android Programming Glossary: cater
How can I change the color of AlertDialog title and the color of the line under it is basically an example of using a custom dialog builder and in the example I created a custom view that seemed to cater to the IP Address example you give in your original question. With QustomDialog in order to create a basic dialog title.. The operation timed out problem in android? HttpClient now. The situation you are describing is a very common one in a production application and you need to cater for it. Increasing the timeout won't always help as your application will appear to halt when there is a slow network. You..
how can i open the calendar from my app? If you just want to open the calendar you can use and intent with EITHER of these component names you might have to cater for both if you want to support older phones Intent i new Intent Froyo or greater mind you I just tested this on CM7 and..
select a word on a tap in TextView/EditText definitionView.getText Integer indices getIndices definitionView.getText .toString ' ' int start 0 int end 0 to cater last only word loop will run equal to the length of indices.length for int i 0 i indices.length i ClickableSpan clickSpan.. run equal to the length of indices.length for int i 0 i indices.length i ClickableSpan clickSpan getClickableSpan to cater last only word end i indices.length indices i spans.length spans.setSpan clickSpan start end Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE..
Checking Host Reachability/Availability in Android toggle a bool to true if the host can be reached im using API8 if that makes much difference to this process and must cater for non rooted devices so the inetaddress.isReachable is out android share improve this question It's not pretty but..