android Programming Glossary: composite
Multiple primary keys - ORMlite The problem is that I didn't find examples where you have composite id Multiple primary keys . For example I have table CREATE TABLE..
Why is the Android widget `Gallery` deprecated? [closed] or it's simply a subview which is part of a more complex composite view. They think it's better for you to spend your time on upgrading..
combining two png files in android topImage 0f 0f null bottomImage is now a composite of the two. To write the file out to the SDCard OutputStream..
Why is Eclipse's Android Device Chooser not showing my Android device? one that worked showed up in device manager as android adb composite interface and the 2 that did not work showed up as android adb..
how can I set up multiple listeners for one event? multiple listeners for one event and have found that using composite listener is the key. Could anyone give me an example android.. is the key. Could anyone give me an example android composite share improve this question class CompositeListener implements.. listener.onEvent e ..... CompositeListener composite new CompositeListener composite.registerListener listener1 composite.registerListener..
Android - how to define ShapeDrawables programmatically? layers 0 sd1 layers 1 sd2 LayerDrawable composite new LayerDrawable layers mMyImageView.setBackgroundDrawable.. LayerDrawable layers mMyImageView.setBackgroundDrawable composite Thanks. android shape share improve this question It seems..
Write a file in external storage in Android efficient less readable implementation of above is the composite expression BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader..
Google Android USB Driver and ADB MI_01 USB VID_2207 PID_0000 MI_01 take this value for composite adb device and remove MI for single adb device you get MSI WindPad..
Nexus 7 not visible over usb via “adb devices” from Windows 7 x64 up in the Windows device manager as Android Phone Android Composite ADB Device with the properties showing driver version
Android 4.2.2 - adb offline, even after SDK upgrade drivers from the SDK but have also tried the 'Android Composite ADB Interface' and 'Samsung Composite ADB Interface' drivers.. tried the 'Android Composite ADB Interface' and 'Samsung Composite ADB Interface' drivers too. I even completely re installed the..
What USB driver should we use for the Nexus 5? in both the x86 and amd64 sections and insert one line CompositeAdbInterface USB_Install USB VID_18D1 PID_4EE1 MI_01 This was.. One SingleAdbInterface USB_Install USB VID_18D1 PID_0D02 CompositeAdbInterface USB_Install USB VID_18D1 PID_0D02 MI_01 SingleAdbInterface.. MI_01 SingleAdbInterface USB_Install USB VID_18D1 PID_4E11 CompositeAdbInterface USB_Install USB VID_18D1 PID_4E12 MI_01 Google Nexus..
Why is Eclipse's Android Device Chooser not showing my Android device? from a list of device drivers on my computer Choose USB Composite Device then next If USB Composite Device doesn't show up then.. my computer Choose USB Composite Device then next If USB Composite Device doesn't show up then try browsing to the usb_driver folder..
Actions of Actors in libgdx say that there are 3 kinds of actions Animation actions Composite actions Other actions Animation actions modify various properties.. angle ScaleTo scales your actor to specific scale factor Composite actions combine multiple actions in one action there are Parallel..
Google Android USB Driver and ADB I have tried many permutations of SingleAdbInterface and CompositeAdbInterface with the variations of Vendor and Product ids. .. USB_Install USB here you put VID and PID CompositeAdbInterface USB_Install USB same as above but add the MI before.. plus SingleAdbInterface USB_Install USB VID_2207 PID_0000 CompositeAdbInterface USB_Install USB VID_2207 PID_0000 REV_0222 MI_01..
Multiple primary keys - ORMlite app witch has 16 tables. I want to use ORMlite mapping. The problem is that I didn't find examples where you have composite id Multiple primary keys . For example I have table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Tourist_Guide`.`Cultural_activity` `City_Id`..
Why is the Android widget `Gallery` deprecated? [closed] it will be installed only on a limited pool of devices or it's simply a subview which is part of a more complex composite view. They think it's better for you to spend your time on upgrading your application to the latest hurra even if this adds..
combining two png files in android Canvas bottomImage Then draw the second on top of that comboImage.drawBitmap topImage 0f 0f null bottomImage is now a composite of the two. To write the file out to the SDCard OutputStream os null try os new FileOutputStream sdcard DCIM Camera myNewFileName.png..
Why is Eclipse's Android Device Chooser not showing my Android device? I had 3 devices and only 1 was detected in the ADB. The one that worked showed up in device manager as android adb composite interface and the 2 that did not work showed up as android adb interface . In Windows 7 I did the following. Right Click..
how can I set up multiple listeners for one event? I set up multiple listeners for one event I want to set up multiple listeners for one event and have found that using composite listener is the key. Could anyone give me an example android composite share improve this question class CompositeListener.. for one event and have found that using composite listener is the key. Could anyone give me an example android composite share improve this question class CompositeListener implements OnEventListener private List OnEventListener registeredListeners.. void onEvent Event e for OnEventListener listener registeredListeners listener.onEvent e ..... CompositeListener composite new CompositeListener composite.registerListener listener1 composite.registerListener listener2 component.setOnEventListener..
Android - how to define ShapeDrawables programmatically? .somehow_set_stroke_color sd2.getPaint .somehow_set_gradient_params layers 0 sd1 layers 1 sd2 LayerDrawable composite new LayerDrawable layers mMyImageView.setBackgroundDrawable composite Thanks. android shape share improve this question.. layers 0 sd1 layers 1 sd2 LayerDrawable composite new LayerDrawable layers mMyImageView.setBackgroundDrawable composite Thanks. android shape share improve this question It seems that is does not work with ShapeDrawable but take a look..
Write a file in external storage in Android br new BufferedReader isr 8192 2nd arg is buffer size More efficient less readable implementation of above is the composite expression BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader this.getResources .openRawResource R.raw.textfile..
Google Android USB Driver and ADB example you see something like USB VID_2207 PID_0000 REV_0222 MI_01 USB VID_2207 PID_0000 MI_01 take this value for composite adb device and remove MI for single adb device you get MSI WindPad Enjoy 7 plus SingleAdbInterface USB_Install USB VID_2207..
Nexus 7 not visible over usb via “adb devices” from Windows 7 x64 the tablet. When the Nexus 7 is connected the device shows up in the Windows device manager as Android Phone Android Composite ADB Device with the properties showing driver version so the correct driver is installed and working. This also..
Android 4.2.2 - adb offline, even after SDK upgrade ports and cables. I'm using the standard 'Android ADB Interface' drivers from the SDK but have also tried the 'Android Composite ADB Interface' and 'Samsung Composite ADB Interface' drivers too. I even completely re installed the SDK from the ADT bundle... 'Android ADB Interface' drivers from the SDK but have also tried the 'Android Composite ADB Interface' and 'Samsung Composite ADB Interface' drivers too. I even completely re installed the SDK from the ADT bundle. Weird thing is my colleague can..
What USB driver should we use for the Nexus 5? usa_driver In that directory edit file android_winusb.inf in both the x86 and amd64 sections and insert one line CompositeAdbInterface USB_Install USB VID_18D1 PID_4EE1 MI_01 This was enough for me to get this to work. Here is the content of my.. ProviderName Google NTx86 NTamd64 Google.NTx86 Google Nexus One SingleAdbInterface USB_Install USB VID_18D1 PID_0D02 CompositeAdbInterface USB_Install USB VID_18D1 PID_0D02 MI_01 SingleAdbInterface USB_Install USB VID_18D1 PID_4E11 CompositeAdbInterface.. CompositeAdbInterface USB_Install USB VID_18D1 PID_0D02 MI_01 SingleAdbInterface USB_Install USB VID_18D1 PID_4E11 CompositeAdbInterface USB_Install USB VID_18D1 PID_4E12 MI_01 Google Nexus S SingleAdbInterface USB_Install USB VID_18D1 PID_4E21..
Why is Eclipse's Android Device Chooser not showing my Android device? Software Browse my computer for driver software Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer Choose USB Composite Device then next If USB Composite Device doesn't show up then try browsing to the usb_driver folder in your android sdk.. driver software Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer Choose USB Composite Device then next If USB Composite Device doesn't show up then try browsing to the usb_driver folder in your android sdk directory for step 5 then try step..
Actions of Actors in libgdx in com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.actions package. I would say that there are 3 kinds of actions Animation actions Composite actions Other actions Animation actions modify various properties of your actor such as location rotation scale and alpha... by specific angle RotateTo rotates your actor to specific angle ScaleTo scales your actor to specific scale factor Composite actions combine multiple actions in one action there are Parallel execute given actions in parallel all actions at once..
Google Android USB Driver and ADB GOogle Android Driver work for any Android phone If so... how I have tried many permutations of SingleAdbInterface and CompositeAdbInterface with the variations of Vendor and Product ids. android adb share improve this question You need to modify.. the format to add is Comment usually the device name SingleAdbInterface USB_Install USB here you put VID and PID CompositeAdbInterface USB_Install USB same as above but add the MI before i go on vid is the usb vendor id it doesn ™t have to be the.. remove MI for single adb device you get MSI WindPad Enjoy 7 plus SingleAdbInterface USB_Install USB VID_2207 PID_0000 CompositeAdbInterface USB_Install USB VID_2207 PID_0000 REV_0222 MI_01 copy this 2 line TWICE once to Google.NTx86 section and another..