android Programming Glossary: cd
Why do I get access denied to data folder when using adb? init.rc init.goldfish.rc init default.prop data root dev cd data cd data ls ls opendir failed Permission denied I was surprised.. init.goldfish.rc init default.prop data root dev cd data cd data ls ls opendir failed Permission denied I was surprised..
Android, build openssl-fips-2.0 openssl module gunzip c openssl fips 2.0.tar.gz tar xf cd openssl fips 2.0 . config make make install # copy files to.. openssl library .a gunzip c openssl 1.0.1c.tar.gz tar xf cd openssl 1.0.1c . config fips with fipslibdir usr local ssl fips..
Android ??multiple custom versions of the same app .. myOrigApp Copy over the Manifest from the original dir cd sibling cp .. myOrigApp AndroidManifest.xml .. myOrigApp
Android adb not found it says it's not. What is wrong and how do I fix this I cd into the directory where adb is home antz Development adt bundle..
How to install Android Market App on the emulator? android 9 images Launch emulator from Terminal lsy cd android tools lsy . emulator avd vd1 partition size 100 share..
Can't find my package path in file explorer prompt go to the SDB path and use the following command cd ... android sdk platform tools adb shell Once the command shell..
SharedPreferences file So you get there by running in console # adb shell # cd data data com.your.package shared_prefs # ls share improve..
Where is android.os.SystemProperties core java android os sa N cd 1 ct rc See @hide in the class JavaDoc That means this class..
ffmpeg for a android (using tutorial: “ffmpeg and”) how to realize step 4 to 5. STEP4 Configuring ... STEP5 cd to your NDK root dir type make TARGET_ARCH arm APP ffmpeg org..
Installing & using the Android NDK in Eclipse use it I got as far as this taken from here Run Terminal cd ~ android ndk 1.5_r1 make APP hello jni In order to run the.. you need to run the NDK build script on your project. cd into the root of your project directory and then execute the.. the ndk build script within that directory. For example cd ~ workspace hello jni . ~ android ndk 1.5_r1 ndk build After..
ListView in ScrollView potential workaround R.drawable.shape_expense_report_list ColorDrawable cd new ColorDrawable 0xFFffffff lvReports.setDivider cd lvReports.setDividerHeight.. cd new ColorDrawable 0xFFffffff lvReports.setDivider cd lvReports.setDividerHeight 1 adapter new ExpenseReportListAdapter..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging Bundle b new Bundle b.putString str1 ab intvaluetosend cd Message msg Message.obtain null MSG_SET_STRING_VALUE msg.setData..
Google maps SDK with new Intel Atom x86 emulator mkfs.yaffs2.x86 adb push mkfs.yaffs2.x86 data adb shell cd data chmod 777 mkfs.yaffs2.x86 . mkfs.yaffs2.x86 system system.img..
Why do I get access denied to data folder when using adb? cache sdcard etc system sys sbin proc logo.rle init.trout.rc init.rc init.goldfish.rc init default.prop data root dev cd data cd data ls ls opendir failed Permission denied I was surprised to see that I have access denied. How come I can't browse.. etc system sys sbin proc logo.rle init.trout.rc init.rc init.goldfish.rc init default.prop data root dev cd data cd data ls ls opendir failed Permission denied I was surprised to see that I have access denied. How come I can't browse around..
Android, build openssl-fips-2.0 platforms android 14 arch arm usr export HOSTCC gcc build fips openssl module gunzip c openssl fips 2.0.tar.gz tar xf cd openssl fips 2.0 . config make make install # copy files to usr local ssl build fips capable openssl library .a gunzip c.. make install # copy files to usr local ssl build fips capable openssl library .a gunzip c openssl 1.0.1c.tar.gz tar xf cd openssl 1.0.1c . config fips with fipslibdir usr local ssl fips 2.0 lib make depend make There you go. share improve this..
Android ??multiple custom versions of the same app to add the dependency android.library.reference.1 .. myOrigApp Copy over the Manifest from the original dir cd sibling cp .. myOrigApp AndroidManifest.xml .. myOrigApp .. myOrigApp . Edit that copied..
Android adb not found tools adb' However my adb is exactly in the location where it says it's not. What is wrong and how do I fix this I cd into the directory where adb is home antz Development adt bundle linux sdk platform tools and I typed in adb and it says..
How to install Android Market App on the emulator?
Can't find my package path in file explorer On Windows you can access shell by opening a command prompt go to the SDB path and use the following command cd ... android sdk platform tools adb shell Once the command shell is opened you can enter the command su root to get root..
SharedPreferences file
Where is android.os.SystemProperties the Android source code http codesearch p hl en#uX1GffpyOZk core java android os sa N cd 1 ct rc See @hide in the class JavaDoc That means this class won't be exported as part of the public SDK. The camera app..
ffmpeg for a android (using tutorial: “ffmpeg and”) compile ffmpeg using theses tutorial I am not sure how to realize step 4 to 5. STEP4 Configuring ... STEP5 cd to your NDK root dir type make TARGET_ARCH arm APP ffmpeg org It seems to me that building an application like it is explained..
Installing & using the Android NDK in Eclipse installed now I think but does anyone have any idea how to use it I got as far as this taken from here Run Terminal cd ~ android ndk 1.5_r1 make APP hello jni In order to run the hello jni sample application but I get an error in terminal.. that uses the NDK requires two steps. First inside your terminal you need to run the NDK build script on your project. cd into the root of your project directory and then execute the ndk build script within that directory. For example cd ~ workspace.. cd into the root of your project directory and then execute the ndk build script within that directory. For example cd ~ workspace hello jni . ~ android ndk 1.5_r1 ndk build After doing this you should see some output that results in the creation..
ListView in ScrollView potential workaround findViewById lvReports.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.shape_expense_report_list ColorDrawable cd new ColorDrawable 0xFFffffff lvReports.setDivider cd lvReports.setDividerHeight 1 adapter new ExpenseReportListAdapter this.. R.drawable.shape_expense_report_list ColorDrawable cd new ColorDrawable 0xFFffffff lvReports.setDivider cd lvReports.setDividerHeight 1 adapter new ExpenseReportListAdapter this lvReports.setAdapter adapter int totalHeight 0 for..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging MSG_SET_INT_VALUE intvaluetosend 0 Send data as a String Bundle b new Bundle b.putString str1 ab intvaluetosend cd Message msg Message.obtain null MSG_SET_STRING_VALUE msg.setData b mClients.get i .send msg catch RemoteException e..
Google maps SDK with new Intel Atom x86 emulator adb push system framework Download mkfs.yaffs2.x86 adb push mkfs.yaffs2.x86 data adb shell cd data chmod 777 mkfs.yaffs2.x86 . mkfs.yaffs2.x86 system system.img exit adb pull data system.img patient Copy system.img..