android Programming Glossary: complexobject
Custom ListView and context menu. How to get it? super.onCreate savedInstanceState setListAdapter new ComplexObjectAdapter this R.layout.item getComplexObjects registerForContextMenu.. new ComplexObjectAdapter this R.layout.item getComplexObjects registerForContextMenu getListView private List getComplexObjects.. registerForContextMenu getListView private List getComplexObjects List ComplexObject list new ArrayList ComplexObject list.add..
Custom ListView and context menu. How to get it? created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setListAdapter new ComplexObjectAdapter this R.layout.item getComplexObjects registerForContextMenu getListView private List getComplexObjects List ComplexObject.. savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setListAdapter new ComplexObjectAdapter this R.layout.item getComplexObjects registerForContextMenu getListView private List getComplexObjects List ComplexObject list new ArrayList ComplexObject.. new ComplexObjectAdapter this R.layout.item getComplexObjects registerForContextMenu getListView private List getComplexObjects List ComplexObject list new ArrayList ComplexObject list.add new ComplexObject 1 1 getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.icon..