android Programming Glossary: concerned
Override Power button just like Home button of message propagation this message will notify all concerned parties of this action. Because this message is sent by the..
Fitting a camera preview to a SurfaceView larger than the display .height while parent is catch Exception e I am concerned that the only way to succeed in this endeavor is to somehow..
DB File in Assets Folder. Will it be Updated? old file from the project and add the new one . What I'm concerned about is Will the old db file gets deleted that's what I want..
Face Recognition on Android class or put a FaceRecognizer into. You should only be concerned about the get as the Pointer is filled by the method creating..
How to convert pcm samples in byte array as floating point numbers in the range -1.0 to 1.0 and back? words it will work fine except in the case where you are concerned about ultimate sound quality. Since you are going to 8kHz I..
What resolution should my Android splash screens be? Nexus one they're both hdpi resources as far as Android is concerned and I don't know exactly how large my splash screen should be..
Should I learn Java before learning Android [closed] with cross threading UI operations. As far as they're concerned something has gone wrong. Every step is painful when you don't..
Using awt with android the UI is minimal and can be rewritten for Android I am concerned about the actual drawing code which calls Graphics2D from many..
converting a canvas into bitmap image in android Advice depends upon what you are trying to do. If you are concerned that your controls take a long time to draw and you want to..
Getting decibel from an android microphone obvious that anyone should be able to do it and were more concerned with getting their conversion algorithms correct. Does anyone..
Concise way of writing new DialogPreference classes? the DialogPreference class. However I'm getting a bit concerned at the amount of boiler plate code that is needed for this as..
ViewHolder pattern correctly implemented in custom CursorAdapter? to use a ViewHolder in this case. However if you are still concerned about efficiency then take a look at the SimpleCursorAdapter..
Unicode support for android The latter requires both a proper font for the script concerned and a complex text rendering engine which applies rules embedded..
Removing unused strings during ProGuard optimisation about the StringBuilder class. As far as ProGuard is concerned it could say new DatabaseBuilder .setup MyDatabase .initialize..
IllegalArgumentException: No view found for id for fragment when fast switching ActionBar Tabs on the web of anyone else having the same issue so I am concerned that I may be doing something that's not supported. Again what..
ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED firing like crazy context myAWM myAWM.getAppWidgetIds cn And I'm getting concerned because as soon as I drop the widget onto my homescreen it begins..
getHeight returns 0 for all Android UI objects they technically don't exist as far as the ViewGroup is concerned their dimensions are 0. In long you can go here for a better..
Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling want to record the live audio and play it.As far as UI is concerned the app just has three buttons and one for starting the recording..
Android compatibility contextual action bar up the 'regular' ActionBar items as far as the XML is concerned. This example in the developer's guide explains it all . In..
Override Power button just like Home button as a broadcast action . Following the publish subscribe pattern of message propagation this message will notify all concerned parties of this action. Because this message is sent by the system because the message stack is managed by the system and..
Fitting a camera preview to a SurfaceView larger than the display holder child is mHolder.getSurfaceFrame .width mHolder.getSurfaceFrame .height while parent is catch Exception e I am concerned that the only way to succeed in this endeavor is to somehow render to an openGL surface but this apparently might be too..
DB File in Assets Folder. Will it be Updated? the db.sqlite will be replaced be a new db I'll delete the old file from the project and add the new one . What I'm concerned about is Will the old db file gets deleted that's what I want replacing the old one with the new one Why ask Because when..
Face Recognition on Android value So you can either get a FaceRecognizer from this class or put a FaceRecognizer into. You should only be concerned about the get as the Pointer is filled by the method creating the concrete FaceRecognizer algorithm @Namespace cv public..
How to convert pcm samples in byte array as floating point numbers in the range -1.0 to 1.0 and back? This is more than good enough for government work . In other words it will work fine except in the case where you are concerned about ultimate sound quality. Since you are going to 8kHz I think we have established that's not the case so his answer..
What resolution should my Android splash screens be? supposed to configure different splash screens for Droid Nexus one they're both hdpi resources as far as Android is concerned and I don't know exactly how large my splash screen should be in any case. How tall is the OS title bar menu in Droid N1..
Should I learn Java before learning Android [closed] how method arguments are passed and having difficulty with cross threading UI operations. As far as they're concerned something has gone wrong. Every step is painful when you don't have a solid foundation. Aside from anything as boring as..
Using awt with android clear I am not too worried about the Swing UI side of things the UI is minimal and can be rewritten for Android I am concerned about the actual drawing code which calls Graphics2D from many places. android graphics awt share improve this question..
converting a canvas into bitmap image in android bitmap android canvas share improve this question Advice depends upon what you are trying to do. If you are concerned that your controls take a long time to draw and you want to draw to a bitmap so you can blit the bitmap rather than re drawing..
Getting decibel from an android microphone I have found that discussed it treated it like something SO obvious that anyone should be able to do it and were more concerned with getting their conversion algorithms correct. Does anyone know how to do this android microphone decibel share improve..
Concise way of writing new DialogPreference classes? writing some custom preference dialogs in Android by extending the DialogPreference class. However I'm getting a bit concerned at the amount of boiler plate code that is needed for this as there appears to be a lot of behaviour to test. For instance..
ViewHolder pattern correctly implemented in custom CursorAdapter? the created view is actually reused. Thus there's no need to use a ViewHolder in this case. However if you are still concerned about efficiency then take a look at the SimpleCursorAdapter implementation which uses a WeakHashMap a map of WeakReferences..
Unicode support for android in a way that can be read properly are whole different things. The latter requires both a proper font for the script concerned and a complex text rendering engine which applies rules embedded in the font to display text properly. In Windows this is..
Removing unused strings during ProGuard optimisation tricky to simplify this without some deeper knowledge about the StringBuilder class. As far as ProGuard is concerned it could say new DatabaseBuilder .setup MyDatabase .initialize table .close For a human the StringBuilder code can obviously..
IllegalArgumentException: No view found for id for fragment when fast switching ActionBar Tabs for id 0x... for fragment ... I have not found any other case on the web of anyone else having the same issue so I am concerned that I may be doing something that's not supported. Again what I am trying to do is use 3 different layouts in one Activity..
ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED firing like crazy cn new ComponentName context AirWidget.class onUpdate context myAWM myAWM.getAppWidgetIds cn And I'm getting concerned because as soon as I drop the widget onto my homescreen it begins firing off about 100 of those Log calls a second saying..
getHeight returns 0 for all Android UI objects are not built yet in onCreate onStart or onResume . Since they technically don't exist as far as the ViewGroup is concerned their dimensions are 0. In long you can go here for a better explanation on how to handle it. How do you to retrieve dimensions..
Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling and Playing in Android and Thread callback handling I want to record the live audio and play it.As far as UI is concerned the app just has three buttons and one for starting the recording and streaming it one for playing a pre recorded file and..
Android compatibility contextual action bar Setting up contextual actionbar is the same to setting up the 'regular' ActionBar items as far as the XML is concerned. This example in the developer's guide explains it all . In order to use ActionBarSherlock replace the default Android callbacks..