android Programming Glossary: compressed
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen A higher quality lossy JPEG may look better than a highly compressed lossless PNG for the same file size Add labels to your images..
Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder fos.flush fos.close ois.close is.close now I have an uncompressed file and I can use it without worrying about the error This.. file can not be opened as a file descriptor it is probably compressed This function works well with files smaller than 1M with bigger.. folder on the phone. As an added bonus the APK is properly compressed. The chunk files are called 1.db 2.db etc. The code goes like..
How can I Zip and Unzip a string using GZIPOutputStream that is compatible with .Net? os gos.write str.getBytes gos.close os.close byte compressed new byte 4 os.toByteArray .length System.arraycopy blockcopy.. byte 4 os.toByteArray .length System.arraycopy blockcopy 0 compressed 0 4 System.arraycopy os.toByteArray 0 compressed 4 os.toByteArray.. 0 compressed 0 4 System.arraycopy os.toByteArray 0 compressed 4 os.toByteArray .length return Base64.encode compressed public..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen over PNG which is significant if your app is image intensive A higher quality lossy JPEG may look better than a highly compressed lossless PNG for the same file size Add labels to your images and graphics for debugging Use the supports screens element..
Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder is byte data byte ois.readObject fos.write data fos.flush fos.close ois.close is.close now I have an uncompressed file and I can use it without worrying about the error This file can not be opened as a file descriptor it is probably compressed.. file and I can use it without worrying about the error This file can not be opened as a file descriptor it is probably compressed This function works well with files smaller than 1M with bigger files return an on line ObjectInputStream.. chunks and on the first run I join the chunks into a data folder on the phone. As an added bonus the APK is properly compressed. The chunk files are called 1.db 2.db etc. The code goes like this File Path Ctxt.getDir Data 0 File DBFile new File Path..
How can I Zip and Unzip a string using GZIPOutputStream that is compatible with .Net? str.length GZIPOutputStream gos new GZIPOutputStream os gos.write str.getBytes gos.close os.close byte compressed new byte 4 os.toByteArray .length System.arraycopy blockcopy 0 compressed 0 4 System.arraycopy os.toByteArray 0 compressed.. str.getBytes gos.close os.close byte compressed new byte 4 os.toByteArray .length System.arraycopy blockcopy 0 compressed 0 4 System.arraycopy os.toByteArray 0 compressed 4 os.toByteArray .length return Base64.encode compressed public static.. new byte 4 os.toByteArray .length System.arraycopy blockcopy 0 compressed 0 4 System.arraycopy os.toByteArray 0 compressed 4 os.toByteArray .length return Base64.encode compressed public static String decompress String zipText throws IOException..