android Programming Glossary: conclusion
How to programatically answer/end a call in Android 4.1? apps from broadcasting Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON . So my conclusion is that currently there is no way how we can achieve this in..
Way to parse XML (org.w3c.Document) on Android vs Android XML API I can't quite find the link now . The conclusion was that DOM was by far the slowest and SAX was top but not..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android about what they actually mean that only results in a vague conclusion. Note we now have much more extensive documentation on Managing..
How can I change the background of Android alert dialogs? They came to the same conclusion here . A custom dialog class derived from AlertDialog that calls..
How to Set Recurring AlarmManager to execute code daily use setRepeating int long long PendingIntent instead. In conclusion it's not very clear. The docs only say that the alarm may vary..
How to layout a 'grid' of images in the center of the screen complete space isn't available on the spot. In the end the conclusion is that I don't want to calculate the size of the images and..
TelephonyManager.getLine1Number() failing? question We had the same problem in our project. The conclusion was that it depends on the SIM card. What happened to us Galaxy..
Why is it impossible to use the Speech Recorder on the Android emulator? of the same problem without any working solution. My conclusion is that for some strange reason the Android emulator is capable..
Benefit of using Parcelable instead of serializing object mechanism It turns out that the Android team came to the conclusion that the serialization in Java is far too slow to satisfy Android..
Android: ClassNotFoundException when passing serializable object to Activity share improve this question Finally reached a conclusion on this issue it was being caused by Proguard or more specifically..
android compass seems unreliable functionality on the Android platform. I have come to the conclusion that anyone that depends on an Android compass application is..
Avoid Android VideoView corruption when rotating back to portrait https sh xn0iupigj3494k5 cKnU8NE KP My conclusion I did not need to overide the onConfigurationChanged in the..
Problem to load flv video in webview and the video must be co located on the sdcard. My only conclusion is that the assets folder is off limits to the embedded plugin..
Android ACTION_MOVE Threshold in part with the post by @passsy but come to a different conclusion. Firstly as mentioned the mTouchSlop is the value that we are.. crosshairs from the Android OS do not move. From this our conclusion is that the minimal drag distance is being enforced at the OS.. chance that a tap will be interpreted as a stroke. Our own conclusion is that this minimum distance is not something that can be changed..
Android WebView VS Phone Browser javascript errors... but nothing worked. So I got to the conclusion that the WebView component is completely different from the..
Display fragment viewpager within a fragment . Some research has led me to the conclusion that the system is unable display fragments within another fragment..
How do I build the Android SDK with hidden and internal APIs available? question I have done some investigating into this and my conclusion is simply This cannot be done without quite a bit of work. Read.. stubs that is then generated does not compile at all. My conclusion by now is that this is simply not feasible. The stubs generated..
Android HoneyComb DatePicker Text Color Theme.SelectDate That's it My Working Out I came to this conclusion by checking the DatePicker source https android platform_frameworks_base..
When exactly is it leak safe to use (anonymous) inner classes? an Activity imagine how much worse it would have been. Conclusion These list the primarily known dangers of using these objects..
Full webpage and disabled zoom viewport meta tag for all mobile browsers 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 width device width user scalable no Conclusion You can use some fairly simple JS to set the content accordingly..
Android set image as wallpaper e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace Conclusion If i put the below codes above my onCreate my whole project..
Android: Which response code does in-app billing V3 return upon timeout? to get a buy intent from the IAB V3 without connectivity. Conclusion The In App Billing Service V3 appears to work with an internal..
Perspective Projection in Android in an augmented reality application want 0 w and 0 h instead. X w 2 and Y h 2 Problem solved. Conclusion I hope this will answer your questions. I'll stay near if it..
start android application info screen startActivityForResult intent INSTALLED_APP_DETAILS Conclusion you can start the application info screen like this i wrote..
How to install trusted CA certificate on Android device? to this I need Android to see StartSSL certificates . Conclusion Android 2.1 and 2.2 allow you to import certificates but only..
64-bit Eclipse won't install .apk on Android emulator bit Eclipse still won't install .apk on Android emulator. Conclusion Google is absolutely correct in stating that Android is not..
Android: failed to allocate memory 2048 MB will work as well but with the same results as 3. Conclusion Adding 'MB' as noted in some of the comments below may allow..
Multiple screen resolution will look exactly the same on every screen resolution . Conclusion If you need to set some constant width height for your Views..
How to programatically answer/end a call in Android 4.1? till Android 4.1 after which android has restricted user apps from broadcasting Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON . So my conclusion is that currently there is no way how we can achieve this in Android 4.1 or later. Has anybody else found any other solution..
Way to parse XML (org.w3c.Document) on Android maybe 2 months ago I saw a chart benchmarking DOM vs SAX vs Android XML API I can't quite find the link now . The conclusion was that DOM was by far the slowest and SAX was top but not by a huge margin over Android's XML implementation. share improve..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android with other engineers there is always a long discussion about what they actually mean that only results in a vague conclusion. Note we now have much more extensive documentation on Managing Your App's Memory that covers much of the material here..
How can I change the background of Android alert dialogs? public Builder Context context this context They came to the same conclusion here . A custom dialog class derived from AlertDialog that calls the protected constructor AlertDialog context
How to Set Recurring AlarmManager to execute code daily alarm may vary. If your application demands very low jitter use setRepeating int long long PendingIntent instead. In conclusion it's not very clear. The docs only say that the alarm may vary . However it should be important for you to know that the..
How to layout a 'grid' of images in the center of the screen change for speed but the way the screen is build the complete space isn't available on the spot. In the end the conclusion is that I don't want to calculate the size of the images and then scale them accordingly I think it's better to say how..
TelephonyManager.getLine1Number() failing? wrong with my SIM android phone number share improve this question We had the same problem in our project. The conclusion was that it depends on the SIM card. What happened to us Galaxy S with AT T SIM card can read phone number Settings shows..
Why is it impossible to use the Speech Recorder on the Android emulator? and I combed the entire Internet and I found many reports of the same problem without any working solution. My conclusion is that for some strange reason the Android emulator is capable of using the Windows audio device for output but not for..
Benefit of using Parcelable instead of serializing object why is Android not using the built in Java serialization mechanism It turns out that the Android team came to the conclusion that the serialization in Java is far too slow to satisfy Android ™s interprocess communication requirements. So the team..
Android: ClassNotFoundException when passing serializable object to Activity 2.2 Google G1 Android 1.5 Any new ideas java android exception share improve this question Finally reached a conclusion on this issue it was being caused by Proguard or more specifically because I didn't have a propper Proguard configuration...
android compass seems unreliable the almost utter uselessness of any kind of compass functionality on the Android platform. I have come to the conclusion that anyone that depends on an Android compass application is asking for trouble none of them work reliably and it is not..
Avoid Android VideoView corruption when rotating back to portrait to check if this was the case Rotating Video Stream Example https sh xn0iupigj3494k5 cKnU8NE KP My conclusion I did not need to overide the onConfigurationChanged in the activity to display the video correct in both portrait and landscape..
Problem to load flv video in webview get video to play from the local device a static html file and the video must be co located on the sdcard. My only conclusion is that the assets folder is off limits to the embedded plugin for security reasons. if Environment.getExternalStorageState..
Android ACTION_MOVE Threshold threshold share improve this question I agree in part with the post by @passsy but come to a different conclusion. Firstly as mentioned the mTouchSlop is the value that we are interested in and is exposed via ViewConfiguration.get context.. register as a motion event highlighted by the fact that the crosshairs from the Android OS do not move. From this our conclusion is that the minimal drag distance is being enforced at the OS level and your application will never be aware of drag events.. setting TOUCH_SLOP to a smaller value will increase the chance that a tap will be interpreted as a stroke. Our own conclusion is that this minimum distance is not something that can be changed in practice and is something we need to live with. share..
Android WebView VS Phone Browser I had set the WebChromeClient and WebViewClient looking for javascript errors... but nothing worked. So I got to the conclusion that the WebView component is completely different from the Browser application installed on the phones. I'm thinking that..
Display fragment viewpager within a fragment java.lang.IllegalStateException Recursive entry to executePendingTransactions . Some research has led me to the conclusion that the system is unable display fragments within another fragment HOWEVER there seems to be some indication that it is..
How do I build the Android SDK with hidden and internal APIs available? android android sdk 2.3 android source share improve this question I have done some investigating into this and my conclusion is simply This cannot be done without quite a bit of work. Read the rest of this answer for details on what I have found... This is quite trivial and I have tried this however the stubs that is then generated does not compile at all. My conclusion by now is that this is simply not feasible. The stubs generated if you remove the part of DroidDoc that detect hidden annotations..
Android HoneyComb DatePicker Text Color android screenOrientation portrait android theme @style Theme.SelectDate That's it My Working Out I came to this conclusion by checking the DatePicker source https android platform_frameworks_base blob master core res res layout date_picker.xml..
When exactly is it leak safe to use (anonymous) inner classes? an outer class of any type. If that outer class had been an Activity imagine how much worse it would have been. Conclusion These list the primarily known dangers of using these objects inappropriately. In general this post should have covered..
Full webpage and disabled zoom viewport meta tag for all mobile browsers . meta name viewport content initial scale 1.0 minimum scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 width device width user scalable no Conclusion You can use some fairly simple JS to set the content accordingly after some basic browser device detection. I know this..
Android set image as wallpaper try myWallpaperManager.setResource catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace Conclusion If i put the below codes above my onCreate my whole project will not run. Bundle bundle getIntent .getExtras String imageUrls..
Android: Which response code does in-app billing V3 return upon timeout? Hartok sees a blank GP purchase screen It's not a problem to get a buy intent from the IAB V3 without connectivity. Conclusion The In App Billing Service V3 appears to work with an internal cache and a server connection timeout of 20 seconds. For..
Perspective Projection in Android in an augmented reality application between w 2 w 2 for X and h 2 h 2 for Y but you probably want 0 w and 0 h instead. X w 2 and Y h 2 Problem solved. Conclusion I hope this will answer your questions. I'll stay near if it needs editions. Bye Self promotion Alert I actually made some..
start android application info screen mCurrentPkgName start new activity to display extended information startActivityForResult intent INSTALLED_APP_DETAILS Conclusion you can start the application info screen like this i wrote private static final String SCHEME package private static final..
How to install trusted CA certificate on Android device? this question I spent a lot of time trying to find an answer to this I need Android to see StartSSL certificates . Conclusion Android 2.1 and 2.2 allow you to import certificates but only for use with WiFi and VPN. There is no user interface for..
64-bit Eclipse won't install .apk on Android emulator even invoke SDK Manager.exe automatically for you . But 64 bit Eclipse still won't install .apk on Android emulator. Conclusion Google is absolutely correct in stating that Android is not supported yet under 64 bit Windows. The fact that some geniuses..
Android: failed to allocate memory 4.1 armeabi v7 emulator with Property 'Device ram size' 2048 MB will work as well but with the same results as 3. Conclusion Adding 'MB' as noted in some of the comments below may allow your device to be launched however it doesn't actually have..
Multiple screen resolution to the screen resolution and by this way your Views Layouts will look exactly the same on every screen resolution . Conclusion If you need to set some constant width height for your Views Layouts always set value in px in layout file i.e xml and then..