android Programming Glossary: cell
How to use the gridlayout to fit screen size To place equal amounts of space around a component in a cell group use CENTER alignment or gravity . For complete control.. subview to hold the components in the associated cell group. When using either of these techniques bear in mind that.. When using either of these techniques bear in mind that cell groups may be defined to overlap. For an example and some practical..
LogCat message: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included normally get a location from even the service provider via cell tower. So I checked Location Services. Anyway the problem turned..
How to get cell service signal strength in Android? to get cell service signal strength in Android I am trying to write a very.. application that checks the signal strength of the current cell. So far I have only found something called getNeighboringCellInfo.. but I'm not really sure if that includes the current cell. How do I get the CURRENT cell signal strength in Android Does..
How can I create a table with borders in Android? an xml drawable resource on the background field of every cell. In this manner you could define a shape with the border you.. you could define a shape with the border you want for all cells. The only inconvenience is that the borders of the extreme.. The only inconvenience is that the borders of the extreme cells have half the width of the others but it's no problem if your..
Change the background color of the options menu wish to control the background color of the Options menu cells as well as the color of the Options menu text . Certain app.. menu text . Certain app developers only need to set the cell background color not the text color and they can do this in..
Android apps, communicating with a device plugged in the USB port on the PC to communicate with an app running in the cell phone I just need a very simplistic data exchange it can even.. exchange it can even be one way just data pushed from the cell phone to the listening app on the PC whenever the cell phone.. the cell phone to the listening app on the PC whenever the cell phone wants I don't need any data sent from PC to phone . When..
Do iPhone / Android browsers support CSS @media handheld? want to change my web page CSS for web browsers running on cell phones like the iPhone and Android. I've tried something like..
TelephonyManager.getLine1Number() failing? SIM card cannot read the number and unknown in Settings cell phone was perfectly functional just couldn't read the number.. more involved actually if SIM card present cannot read the cell number ask user . Otherwise we will keep bugging the user that..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android available and the location is being triangulated from the cell towers. or you can check if the new location is outside of the..
Android: Detect when ScrollView stops scrolling portion of the ScrollView is the same size as one of the cells inside the Scrollview . Every cell is the same height. So what.. size as one of the cells inside the Scrollview . Every cell is the same height. So what I am trying to do is snap into position..
How to implement Drag and Drop in android 2.2? app where user should be able to drag images from one cell of a grid to another. To implement this I need Drag and Drop..
GridLayout (not GridView) how to stretch all children evenly rowCount 2 android columnCount 2 Button android text Cell 0 android layout_row 0 android layout_column 0 android textSize.. layout_column 0 android textSize 14dip Button android text Cell 1 android layout_row 0 android layout_column 1 android textSize.. layout_column 1 android textSize 14dip Button android text Cell 2 android layout_row 1 android layout_column 0 android textSize..
How to get cell service signal strength in Android? So far I have only found something called getNeighboringCellInfo but I'm not really sure if that includes the current cell... CURRENT cell signal strength in Android Does getNeighborCellInfo get the current cell It doesn't seem like it based on the.. to get with it. Here's my current code List NeighboringCellInfo n tm.getNeighboringCellInfo Construct the string String..
What is the equivalent of “colspan” in an Android TableLayout? a TableRow with one item it it. It renders like this Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3 What I want to do is make Cell 3 stretch.. with one item it it. It renders like this Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3 What I want to do is make Cell 3 stretch across.. one item it it. It renders like this Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3 What I want to do is make Cell 3 stretch across both upper..
How to read excel file using JXL 2.6.12 jar import import import jxl.Cell import jxl.CellType import jxl.Sheet import jxl.Workbook import.. import import jxl.Cell import jxl.CellType import jxl.Sheet import jxl.Workbook import j 0 j sheet.getColumns j for int i 0 i sheet.getRows i Cell cell sheet.getCell j i CellType type cell.getType if cell.getType..
Null Issue with NeighboringCellInfo, CID and LAC Issue with NeighboringCellInfo CID and LAC For a while I was trying to get CellID and.. CID and LAC For a while I was trying to get CellID and LAC of near base stations. Unfortunately I did not manage.. I did not manage to do that. First option was to use GsmCellLocation xXx new GsmCellLocation CID xXx.getCid LAC xXx.getLac..
How to find user location using cell tower in android? in android or how to get the cell location based on the Cell ID in android Thanks in advance android location share improve..
Get Cell Tower Locations - Android Cell Tower Locations Android Does anyone know if it is possible.. a link to a post that's about Symbian but talks about Cell Tower Lat Lng conversion http forum..
Android GridView draw dividers horizontal android background @drawable list_selector Cell contents LinearLayout list_selector.xml xml version 1.0 encoding..
How to use the gridlayout to fit screen size common use cases may nevertheless be accommodated as follows. To place equal amounts of space around a component in a cell group use CENTER alignment or gravity . For complete control over excess space distribution in a row or column use a LinearLayout.. over excess space distribution in a row or column use a LinearLayout subview to hold the components in the associated cell group. When using either of these techniques bear in mind that cell groups may be defined to overlap. For an example and.. subview to hold the components in the associated cell group. When using either of these techniques bear in mind that cell groups may be defined to overlap. For an example and some practical pointers take a look at last year's blog post introducing..
LogCat message: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included after waiting 5 minutes which is more than enough time to normally get a location from even the service provider via cell tower. So I checked Location Services. Anyway the problem turned out to be that on my S3 under Location Services Google..
How to get cell service signal strength in Android? to get cell service signal strength in Android I am trying to write a very simple Android application that checks the signal strength.. in Android I am trying to write a very simple Android application that checks the signal strength of the current cell. So far I have only found something called getNeighboringCellInfo but I'm not really sure if that includes the current cell... So far I have only found something called getNeighboringCellInfo but I'm not really sure if that includes the current cell. How do I get the CURRENT cell signal strength in Android Does getNeighborCellInfo get the current cell It doesn't seem..
How can I create a table with borders in Android? this question My solution for this problem is to put an xml drawable resource on the background field of every cell. In this manner you could define a shape with the border you want for all cells. The only inconvenience is that the borders.. on the background field of every cell. In this manner you could define a shape with the border you want for all cells. The only inconvenience is that the borders of the extreme cells have half the width of the others but it's no problem.. could define a shape with the border you want for all cells. The only inconvenience is that the borders of the extreme cells have half the width of the others but it's no problem if your table fills the entire screen. An Example drawable cell_shape.xml..
Change the background color of the options menu white with black text on some. I and many other developers wish to control the background color of the Options menu cells as well as the color of the Options menu text . Certain app developers only need to set the cell background color not the.. of the Options menu cells as well as the color of the Options menu text . Certain app developers only need to set the cell background color not the text color and they can do this in a cleaner manner using the android panelFullBackground style..
Android apps, communicating with a device plugged in the USB port my Android to my PC. Would it be possible for an app installed on the PC to communicate with an app running in the cell phone I just need a very simplistic data exchange it can even be one way just data pushed from the cell phone to the listening.. running in the cell phone I just need a very simplistic data exchange it can even be one way just data pushed from the cell phone to the listening app on the PC whenever the cell phone wants I don't need any data sent from PC to phone . When I.. data exchange it can even be one way just data pushed from the cell phone to the listening app on the PC whenever the cell phone wants I don't need any data sent from PC to phone . When I plug it in the phone gives me 4 options charge disk drive..
Do iPhone / Android browsers support CSS @media handheld? iPhone Android browsers support CSS @media handheld I want to change my web page CSS for web browsers running on cell phones like the iPhone and Android. I've tried something like this in the CSS file @media handheld body color red But it..
TelephonyManager.getLine1Number() failing? number Settings shows number Same Galaxy with an European SIM card cannot read the number and unknown in Settings cell phone was perfectly functional just couldn't read the number This has been reported in other forums as well. In the end.. end we decided to ask the user for the phone number. A bit more involved actually if SIM card present cannot read the cell number ask user . Otherwise we will keep bugging the user that doesn't a SIM card in the first place. share improve this..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android without this your points will jump around when GPS is not available and the location is being triangulated from the cell towers. or you can check if the new location is outside of the accuracy value from the last known location. share improve..
Android: Detect when ScrollView stops scrolling I'm using a ScrollView in Android and where the visible portion of the ScrollView is the same size as one of the cells inside the Scrollview . Every cell is the same height. So what I am trying to do is snap into position after the ScrollView.. and where the visible portion of the ScrollView is the same size as one of the cells inside the Scrollview . Every cell is the same height. So what I am trying to do is snap into position after the ScrollView has been scrolled. Currently I..
How to implement Drag and Drop in android 2.2? Drag and Drop in android 2.2 I am trying to develop an android app where user should be able to drag images from one cell of a grid to another. To implement this I need Drag and Drop API which was introduced in Android 3.0 but my app should run..
GridLayout (not GridView) how to stretch all children evenly layout_height match_parent android background #00ff00 android rowCount 2 android columnCount 2 Button android text Cell 0 android layout_row 0 android layout_column 0 android textSize 14dip Button android text Cell 1 android layout_row 0 android.. 2 Button android text Cell 0 android layout_row 0 android layout_column 0 android textSize 14dip Button android text Cell 1 android layout_row 0 android layout_column 1 android textSize 14dip Button android text Cell 2 android layout_row 1 android.. Button android text Cell 1 android layout_row 0 android layout_column 1 android textSize 14dip Button android text Cell 2 android layout_row 1 android layout_column 0 android textSize 14dip Button android text Cell 3 android layout_row 1 android..
How to get cell service signal strength in Android? that checks the signal strength of the current cell. So far I have only found something called getNeighboringCellInfo but I'm not really sure if that includes the current cell. How do I get the CURRENT cell signal strength in Android.. sure if that includes the current cell. How do I get the CURRENT cell signal strength in Android Does getNeighborCellInfo get the current cell It doesn't seem like it based on the results that I have been able to get with it. Here's my current.. doesn't seem like it based on the results that I have been able to get with it. Here's my current code List NeighboringCellInfo n tm.getNeighboringCellInfo Construct the string String s int rss 0 int cid 0 for NeighboringCellInfo nci n cid nci.getCid..
What is the equivalent of “colspan” in an Android TableLayout? now I have one TableRow with two items in it and below that a TableRow with one item it it. It renders like this Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3 What I want to do is make Cell 3 stretch across both upper cells so it looks like this Cell 1 Cell.. I have one TableRow with two items in it and below that a TableRow with one item it it. It renders like this Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3 What I want to do is make Cell 3 stretch across both upper cells so it looks like this Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell.. TableRow with two items in it and below that a TableRow with one item it it. It renders like this Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3 What I want to do is make Cell 3 stretch across both upper cells so it looks like this Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3 In..
How to read excel file using JXL 2.6.12 jar format failed with error 2 Code is ok Below is my code import import import jxl.Cell import jxl.CellType import jxl.Sheet import jxl.Workbook import public class ReadExcel private.. with error 2 Code is ok Below is my code import import import jxl.Cell import jxl.CellType import jxl.Sheet import jxl.Workbook import public class ReadExcel private String inputFile.. w.getSheet 0 Loop over first 10 column and lines for int j 0 j sheet.getColumns j for int i 0 i sheet.getRows i Cell cell sheet.getCell j i CellType type cell.getType if cell.getType CellType.LABEL System.out.println I got a label cell.getContents..
Null Issue with NeighboringCellInfo, CID and LAC Issue with NeighboringCellInfo CID and LAC For a while I was trying to get CellID and LAC of near base stations. Unfortunately I did not manage to.. Issue with NeighboringCellInfo CID and LAC For a while I was trying to get CellID and LAC of near base stations. Unfortunately I did not manage to do that. First option was to use GsmCellLocation xXx.. to get CellID and LAC of near base stations. Unfortunately I did not manage to do that. First option was to use GsmCellLocation xXx new GsmCellLocation CID xXx.getCid LAC xXx.getLac Toast output Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Base station..
How to find user location using cell tower in android? in android How to find the user location using the cell tower in android or how to get the cell location based on the Cell ID in android Thanks in advance android location share improve this question class MyLocationActivity extends MapActivity..
Get Cell Tower Locations - Android Cell Tower Locations Android Does anyone know if it is possible to get information about all of the cell towers in range of.. Lng location information after that is a little trickier. Here's a link to a post that's about Symbian but talks about Cell Tower Lat Lng conversion http forum showthread.php s threadid 19693 share improve this answer..
Android GridView draw dividers android layout_height fill_parent android orientation horizontal android background @drawable list_selector Cell contents LinearLayout list_selector.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android http apk..