the file which is in the header of the request int size conexion.getContentLength and here if you want you can load the page normally String..
getContentLength() return -1 only in WiFi? conexion url.openConnection conexion.connect int poids conexion.getContentLength java android apache share improve this question It may..
Android - Download all files from a folder on server url.openConnection conexion.connect int lenghtOfFile conexion.getContentLength InputStream is url.openStream File testDirectory new File..
Problem with downloading multiple files using AsyncTask int lenghtOfFile conexion.getContentLength Log.d ANDRO_ASYNC Lenght of file lenghtOfFile InputStream input..
FileOutputStream throws FileNotFoundException when UnZipping url.openConnection conexion.connect int lenghtOfFile conexion.getContentLength File f new File Path FileName if f.exists f.mkdirs if f.createNewFile..
how to play audio file from server in android you can show a tipical 0 100 progress bar int lenghtOfFile conexion.getContentLength downlod the file InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream..
how to show progress bar status by percentage url.openConnection conexion.connect int lenghtOfFile conexion.getContentLength Log.d ANDRO_ASYNC Lenght of file lenghtOfFile InputStream input..
Access the http response headers in a WebView? 3000 conexion.connect get the size of the file which is in the header of the request int size conexion.getContentLength and here if you want you can load the page normally String htmlContent HttpGet httpGet new HttpGet urlConection this receives..
getContentLength() return -1 only in WiFi? to get the length My code is URL url new URL file URLConnection conexion url.openConnection conexion.connect int poids conexion.getContentLength java android apache share improve this question It may well be the mobile network changing things for you. For example..
Android - Download all files from a folder on server new URL http Folder file.csv URLConnection conexion url.openConnection conexion.connect int lenghtOfFile conexion.getContentLength InputStream is url.openStream File testDirectory new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory Folder if testDirectory.exists..
Problem with downloading multiple files using AsyncTask url.openConnection conexion.connect File root android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory int lenghtOfFile conexion.getContentLength Log.d ANDRO_ASYNC Lenght of file lenghtOfFile InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream OutputStream output..
FileOutputStream throws FileNotFoundException when UnZipping params try URL url new URL params 0 URLConnection conexion url.openConnection conexion.connect int lenghtOfFile conexion.getContentLength File f new File Path FileName if f.exists f.mkdirs if f.createNewFile f.delete f.createNewFile InputStream input..
how to play audio file from server in android conexion.connect this will be useful so that you can show a tipical 0 100 progress bar int lenghtOfFile conexion.getContentLength downlod the file InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream OutputStream output new FileOutputStream sdcard..
how to show progress bar status by percentage aurl int count try URL url new URL aurl 0 URLConnection conexion url.openConnection conexion.connect int lenghtOfFile conexion.getContentLength Log.d ANDRO_ASYNC Lenght of file lenghtOfFile InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream OutputStream output..