android Programming Glossary: compound
Android SQLite performance in complex queries worse. Often you can have big performance gains by using compound multi column indexes. Note that on any given table SQLite cannot..
Why EditText in a custom compound view is re-using the text entered in another compound view instance? EditText in a custom compound view is re using the text entered in another compound view instance.. compound view is re using the text entered in another compound view instance I'm trying to write a custom compound view composed.. compound view instance I'm trying to write a custom compound view composed by a TextView and an EditText _compound_view.xml_..
Android - Writing a custom (compound) component Writing a custom compound component The Android app I'm currently developing has a main.. guide topics ui custom components.html#compound and scroll to the Compound Controls section I would like to..
Handling click events on a drawable within an EditText any one tell the answer android android widget edittext compound drawables share improve this question Very very good thanks..
Android: Matrix -> what is the different between preconcat and postconcat? it first then rotated it. If you were doing some weirder compound transformations you'd begin to notice a discrepancy. My advice..
How to show the text on a ImageButton? I recommend you to use a normal button and use one of the compound drawables. For instance Button android id @ id buttonok android..
Android - How can I wake up the phone from a hard sleep to take a picture? for the asynchronous listeners to properly work. And to compound the issue I'm trying to keep everything Android 1.6 compatible..
Keyboard suggestions cause part of Android EditText.setError() message to not display share improve this question setError Sets the right hand compound drawable of the TextView to the error icon and sets an error..
How do I use a compound drawable instead of a LinearLayout that contains an ImageView and a TextView do I use a compound drawable instead of a LinearLayout that contains an ImageView.. This tag and its children can be replaced by one and a compound drawable Issue Checks whether the current node can be replaced.. the current node can be replaced by a TextView using compound drawables. A LinearLayout which contains an ImageView and a..
Android SQLite performance in complex queries adding indexes. But don't index everything it may make things worse. Often you can have big performance gains by using compound multi column indexes. Note that on any given table SQLite cannot make use of more than just one index while running given..
Why EditText in a custom compound view is re-using the text entered in another compound view instance? EditText in a custom compound view is re using the text entered in another compound view instance I'm trying to write a custom compound view composed.. EditText in a custom compound view is re using the text entered in another compound view instance I'm trying to write a custom compound view composed by a TextView and an EditText _compound_view.xml_ LinearLayout.. in a custom compound view is re using the text entered in another compound view instance I'm trying to write a custom compound view composed by a TextView and an EditText _compound_view.xml_ LinearLayout xmlns android http apk..
Android - Writing a custom (compound) component Writing a custom compound component The Android app I'm currently developing has a main activity that has grown quite large. This is mainly because.. what they like to call a Compound Control . See http guide topics ui custom components.html#compound and scroll to the Compound Controls section I would like to create such a component based on an XML file defining the view..
Handling click events on a drawable within an EditText clear the EditText when the embedded image is clicked. Please any one tell the answer android android widget edittext compound drawables share improve this question Very very good thanks to everyone who contributed to this discussion. So if you..
Android: Matrix -> what is the different between preconcat and postconcat? and then scale it to 200 it looks the same as if I scaled it first then rotated it. If you were doing some weirder compound transformations you'd begin to notice a discrepancy. My advice is to stick with postRotate . share improve this answer..
How to show the text on a ImageButton? share improve this question As you can't use android text I recommend you to use a normal button and use one of the compound drawables. For instance Button android id @ id buttonok android layout_width match_parent android layout_height wrap_content..
Android - How can I wake up the phone from a hard sleep to take a picture? in the manifest file. My activity isn't kept awake long enough for the asynchronous listeners to properly work. And to compound the issue I'm trying to keep everything Android 1.6 compatible because that is the only test device I have access to. This..
Keyboard suggestions cause part of Android EditText.setError() message to not display error message. Why is it doing this android set edittext share improve this question setError Sets the right hand compound drawable of the TextView to the error icon and sets an error message that will be displayed in a popup when the TextView..
How do I use a compound drawable instead of a LinearLayout that contains an ImageView and a TextView do I use a compound drawable instead of a LinearLayout that contains an ImageView and a TextView Ran the new Lint tool against my code. It.. a lot of good suggestions but this one I cannot understand. This tag and its children can be replaced by one and a compound drawable Issue Checks whether the current node can be replaced by a TextView using compound drawables. A LinearLayout which.. be replaced by one and a compound drawable Issue Checks whether the current node can be replaced by a TextView using compound drawables. A LinearLayout which contains an ImageView and a TextView can be more efficiently handled as a compound drawable..