android Programming Glossary: casting
How to transform currentTimeMillis to a readable date format? convert from long to DateFormat I've tried to use some casting but can't see how to accomplish this. java android date datetime..
How do you get the selected value of a Spinner? v.getText .toString This does not work and gives a class casting exception I thought I could cast a View to a widget that inherits..
use startActivityForResult from non-activity I don't know if this is good practice or not but casting a Context object to an Activity object compiles fine. Try this..
How to detect if any of my activity is front-most and visible to user? makes sense. You can get the custom Application object by casting the application context e.g. MyApplication getApplicationContext..
Android Service interacting with multiple activities class that has a way of getting your Application class casting from getApplicationContext and in this base class' onResume..
Trying to get the display size of an image in an ImageView Getting the Drawable through ImageView.getDrawable and casting it to a BitmapDrawable then using BitmapDrawable.getBitmap .getWidth..
String from EditText to float I've tried using Float.parseFloat string and just general casting but nothing seem to do it. What can I do here Also is there..
Change the Right Margin of a View Programmatically? tv.setLayoutParams params I can't test it right now so my casting may be off by a bit but the LayoutParams are what need to be..
JNI: From C code to Java and JNI For simple conversions this can typically be done by casting char c_char char java_char because the core ASCII shares the.. data structure in a member integer or long doing correct casting . You can then rewrite the native code side to retrieve the..
Launch new activity from PreferenceActivity onClick using findPreference foo_bar_pref and define it by casting like BlaBlaPreference fooBarPref BlaBlaPreference findPreference..
Android ViewPager findViewById not working - Always returning null view then initialize the layout held within the view by casting the type of layout RelativeLayout and calling .findViewById.. the actual widget you're looking for by doing the same but casting the widget type Button and calling .findViewById resource id..
Android, How can I Convert String to Date? aDate pos return stringDate android string date casting share improve this question From String to Date String dtStart..
How to pass object to an activity? on putExtra Change to 'getIntExtra' as I do there is again casting st to int what is issue over here how can I pass Statement object..
I dont get why this ClassCastException occurs that the Array contains only Uri objects. However casting to a supertype would work since then type safety would be ok...
How to draw lines over ImageView on Android? question Error you are getting because you are trying to casting ImageView object to MyImageView object. share improve this..
How to transform currentTimeMillis to a readable date format? df currentTimeMillis when I try I get Type mismatch cannot convert from long to DateFormat I've tried to use some casting but can't see how to accomplish this. java android date datetime time share improve this question It will work. long..
How do you get the selected value of a Spinner? far I have gotten this bundle.putString ListDbAdapter.DB_PRI v.getText .toString This does not work and gives a class casting exception I thought I could cast a View to a widget that inherits it. Obviously not So how do you get the selected value..
use startActivityForResult from non-activity in the future. thanks. ray. android share improve this question I don't know if this is good practice or not but casting a Context object to an Activity object compiles fine. Try this Activity mContext .startActivityForResult ... This should..
How to detect if any of my activity is front-most and visible to user? place for storing the flag which is why the Application makes sense. You can get the custom Application object by casting the application context e.g. MyApplication getApplicationContext .isMyActivityActive . You could extend Activity as well..
Android Service interacting with multiple activities be accomplished by deriving your Activities from a common base class that has a way of getting your Application class casting from getApplicationContext and in this base class' onResume send a ref of itself to the application. Then you can register..
Trying to get the display size of an image in an ImageView getIntrinsicHeight will both return the original dimensions. Getting the Drawable through ImageView.getDrawable and casting it to a BitmapDrawable then using BitmapDrawable.getBitmap .getWidth and getHeight also returns the original image and its..
String from EditText to float float Number EditText findViewById .getText I've tried using Float.parseFloat string and just general casting but nothing seem to do it. What can I do here Also is there a way to check for a valid float number before writing it to..
Change the Right Margin of a View Programmatically? 0 0 10 0 substitute parameters for left top right bottom tv.setLayoutParams params I can't test it right now so my casting may be off by a bit but the LayoutParams are what need to be modified to change the margin. NOTE Don't forget that if your..
JNI: From C code to Java and JNI char as you would have to with any character conversion issue. For simple conversions this can typically be done by casting char c_char char java_char because the core ASCII shares the same numeric values between ASCII and UTF 16. However this.. means. I've seen people store the pointer to the allocated data structure in a member integer or long doing correct casting . You can then rewrite the native code side to retrieve the pointer from the this object being passed into the call and..
Launch new activity from PreferenceActivity R.xml.preferences find your preference that you want to set onClick using findPreference foo_bar_pref and define it by casting like BlaBlaPreference fooBarPref BlaBlaPreference findPreference random_tab_pref Then you can easily set its onClick using..
Android ViewPager findViewById not working - Always returning null ... ... return view So...first you have to inflate the view then initialize the layout held within the view by casting the type of layout RelativeLayout and calling .findViewById resource id . Then you initialize the actual widget you're looking.. and calling .findViewById resource id . Then you initialize the actual widget you're looking for by doing the same but casting the widget type Button and calling .findViewById resource id . This worked for me so I hope this saves you some trouble..
Android, How can I Convert String to Date? new SimpleDateFormat aFormat Date stringDate simpledateformat.parse aDate pos return stringDate android string date casting share improve this question From String to Date String dtStart 2010 10 15T09 27 37Z SimpleDateFormat format new SimpleDateFormat..
How to pass object to an activity? .putExtra myCustomerObj st I do get error as following on putExtra Change to 'getIntExtra' as I do there is again casting st to int what is issue over here how can I pass Statement object towards back to acitivity android share improve this..
I dont get why this ClassCastException occurs
How to draw lines over ImageView on Android?