android Programming Glossary: concept
Full webpage and disabled zoom viewport meta tag for all mobile browsers keywords yes no don't work in 4.x . iOS Safari also has no concept of target densitydpi so you should leave that out to avoid errors...
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? levels edited As I pointed in the comment below that was a concept and you can download the class I'm using from my Google Drive..
Steps to create APK expansion file Remember Free app doesnt require Licensing but Expansion concept required you just need not to bother by giving reference of..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen Android graphics even Programmer must know the designing concept. android android layout design screen share improve this.. drawable xlarge v11 and more qualifier with Smallest width concept SW drawable sw dp Further more in Android V3.0 Honeycomb they.. Further more in Android V3.0 Honeycomb they introduced new concept of SW smallest width in which device are categorized into screen..
Caching images and displaying Android JSON Parse Images and Texts Tutorial and the concept knowledge shared by Raghunandan down below. Please go through..
Dynamically changing the fragments inside a fragment tab host? android share improve this question Basic concept We can achieve this by creating a container. Each tab will be..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? and the development tools co mingled in one setup. This concept did not catch on much outside of language extensions to apps..
Open another application from your own (intent) android intent share improve this question Firstly the concept of application in Android is slightly an extended one. An application..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog a background service and it is based on the ResultReceiver concept shown above. This is how the whole code would look like... The..
Using Alarmmanager to start a service at specific time it working. Though i still cant understand why the date concept and the Calendar non GregorianCalendar object which i have mentioned..
Common class for AsyncTask in Android? use a callback interface. Here is a simple example of this concept interface AsyncTaskCompleteListener T public void onTaskComplete..
Why are these permissions being refused? much appreciate it if you could actually explain me this concept in a couple of lines instead of pointing me to the regular permissions..
creating a system overlay (always on top) button in android stays on top of all the windows all the time. The proof of concept is here Smart Taskbar on AppBrain and here V1.4.0 Sidebar style..
Integration ZXing library directly into my Android application to make a standalone barcode scanner as a proof of concept to an Android 1.6 phone. For this i've discovered the ZXing..
How to store hashmap so that it can be retained it value after a device reboot? after the mobile restart. Any idea how to go about this concept. android share improve this question serialize your hashmap..
Find an external SD card location it may differ from device to device Android has no concept of external SD aside from external storage as described above...
Pros and Cons of SQLite and Shared Preferences
Best way to manage the ProgressDialog from AsyncTask change my Activity use MockBusinessDAO sort of Spring's DI concept like this public class MyActivity extends Activity IBusinessDAO..
Full webpage and disabled zoom viewport meta tag for all mobile browsers as expected you can disable scaling with user scalable 0 keywords yes no don't work in 4.x . iOS Safari also has no concept of target densitydpi so you should leave that out to avoid errors. You don't need min and max since you can switch off zooming..
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? after all but I don't know. Compatibility with previous API levels edited As I pointed in the comment below that was a concept and you can download the class I'm using from my Google Drive account . I took a few assumptions button names etc. that..
Steps to create APK expansion file play_apk_expansion from the path sdk path extras google Remember Free app doesnt require Licensing but Expansion concept required you just need not to bother by giving reference of market_licensing to your project it will implicitly manage...
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen From my knowledge what I understood is that for designing Android graphics even Programmer must know the designing concept. android android layout design screen share improve this question Finally created a structure which handle layouts and.. qualifier with Screen size and Version drawable large v11 drawable xlarge v11 and more qualifier with Smallest width concept SW drawable sw dp Further more in Android V3.0 Honeycomb they introduced new concept of SW smallest width in which device.. qualifier with Smallest width concept SW drawable sw dp Further more in Android V3.0 Honeycomb they introduced new concept of SW smallest width in which device are categorized into screen width so if we are creating a folder named drawable sw360dp..
Caching images and displaying help of the link shared by Pankaj https AndroidBegin Android JSON Parse Images and Texts Tutorial and the concept knowledge shared by Raghunandan down below. Please go through these answers for a detailed explanation as well as implementation..
Dynamically changing the fragments inside a fragment tab host? replacing fragments inside tabs if any solution greatly appreciated... android share improve this question Basic concept We can achieve this by creating a container. Each tab will be assigned with a specific container. Now when we need a new..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? environments like Hypercard and Smalltalk had the application and the development tools co mingled in one setup. This concept did not catch on much outside of language extensions to apps e.g. VBA in Excel LISP in AutoCAD . Developers who came up..
Open another application from your own (intent) 1996 ms total 1996 ms android android intent share improve this question Firstly the concept of application in Android is slightly an extended one. An application technically a process can have multiple activities..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog time ago. It basically helps you run pieces of code in a background service and it is based on the ResultReceiver concept shown above. This is how the whole code would look like... The activity where you are showing the dialog... public class..
Using Alarmmanager to start a service at specific time from Pentium10 's question on the same topic i managed to get it working. Though i still cant understand why the date concept and the Calendar non GregorianCalendar object which i have mentioned in the question are not working correctly. Calendar..
Common class for AsyncTask in Android? A clean way to use AsyncTask to get a result would be to use a callback interface. Here is a simple example of this concept interface AsyncTaskCompleteListener T public void onTaskComplete T result then in your B class class B implements AsyncTaskCompleteListener..
Why are these permissions being refused? android system that advanced that it understands code I would much appreciate it if you could actually explain me this concept in a couple of lines instead of pointing me to the regular permissions and security documentations. I have read through..
creating a system overlay (always on top) button in android to create an always op top button clickable image which stays on top of all the windows all the time. The proof of concept is here Smart Taskbar on AppBrain and here V1.4.0 Sidebar style SWKey Button savior on xda developers I was following sample..
Integration ZXing library directly into my Android application I'm writing this in mere desperation I've been assigned to make a standalone barcode scanner as a proof of concept to an Android 1.6 phone. For this i've discovered the ZXing library. I've googled read related topics here on StackOverflow..
How to store hashmap so that it can be retained it value after a device reboot? object in global class so that it will store value even after the mobile restart. Any idea how to go about this concept. android share improve this question serialize your hashmap object before restarting and deserialize it after restart.....
Find an external SD card location is about external SD. How to get a path like mnt sdcard external_sd it may differ from device to device Android has no concept of external SD aside from external storage as described above. If a device manufacturer has elected to have external storage..
Pros and Cons of SQLite and Shared Preferences
Best way to manage the ProgressDialog from AsyncTask want to test the UI layout for this situation I can easily change my Activity use MockBusinessDAO sort of Spring's DI concept like this public class MyActivity extends Activity IBusinessDAO businessDAO ... ... private class MyAsyncTask extends AsyncTask..