android Programming Glossary: condensed
How to change fontFamily of TextView in Android serif light roboto light android fontFamily sans serif condensed roboto condensed android fontFamily sans serif thin roboto thin.. light android fontFamily sans serif condensed roboto condensed android fontFamily sans serif thin roboto thin android 4.2 in..
Making a ListAdapter-recycleable Resizable View on creating a custom view that will have an expanded and condensed state in the condensed state it will just show a label and an.. view that will have an expanded and condensed state in the condensed state it will just show a label and an icon and in the expanded.. works so far The View itself retains size values for the condensed and expanded states once measured so it's simple to animate..
Use Roboto font in app with minimum API level 14
CSS fonts on Android gone completely in Android 2 . But League Gothic is quite condensed so I would like to specify a better fallback font for Android.. would be perfect http info droid sans condensed fonts But I can't find a definitive list of the default fonts..
How to change fontFamily of TextView in Android fontFamily sans serif roboto regular android fontFamily sans serif light roboto light android fontFamily sans serif condensed roboto condensed android fontFamily sans serif thin roboto thin android 4.2 in combination with android textStyle normal.. serif roboto regular android fontFamily sans serif light roboto light android fontFamily sans serif condensed roboto condensed android fontFamily sans serif thin roboto thin android 4.2 in combination with android textStyle normal bold italic this..
Making a ListAdapter-recycleable Resizable View a ListAdapter recycleable Resizable View I'm working on creating a custom view that will have an expanded and condensed state in the condensed state it will just show a label and an icon and in the expanded state it will show a message below.. Resizable View I'm working on creating a custom view that will have an expanded and condensed state in the condensed state it will just show a label and an icon and in the expanded state it will show a message below that. Here is a screenshot.. show a message below that. Here is a screenshot of how it works so far The View itself retains size values for the condensed and expanded states once measured so it's simple to animate between the two states and when using the view in normal practice..
Use Roboto font in app with minimum API level 14
CSS fonts on Android @font face isn't supported I read that @font face support is gone completely in Android 2 . But League Gothic is quite condensed so I would like to specify a better fallback font for Android than the default sans serif so the design doesn't completely.. so the design doesn't completely break. Something like this would be perfect http info droid sans condensed fonts But I can't find a definitive list of the default fonts that come with Android and the name I should use to reference..