android Programming Glossary: compress
Converting bitmap to byteArray android the server by encoding it to base64 but I do not want to compress the image in either png or jpeg. Now what I was previously doing.. new ByteArrayOutputStream bitmapPicture.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG COMPRESSION_QUALITY byteArrayBitmapStream.. b Base64.NO_WRAP Now I just dont want to use any compression nor any format plain simple byte from bitmap that I can encode..
What's LazyList? with rounded corners. Can cache on disc or memory. Can compress image. In your custom adapter constructor File cacheDir StorageUtils.getOwnCacheDirectory..
Android: HTTP communication should use “Accept-Encoding: gzip” to a webserver requesting JSON data. I'd like compress this data stream with Content Encoding gzip . Is there a way..
Reading Resource Files from my own APK in Android Native Environment this question If you prevent your assets from being compressed as they are added into your APK then you can use openRawResourceFd.. and fseek. On the other hand if you let the build system compress the files you want to access you will need to use something..
How to reduce App (.apk) Size share improve this question I would recommend that you compress the .jpg files as much as possible this should greatly reduce..
How to save a JPEG image on Android with a custom quality level web programming resources java adjust jpeg image compression quality when saving images in java . It appears however that.. lacks the javax.imageio package. java android jpeg lossy compression share improve this question You can store you bitmap.. question You can store you bitmap as JPEG by calling compress and setting the second parameter Bitmap bm2 createBitmap OutputStream..
how to compress image for imageview in android to compress image for imageview in android Hi I want to show 3 or 4 image..
How can I Zip and Unzip a string using GZIPOutputStream that is compatible with .Net? that is compatible with .Net I need an example for compressing a string using GZip in android. I want to send a string like.. fnwfPyLmeVlW w GphA2BQAAAA Then I need to decompress it. Can anybody give me an example and complete the following.. example and complete the following methods private String compressString String input ... private String decompressString String..
Drawing on Canvas and save image can pass a Bitmap into the Canvas constructor then use the compress method of Bitmap to create an OutputStream which can be written..
ByteArrayOutputStream to a FileBody or selected from the Gallery that I want to load up and compress as a JPEG with 75 quality. I believe I have achieved that with.. Bitmap bm BitmapFactory.decodeFile imageUri.getPath bm.compress CompressFormat.JPEG 60 bos Not that I have tucked it into a..
How to make Bitmap compress without change the bitmap size? to make Bitmap compress without change the bitmap size I using this method to compress.. without change the bitmap size I using this method to compress image if bitmapObject.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 100.. I using this method to compress image if bitmapObject.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 100 fOut ... But that image that i..
How to save the image to SD card on button Click android [closed] you just have to write the Bitmap thanks to its method compress such as boolean success false Encode the file as a PNG image... outStream try outStream new FileOutputStream image bitmap.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 100 outStream 100 to keep full quality..
Converting bitmap to byteArray android to byteArray android I have a bitmap that I want to send to the server by encoding it to base64 but I do not want to compress the image in either png or jpeg. Now what I was previously doing was. ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayBitmapStream new ByteArrayOutputStream.. what I was previously doing was. ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayBitmapStream new ByteArrayOutputStream bitmapPicture.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG COMPRESSION_QUALITY byteArrayBitmapStream byte b byteArrayBitmapStream.toByteArray then simple.. to base64 and off to server encodedImage Base64.encodeToString b Base64.NO_WRAP Now I just dont want to use any compression nor any format plain simple byte from bitmap that I can encode and send to the server. Any pointers android bitmap bytearray..
What's LazyList? display a error image if downlaod failed. Can display images with rounded corners. Can cache on disc or memory. Can compress image. In your custom adapter constructor File cacheDir StorageUtils.getOwnCacheDirectory a your folder Get singletone instance..
Android: HTTP communication should use “Accept-Encoding: gzip” should use &ldquo Accept Encoding gzip&rdquo I've a HTTP communication to a webserver requesting JSON data. I'd like compress this data stream with Content Encoding gzip . Is there a way I can set Accept Encoding gzip in my HttpClient The search..
Reading Resource Files from my own APK in Android Native Environment and memory reasons. android file io android ndk share improve this question If you prevent your assets from being compressed as they are added into your APK then you can use openRawResourceFd to get a file descriptor offset and size and pass them.. and pass them to your native code where you just do an fopen and fseek. On the other hand if you let the build system compress the files you want to access you will need to use something like libzip to read them from the APK. share improve this answer..
How to reduce App (.apk) Size photos taken by me using the Android phone itself. android share improve this question I would recommend that you compress the .jpg files as much as possible this should greatly reduce the size of your .apk file. A tool such as Paint.NET which..
How to save a JPEG image on Android with a custom quality level file using an IIOImage instance http web programming resources java adjust jpeg image compression quality when saving images in java . It appears however that Android lacks the javax.imageio package. java android jpeg.. when saving images in java . It appears however that Android lacks the javax.imageio package. java android jpeg lossy compression share improve this question You can store you bitmap as JPEG by calling compress and setting the second parameter.. java android jpeg lossy compression share improve this question You can store you bitmap as JPEG by calling compress and setting the second parameter Bitmap bm2 createBitmap OutputStream stream new FileOutputStream sdcard test.png Write..
how to compress image for imageview in android to compress image for imageview in android Hi I want to show 3 or 4 image in my view that are stored in sdcard the size of images is..
How can I Zip and Unzip a string using GZIPOutputStream that is compatible with .Net? can I Zip and Unzip a string using GZIPOutputStream that is compatible with .Net I need an example for compressing a string using GZip in android. I want to send a string like hello to the method and get the following zipped string.. 997o7nU4n99 P1xmZAFs9s5K2smeIYCqyB8 fnwfPyLmeVlW w GphA2BQAAAA Then I need to decompress it. Can anybody give me an example and complete the following methods private String compressString String input ... private.. Then I need to decompress it. Can anybody give me an example and complete the following methods private String compressString String input ... private String decompressString String input ... Thanks update According to scessor's answer Now..
Drawing on Canvas and save image instead of pixels the saving thing To implement saving you can pass a Bitmap into the Canvas constructor then use the compress method of Bitmap to create an OutputStream which can be written to the SD card EDIT to answer your comment Sure you can..
ByteArrayOutputStream to a FileBody to a FileBody I have a Uri to an image that was either taken or selected from the Gallery that I want to load up and compress as a JPEG with 75 quality. I believe I have achieved that with the following code ByteArrayOutputStream bos new ByteArrayOutputStream.. code ByteArrayOutputStream bos new ByteArrayOutputStream Bitmap bm BitmapFactory.decodeFile imageUri.getPath bm.compress CompressFormat.JPEG 60 bos Not that I have tucked it into a ByteArrayOutputStream called bos I need to then add it to a..
How to make Bitmap compress without change the bitmap size? to make Bitmap compress without change the bitmap size I using this method to compress image if bitmapObject.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG.. to make Bitmap compress without change the bitmap size I using this method to compress image if bitmapObject.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 100 fOut ... But that image that i get is much small in the dimension.. to make Bitmap compress without change the bitmap size I using this method to compress image if bitmapObject.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 100 fOut ... But that image that i get is much small in the dimension that was before the compress..
How to save the image to SD card on button Click android [closed] storage File image new File sdCardDirectory test.png After that you just have to write the Bitmap thanks to its method compress such as boolean success false Encode the file as a PNG image. FileOutputStream outStream try outStream new FileOutputStream.. false Encode the file as a PNG image. FileOutputStream outStream try outStream new FileOutputStream image bitmap.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 100 outStream 100 to keep full quality of the image outStream.flush outStream.close success true..