android Programming Glossary: complains
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader this using a CursorLoader instead since Strict Mode complains about the cursor in MultiAutoCompleteTextView not being explicitly..
HoloEverywhere error: build path contains duplicate entry src folder and there is no duplicate in it but it still complains. Thank you in advance. android android holo everywhere share..
What is better: @SuppressLint or @TargetApi? basically disables the StrictModeHelper . However Lint complains about setThreadPolicy now and proposes to either add @SuppressLint..
Error referencing an inner class View in layout/main.xml the InflateException ClassNotFoundException errors. It complains about line #3 in the binary XML file and if it is talking about..
Sqlite table constraint - unique on multiple columns my parenthesized column definitions is what the debugger complains about. If I put ...last_column_name last_col_datatype CONSTRAINT..
Is it possible to create a HashMap that is Parcelable on Android? to Parcelable to resolve ambiguity however the receiver complains that is expected Parcelable but found HashMap. Has anyone been..
Google Maps Android API gives a NoClassDefFoundError that's coming from. Also a later ClassNotFoundException complains of in loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader..
Android: trouble updating to Android SDK Tools, revision 7 itself because its starting directory is the one the error complains about ' tools' . I am on Win XP Pro SP3. I run as admin. Does..
Help: JDK not detected problem during Android SDK Tools setup [duplicate] However when running Android SDK installer it still complains Java SE development kit JDK not found. Has anyone experienced..
Fragments in Action Bar tab fragments? causes problems when the tab is re selected as the runtime complains of a duplicate fragment ID when loading the tab fragment Binary..
Android, javamail and proguard I am trying to use javamail in my Android app but proguard complains about a whole load of stuff that it cannot find. I have tried..
Android What permissions required to call PowerManager.goToSleep(n) put device in sleep mode? in manifest of my app. Still complains that neither user nor process have this permission when I call..
Using MessagePack with Android
Variable package name with Maven Android Plugin package ADT well the XML validator actually complains saying attribute package has invalid character ' ' I can't find..
Eclipse indexer errors when using STL with Android NDK code and creating a shared object. However eclipse indexer complains about missing STL symbols. For example Method 'push_back' could..
gen already exists but is not a source folder I do have file under my project. Why it complains I have cleaned the project and fix project properties but it..
Setting ActionBarSherlock Theme for Android app 1611 ... 11 more The line it complains about PrayerBook 44 is the call to setContentView . The app..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader Tokenizer . I was just wondering if its possible to implement this using a CursorLoader instead since Strict Mode complains about the cursor in MultiAutoCompleteTextView not being explicitly closed. Any help would be greatly appreciated. public..
HoloEverywhere error: build path contains duplicate entry src entry 'src' in project 'library' I have checked the library folder and there is no duplicate in it but it still complains. Thank you in advance. android android holo everywhere share improve this question Had the same issue try this Just..
What is better: @SuppressLint or @TargetApi? in my app regarding StrictMode and added the code snippet that basically disables the StrictModeHelper . However Lint complains about setThreadPolicy now and proposes to either add @SuppressLint 'NewApi' or @TargetApi GINGERBREAD to the onCreate event..
Error referencing an inner class View in layout/main.xml android layout_height fill_parent Nothing works. I keep getting the InflateException ClassNotFoundException errors. It complains about line #3 in the binary XML file and if it is talking about main.xml that is the package declaration which I have triple..
Sqlite table constraint - unique on multiple columns that may lead to the solution though is that whatever follows my parenthesized column definitions is what the debugger complains about. If I put ...last_column_name last_col_datatype CONSTRAINT ... the error is near CONSTRAINT syntax error If I put..
Is it possible to create a HashMap that is Parcelable on Android? pointer trying to un marshal the data. The sender has to cast to Parcelable to resolve ambiguity however the receiver complains that is expected Parcelable but found HashMap. Has anyone been successful with this Is my syntax wrong Is there a better..
Google Maps Android API gives a NoClassDefFoundError there's no class definiton for generic but I'm not sure where that's coming from. Also a later ClassNotFoundException complains of in loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader data app mathphreak.cellmap 1.apk and that then..
Android: trouble updating to Android SDK Tools, revision 7 app that can hold a handle to the folder is the manager itself because its starting directory is the one the error complains about ' tools' . I am on Win XP Pro SP3. I run as admin. Does anyone have an idea android sdk windows xp upgrade share..
Help: JDK not detected problem during Android SDK Tools setup [duplicate] 64 bit and Java SE Development kit 6 update 23 64 bit installed. However when running Android SDK installer it still complains Java SE development kit JDK not found. Has anyone experienced this problem android share improve this question Bit..
Fragments in Action Bar tab fragments? never get any of these calls and are never shut down. This causes problems when the tab is re selected as the runtime complains of a duplicate fragment ID when loading the tab fragment Binary XML file line #7 Duplicate id 0x7f05000a tag null or parent..
Android, javamail and proguard javamail and proguard I am trying to use javamail in my Android app but proguard complains about a whole load of stuff that it cannot find. I have tried various remedies that I have found while searching the internet..
Android What permissions required to call PowerManager.goToSleep(n) put device in sleep mode? n put device in sleep mode Already set android.permissions.DEVICE_POWER in manifest of my app. Still complains that neither user nor process have this permission when I call PowerManager.gotoSleep n within activity. What other settings..
Using MessagePack with Android
Variable package name with Maven Android Plugin is that this does not work for the package name If I do manifest package ADT well the XML validator actually complains saying attribute package has invalid character ' ' I can't find any workaround for this... Is there a way to tell ADT to..
Eclipse indexer errors when using STL with Android NDK in the file. ndk build succeed compiling my code and creating a shared object. However eclipse indexer complains about missing STL symbols. For example Method 'push_back' could not be resolved Symbol 'vector' could not be resolved This..
gen already exists but is not a source folder file Edit the project properties to set one. but I do have file under my project. Why it complains I have cleaned the project and fix project properties but it does not help. android android layout android intent android..
Setting ActionBarSherlock Theme for Android app 1047 at 1611 ... 11 more The line it complains about PrayerBook 44 is the call to setContentView . The app just consists of a single activity with an onCreate method that..