

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:05

android Programming Glossary: catalog

How to parse a big JSON file in android


new ArrayList String try URL twitter new URL http catalog.bizrate.com services catalog v1 us product publisherId 50085.. try URL twitter new URL http catalog.bizrate.com services catalog v1 us product publisherId 50085 placementId 1 categoryId 1 keyword..

Securing media files in the mobile


in the mobile I am thinking about developing a birds catalog for Android. It will contain many pictures and audio files...

Return data from AsyncTask class


String TAG this.getClass .getSimpleName private String catalog_url URL private void getCatalogFromServer URLWithParams mURLWithParams.. mURLWithParams new URLWithParams mURLWithParams.url catalog_url try JSONClient asyncPoster new JSONClient this asyncPoster.execute.. String jsonBookCatalogList Log.d TAG received json catalog Log.d TAG jsonBookCatalogList JSONObject bookCatalogResult try..

Manifest and supported devices showed in android market


because Google is the only firm with a fairly complete catalog of all Android devices and their capabilities. If somebody created..

Broadcast Receiver within a Service


running that incorporates a broadcast receiver that can catalog either. How do i go about doing this I already have my service..

Google Android USB Driver and ADB


message The hash file is not present in the specified catalog file. The file is likely corrupt or the victim of tampering... do not show this error message. You have to regenerate catalog file probably with Windows SDK and sign Workaround A workaround..

How to parse a big JSON file in android


String fetchTwitterPublicTimeline ArrayList String listItems new ArrayList String try URL twitter new URL http catalog.bizrate.com services catalog v1 us product publisherId 50085 placementId 1 categoryId 1 keyword iphone cases start 0 results.. ArrayList String listItems new ArrayList String try URL twitter new URL http catalog.bizrate.com services catalog v1 us product publisherId 50085 placementId 1 categoryId 1 keyword iphone cases start 0 results 10 sort relevancy_desc brandId..

Securing media files in the mobile


media files in the mobile I am thinking about developing a birds catalog for Android. It will contain many pictures and audio files. All those files come from a third party company with copyrights...

Return data from AsyncTask class


class BookCatalog implements GetJSONListener private final String TAG this.getClass .getSimpleName private String catalog_url URL private void getCatalogFromServer URLWithParams mURLWithParams new URLWithParams mURLWithParams.url catalog_url.. catalog_url URL private void getCatalogFromServer URLWithParams mURLWithParams new URLWithParams mURLWithParams.url catalog_url try JSONClient asyncPoster new JSONClient this asyncPoster.execute mURLWithParams catch Exception e TODO Auto generated.. block e.printStackTrace @Override public void onRemoteCallComplete String jsonBookCatalogList Log.d TAG received json catalog Log.d TAG jsonBookCatalogList JSONObject bookCatalogResult try bookCatalogResult JSONObject new JSONTokener jsonBookCatalogList..

Manifest and supported devices showed in android market


supported by the android market with given settings No simply because Google is the only firm with a fairly complete catalog of all Android devices and their capabilities. If somebody created an independent database that could be crowdsourced e.g...

Broadcast Receiver within a Service


I figured the best way to go about this is to have a service running that incorporates a broadcast receiver that can catalog either. How do i go about doing this I already have my service up and running. android sms broadcastreceiver android service..

Google Android USB Driver and ADB


will prevent installing it on windows 8 showning an error message The hash file is not present in the specified catalog file. The file is likely corrupt or the victim of tampering. This is only in Windows 8. Windows 7 or earlier do not show.. of tampering. This is only in Windows 8. Windows 7 or earlier do not show this error message. You have to regenerate catalog file probably with Windows SDK and sign Workaround A workaround for internal tesing is to diable windows signature verification..