android Programming Glossary: components
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? I get obfuscated code. However the names of Android components remain unchanged and some code like key values used in the app.. As per Proguard documentation the tool can't obfuscate components mentioned in the Manifest file. Now my questions are How can..
Can we delete an SMS in Android before it reaches the inbox? &mdash meaning that you can tell the system which components should receive the broadcast first. If you define an android..
ADT 22.2 New App Wizard: Unsupported template dependency: Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin Run Eclipse as administrator Re install the support components from the SDK extra folder and then restart Eclipse None of these..
How do I get the SharedPreferences from a PreferenceActivity in Android? Preferences The shared preferences can be used by all the components activities services etc of the applications. Activity handled.. the particular activity and can not be used by other components of the application. Shared Preferences The shared preferences.. The shared preferences can be used by other application components. But if you do not need to share the preferences with other..
Android: Download the Android SDK components for offline install Download the Android SDK components for offline install Is it possible to download the Android.. install Is it possible to download the Android SDK components for offline install without using the SDK Manager The problem..
Using a custom typeface in Android in one place to say that the whole application and all the components should use the custom typeface instead of the default one Thanks... in one place to say that the whole application and all the components should use the custom typeface instead of the default one Not..
How to prevent Custom Views from losing state across screen orientation changes for my main activity to save and restore certain critical components across screen orientation changes. But it seems my custom views..
What is the Android UiThread (UI thread) of your application code is run. All of your application components Activities Services ContentProviders BroadcastReceivers are..
Android: I am using AChartEngine library for graphs, but not able to integrate achartengine's graph view with android xml? placeholder for the chart. Of course other user interface components go together with this layout ChartDemo layout xy_chart.xml near..
How to delete an SMS from the inbox in Android programmatically? broadcast meaning that you can tell the system which components should receive the broadcast first. This means that you can..
Upgraded to SDK 2.3 - now no emulators have connectivity the upgrade for all API levels. I have all the necessary components I think I've tried to describe this problem in it's simplest..
Programmatically register a broadcast receiver this question It sounds like you want to control whether components published in your manifest are active not dynamically register.. to control whether these components are active http reference android content..
Android: How to declare global variables? state whether a user is logged in for example and components which are single instance application network manager for example..
Android, build openssl-fips-2.0 sdk android ndk Install GCC on Mac Xcode Preferences Components Command Line Tools install. Setup environment for build ANDROID_NDK_HOME..
Declaring a custom android UI element using XML Developer Guide has a section called Building Custom Components . Unfortunately the discussion of XML attributes only covers..
What is Context in Android? .getSharedPreferences name mode Accessing Components Implicitly Regarding content providers broadcasts intent getApplicationContext..
Customize DatePicker. Android
How to create a simple custom View? can I do a simple custom View According to Building Custom Components the View gets the size 100x100 if I don't override onMeasure..
How to get the Dimensions of a Drawable in an ImageView? exact dimensions of the Drawable to adjust the rest of my Components around it. coverImg.getHeight and coverImg.getMeasuredHeight..
Android SDK Manager Not Installing Components SDK Manager Not Installing Components Not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I installed the Android..
Asynchronous programming best practices subject please look at Layout Tricks Creating Reusable UI Components . Use strings This point is short but I think it is important..
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? an APK file generated using a signed keystore and Proguard I get obfuscated code. However the names of Android components remain unchanged and some code like key values used in the app remains unchanged. As per Proguard documentation the tool.. some code like key values used in the app remains unchanged. As per Proguard documentation the tool can't obfuscate components mentioned in the Manifest file. Now my questions are How can I completely avoid reverse engineering of an Android APK Is..
Can we delete an SMS in Android before it reaches the inbox? are delivered as an ordered broadcast &mdash meaning that you can tell the system which components should receive the broadcast first. If you define an android priority attribute on your SMS listening intent filter you..
ADT 22.2 New App Wizard: Unsupported template dependency: Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin solutions I found here like Run the SDK manager as administrator Run Eclipse as administrator Re install the support components from the SDK extra folder and then restart Eclipse None of these didn't work for me. Is there another solution android..
How do I get the SharedPreferences from a PreferenceActivity in Android? that needs to be stored specific to an activity. Shared Preferences The shared preferences can be used by all the components activities services etc of the applications. Activity handled preferences These preferences can only be used within the.. handled preferences These preferences can only be used within the particular activity and can not be used by other components of the application. Shared Preferences The shared preferences are managed with the help of getSharedPreferences method of.. the preference values from the file. Activity Preferences The shared preferences can be used by other application components. But if you do not need to share the preferences with other components and want to have activity private preferences you..
Android: Download the Android SDK components for offline install Download the Android SDK components for offline install Is it possible to download the Android SDK components for offline install without using the SDK Manager.. Download the Android SDK components for offline install Is it possible to download the Android SDK components for offline install without using the SDK Manager The problem is I am behind a firewall which I have no control over and..
Using a custom typeface in Android Setting a custom typeface Is there a way to do it from code in one place to say that the whole application and all the components should use the custom typeface instead of the default one Thanks. Codevalley xml android layout fonts share improve this..
How to prevent Custom Views from losing state across screen orientation changes successfully implemented onRetainNonConfigurationInstance for my main activity to save and restore certain critical components across screen orientation changes. But it seems my custom views are being re created from scratch when the orientation changes...
What is the Android UiThread (UI thread) thread of execution for your application. This is where most of your application code is run. All of your application components Activities Services ContentProviders BroadcastReceivers are created in this thread and any system calls to those applications..
Android: I am using AChartEngine library for graphs, but not able to integrate achartengine's graph view with android xml? descriptor .xml file we have defined the following as a placeholder for the chart. Of course other user interface components go together with this layout ChartDemo layout xy_chart.xml near Line 27 LinearLayout android id @ id chart android layout_width..
How to delete an SMS from the inbox in Android programmatically? are delivered as an ordered broadcast meaning that you can tell the system which components should receive the broadcast first. This means that you can intercept incoming message and abort broadcasting of it further..
Upgraded to SDK 2.3 - now no emulators have connectivity I upgraded and with those created from the command line after the upgrade for all API levels. I have all the necessary components I think I've tried to describe this problem in it's simplest terms by decoupling it from any reference to Eclipse and to..
Programmatically register a broadcast receiver you Kr Miloud B. android broadcastreceiver share improve this question It sounds like you want to control whether components published in your manifest are active not dynamically register a receiver via Context.registerReceiver while running. If.. while running. If so you can use PackageManager.setComponentEnabledSetting to control whether these components are active http reference android content pm PackageManager.html#setComponentEnabledSetting android.content.ComponentName..
Android: How to declare global variables? be a solution for storing temporary easily re creatable application state whether a user is logged in for example and components which are single instance application network manager for example NOT singleton in nature. Dayerman has been kind enough..
Android, build openssl-fips-2.0 FIPS 2.0 on Mac OS X 10.7 with android ndk r8 Install JDK android sdk android ndk Install GCC on Mac Xcode Preferences Components Command Line Tools install. Setup environment for build ANDROID_NDK_HOME is my android ndk folder export ANDROID_NDK ANDROID_NDK_HOME..
Declaring a custom android UI element using XML android user interface share improve this question The Android Developer Guide has a section called Building Custom Components . Unfortunately the discussion of XML attributes only covers declaring the control inside the layout file and not actually..
What is Context in Android? context.getSystemService LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE getApplicationContext .getSharedPreferences name mode Accessing Components Implicitly Regarding content providers broadcasts intent getApplicationContext .getContentResolver .query uri ... share..
Customize DatePicker. Android
How to create a simple custom View? but the application fails on start with Force Close . How can I do a simple custom View According to Building Custom Components the View gets the size 100x100 if I don't override onMeasure . public class MyView extends View public MyView Context context..
How to get the Dimensions of a Drawable in an ImageView? some point during the layout oder measure process i need the exact dimensions of the Drawable to adjust the rest of my Components around it. coverImg.getHeight and coverImg.getMeasuredHeight don't return the results that i need and if i use coverImg.getDrawable..
Android SDK Manager Not Installing Components SDK Manager Not Installing Components Not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I installed the Android SDK Manager and am now trying to install a platform like the..
Asynchronous programming best practices code. If you really want to look further on this particular subject please look at Layout Tricks Creating Reusable UI Components . Use strings This point is short but I think it is important to mention it. Another mistake that developers might do is..