android Programming Glossary: cbread
MediaPlayer stutters at start of mp3 playback int cbToRead Math.min cbToSendThisBatch buff.length int cbRead buff 0 cbToRead if cbRead 1 break cbToSendThisBatch.. buff.length int cbRead buff 0 cbToRead if cbRead 1 break cbToSendThisBatch cbRead cbToSend cbRead output.write.. buff 0 cbToRead if cbRead 1 break cbToSendThisBatch cbRead cbToSend cbRead output.write buff 0 cbRead output.flush ..
MediaPlayer stutters at start of mp3 playback input.available while cbToSendThisBatch 0 int cbToRead Math.min cbToSendThisBatch buff.length int cbRead buff 0 cbToRead if cbRead 1 break cbToSendThisBatch cbRead cbToSend cbRead output.write buff 0 cbRead.. cbToSendThisBatch 0 int cbToRead Math.min cbToSendThisBatch buff.length int cbRead buff 0 cbToRead if cbRead 1 break cbToSendThisBatch cbRead cbToSend cbRead output.write buff 0 cbRead output.flush cbSkip cbRead cbSentThisBatch.. cbToSendThisBatch buff.length int cbRead buff 0 cbToRead if cbRead 1 break cbToSendThisBatch cbRead cbToSend cbRead output.write buff 0 cbRead output.flush cbSkip cbRead cbSentThisBatch cbRead input.close If..