android Programming Glossary: caveat
Large ListView containing images in Android task return convertView NOTE Just a caveat here this might still give you memory problems on versions 1.5..
Android 4.2 broke my encrypt/decrypt code and the provided solutions don't work derive a key follow Nelenkov's excellent tutorial with the caveat that a good rule of thumb is the salt size should be the same..
Android intent filter for a particular file extension? literal period. Then you end with your file extension. One caveat with pathPattern is that . is not a greedy match like you would..
Android: what does “setTextFilterEnabled” method do? for the contents of the given ListView. However the caveat as explained here is that the filtering doesn't happen automatically...
How do I animate View.setVisibility(GONE) if mVanishAfter mView.setVisibility View.GONE The usual caveat applies because we are overriding a protected method applyTransformation..
Exact Difference between “Content-Provider” and “SQLite Database” is one good way to persist your data but there's a caveat in Android databases created in Android are visible only to..
How can I make my ArrayAdapter follow the ViewHolder pattern? TextView nameText TextView priceText TextView changeText caveat I didn't try to compile this so take with a grain of salt. ..
Android camera unexplainable rotation on capture for some devices (not in EXIF) 90 degrees to compensate for the rotation. Note there is a caveat here as your touch events will also need to be rotated. Use..
android: running a background task using AlarmManager the docs for these classes too a lot of into in there. The caveat with this example is that it does not deal with the wake lock..
Synchronise ScrollView scroll positions - android for us so we don't need to worry about that. The only caveat is that this solution is not guaranteed to work in future versions..
What adapter shall I use to use HashMap in a ListView here return convertView This comes with the following caveat the order of the items is not guaranteed to be the same order..
How do I reference external jar files in a common directory (not libs) to build android project using ant? play with it some to get it to work the way you want. One caveat is that I'm not sure if this will negatively impact other build..
In-App Billing Security and Design questions accurate pricing whenever you change something. The only caveat of this method is that if the user is in a different country..
WebSocket library for Android, iOS and Flash Objective C check out UnittWebSocketClient . One caveat I looked in the code and it uses the HyBi 07 version of the..
Using MessagePack with Android any problems msgpack rpc 0.7.0 works on Android with one caveat. Specifically you need to add the following to onCreate for..
Large ListView containing images in Android iv task.execute getItem position File path to image iv.setTag task return convertView NOTE Just a caveat here this might still give you memory problems on versions 1.5 2.3 since they use a thread pool for AsyncTask. 3.0 go back..
Android 4.2 broke my encrypt/decrypt code and the provided solutions don't work SecretKeySpec keyBytes AES If you're using a password to derive a key follow Nelenkov's excellent tutorial with the caveat that a good rule of thumb is the salt size should be the same size as the key output. It looks like this User types in their..
Android intent filter for a particular file extension? These strings require double escaping so . matches a literal period. Then you end with your file extension. One caveat with pathPattern is that . is not a greedy match like you would expect if this was a regular expression. This pattern will..
Android: what does “setTextFilterEnabled” method do? share improve this question It basically enables filtering for the contents of the given ListView. However the caveat as explained here is that the filtering doesn't happen automatically. According to that link you have to provide the filtering..
How do I animate View.setVisibility(GONE) newMarginBottom mView.getParent .requestLayout else if mVanishAfter mView.setVisibility View.GONE The usual caveat applies because we are overriding a protected method applyTransformation this is not guaranteed to work in future versions..
Exact Difference between “Content-Provider” and “SQLite Database” one major difference as follows Storing your data in a database is one good way to persist your data but there's a caveat in Android databases created in Android are visible only to the application that created them. That is to say a SQLite database..
How can I make my ArrayAdapter follow the ViewHolder pattern?
Android camera unexplainable rotation on capture for some devices (not in EXIF) onDraw in a top level ViewGroup and rotate the canvas by 90 degrees to compensate for the rotation. Note there is a caveat here as your touch events will also need to be rotated. Use Landscape Mode Lock the activity to landscape mode but draw..
android: running a background task using AlarmManager src com manning aip dealdroid Check the docs for these classes too a lot of into in there. The caveat with this example is that it does not deal with the wake lock gap the excellent CommonsWare code does that if you need it..
Synchronise ScrollView scroll positions - android x y The scrollTo code takes care of any loop conditions for us so we don't need to worry about that. The only caveat is that this solution is not guaranteed to work in future versions of Android because we are overriding a protected method...
What adapter shall I use to use HashMap in a ListView mKeys pos String Value getItem pos .toString do your view stuff here return convertView This comes with the following caveat the order of the items is not guaranteed to be the same order you added them. Writing this example has made me realize Don't..
How do I reference external jar files in a common directory (not libs) to build android project using ant?
In-App Billing Security and Design questions don't need to have everyone update the app immediately to see accurate pricing whenever you change something. The only caveat of this method is that if the user is in a different country in app billing will display an approximated price in their..
WebSocket library for Android, iOS and Flash with native WebSockets support. Update For native iOS applications Objective C check out UnittWebSocketClient . One caveat I looked in the code and it uses the HyBi 07 version of the protocol which is more recent than the Hixie 76 version currently..
Using MessagePack with Android Hopefully FINAL UPDATE msgpack 0.6.8 works on Android without any problems msgpack rpc 0.7.0 works on Android with one caveat. Specifically you need to add the following to onCreate for API Level 8 Android 2.2.1 and possibly lower java.lang.System.setProperty..