android Programming Glossary: caveats
Configure Eclipse to use signed keystore as well . As Devunwired mentioned above there are those 3 caveats but my solution was this Copy your release key somewhere Change..
Playing youtube video in Android app API to play YouTube videos. But there are three caveats with this approach 1 You need to make a call to YouTube's GData..
Is there a way to detect 2G, 3G, or 4G on Android Device? level bandwidth available at the cell tower etc. Other caveats You should first check whether the active network connection..
android device id confusion can be used to identify an Android device given the caveats above realistically meaning that it uniquely identifies the.. cards and therefore several phones. It comes with all the caveats for reading the SIM above. This may be retrieved with TelephonyManager.getSimSerialNumber..
Logout from the application Android answer for more ideas on how to perform logout and some caveats with Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP which in your case is not..
Prevent onPause from trashing OpenGL Context without needing to be recreated. However there are several caveats Android 3.x features are not available to approx. 90 of devices..
Android Production Logging Best Practice [closed] setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler . There are some caveats with this mainly you need to exit the app after done with exception..
Repackage APK file to contain custom assets - what build tool to use? command line switch to specify that However there are some caveats I couldn't get it to work on signed APK files. some versions..
Android:Passing a hash map between Activities this object just accesses this static field. Yes there are caveats to this solution but with the limited info presented by the..
How do the pieces of Android's (2D) Canvas drawing pipeline fit together? as this diagram It's unofficial obviously so the normal caveats apply. Based on the above here are answers to some of the sub..
Android - disable landscape mode? to the problems it's frequently applied to. The major caveats with forced portrait This does not absolve you of having to..
Fragments onResume from back stack will be called after a Back is pressed. few caveats though It assumes you added all transactions to the backstack..
Configure Eclipse to use signed keystore could no doubt be applied to debugging Google Maps stuff as well . As Devunwired mentioned above there are those 3 caveats but my solution was this Copy your release key somewhere Change the keystore password key password and key alias following..
Playing youtube video in Android app probably lost them. As a second option you can use the MediaPlayer API to play YouTube videos. But there are three caveats with this approach 1 You need to make a call to YouTube's GData webservice API passing it the ID of the video. You'll get..
Is there a way to detect 2G, 3G, or 4G on Android Device? external to the device weather signal strength device battery level bandwidth available at the cell tower etc. Other caveats You should first check whether the active network connection is a cellular connection. To do this get ConnectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo..
android device id confusion eg identifying and connecting to devices using adb ANDROID_ID can be used to identify an Android device given the caveats above realistically meaning that it uniquely identifies the device over significant portions of the device lifetime but.. number. The MSISDN may be associated with several SIM cards and therefore several phones. It comes with all the caveats for reading the SIM above. This may be retrieved with TelephonyManager.getSimSerialNumber . Thanks Schlangi for the corrections..
Logout from the application Android
Prevent onPause from trashing OpenGL Context 3.x provides a function to preserve the GL context on pause without needing to be recreated. However there are several caveats Android 3.x features are not available to approx. 90 of devices on the market at this time The devices must also support..
Android Production Logging Best Practice [closed] clients with problems. Exception catching can be done with Thread. setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler . There are some caveats with this mainly you need to exit the app after done with exception handling . See http group android..
Repackage APK file to contain custom assets - what build tool to use? want to store the new file somewhere else aapt does offer a command line switch to specify that However there are some caveats I couldn't get it to work on signed APK files. some versions of aapt don't work properly They don't recognise the subfolder.....
Android:Passing a hash map between Activities to this object and any other activity that wants to use this object just accesses this static field. Yes there are caveats to this solution but with the limited info presented by the OP we can not assume this method will not work. share improve..
How do the pieces of Android's (2D) Canvas drawing pipeline fit together? can see here Android's 2D Canvas Rendering Pipeline as well as this diagram It's unofficial obviously so the normal caveats apply. Based on the above here are answers to some of the sub questions It's also not entirely clear to me how drawing operations..
Android - disable landscape mode? very guilty as forcing portrait is rarely the right solution to the problems it's frequently applied to. The major caveats with forced portrait This does not absolve you of having to think about activity lifecycle events or properly saving restoring..
Fragments onResume from back stack currFrag.onFragmentResume return result MyFragment.onFragmentResume will be called after a Back is pressed. few caveats though It assumes you added all transactions to the backstack using FragmentTransaction.addToBackStack It will be activated..