android Programming Glossary: catch
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app Subject This is Body catch Exception e Log.e SendMail e.getMessage e new InternetAddress recipients Transport.send message catch Exception e public class ByteArrayDataSource implements DataSource..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? tools co mingled in one setup. This concept did not catch on much outside of language extensions to apps e.g. VBA in Excel..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog int total 100 fileLength output.write data 0 count catch Exception e return e.toString finally try if output null.. if output null output.close if input null input.close catch IOException ignored if connection null connection.disconnect.. data 0 count output.flush output.close input.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace Bundle resultData new Bundle..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? lm.isProviderEnabled LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER catch Exception ex try network_enabled lm.isProviderEnabled LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER.. lm.isProviderEnabled LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER catch Exception ex don't start listeners if no provider is enabled..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView .getSimpleName could not get thumbnail return drawable catch MalformedURLException e Log.e this.getClass .getSimpleName.. .getSimpleName fetchDrawable failed e return null catch IOException e Log.e this.getClass .getSimpleName fetchDrawable..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] copyDataBase Log.e TAG createDatabase database created catch IOException mIOException throw new Error ErrorCopyingDataBase.. throws SQLException try mDbHelper.createDataBase catch IOException mIOException Log.e TAG mIOException.toString UnableToCreateDatabase.. mDbHelper.close mDb mDbHelper.getReadableDatabase catch SQLException mSQLException Log.e TAG open mSQLException.toString..
Android - basic gesture detection Right Swipe Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show catch Exception e nothing return false Attach your gesture listener..
AsyncTask Android example params for int i 0 i 5 i try Thread.sleep 1000 catch InterruptedException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace.. 1000 catch InterruptedException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace TextView txt TextView findViewById.. params for int i 0 i 5 i try Thread.sleep 1000 catch InterruptedException e e.printStackTrace return Executed..
Trying to use SmbFileInputStream has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again. I'm using Try Catch but it doesn't trigger any of those exceptions. The applicable..
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch not found any solution but when I use the Compass from Catch theirs stays stable no matter how much the phone is inclined...
android bluetooth can't connect closed or timeout read ret 1 That last line is in the Catch section of a try catch...I'm just logging the error message...
Catch keypress with android keypress with android How can i catch a phone keypress with..
Exception is NULL always is NULL always Can someone explain to me why the Android Catch handler will not initialize an Exception object When an error..
Android Create custom SearchView Search action false Here you can see that I`ve tried 2 approaches Catch the onclick event from the submit button. That didnt work since.. when I clicked on the search icon to open the SearchView. Catch keystrokes within the SearchView. That didnt work either. Got..
Catching OutOfMemoryError in decoding Bitmap OutOfMemoryError in decoding Bitmap Is it a good practice.. to catch it once and give decodeFile another chance. Catch it and call System.gc and try decoding again. There is a high..
HTTPS connection with client certificate in an android app EntityUtils.toString response.getEntity catch Exception e Catch some exceptions Actually multiple catch blocks shortened I..
webview shouldinterceptrequest example css UTF 8 data webview.loadUrl http Catch the loading of the css file and return your own WebResourceResponse..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app password sender.sendMail This is Subject This is Body catch Exception e Log.e SendMail e.getMessage e YOUR PACKAGE import javax.activation.DataHandler import.. recipients else message.setRecipient Message.RecipientType.TO new InternetAddress recipients Transport.send message catch Exception e public class ByteArrayDataSource implements DataSource private byte data private String type public ByteArrayDataSource..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? Hypercard and Smalltalk had the application and the development tools co mingled in one setup. This concept did not catch on much outside of language extensions to apps e.g. VBA in Excel LISP in AutoCAD . Developers who came up with mental models..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog if fileLength 0 only if total length is known publishProgress int total 100 fileLength output.write data 0 count catch Exception e return e.toString finally try if output null output.close if input null input.close catch IOException.. count catch Exception e return e.toString finally try if output null output.close if input null input.close catch IOException ignored if connection null connection.disconnect finally wl.release return null The method above doInBackground.. receiver.send UPDATE_PROGRESS resultData output.write data 0 count output.flush output.close input.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace Bundle resultData new Bundle resultData.putInt progress 100 receiver.send UPDATE_PROGRESS..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? will be thrown if provider is not permitted. try gps_enabled lm.isProviderEnabled LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER catch Exception ex try network_enabled lm.isProviderEnabled LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER catch Exception ex don't start listeners.. catch Exception ex try network_enabled lm.isProviderEnabled LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER catch Exception ex don't start listeners if no provider is enabled if gps_enabled network_enabled return false if gps_enabled..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView drawable.getMinimumWidth else Log.w this.getClass .getSimpleName could not get thumbnail return drawable catch MalformedURLException e Log.e this.getClass .getSimpleName fetchDrawable failed e return null catch IOException e Log.e.. return drawable catch MalformedURLException e Log.e this.getClass .getSimpleName fetchDrawable failed e return null catch IOException e Log.e this.getClass .getSimpleName fetchDrawable failed e return null public void fetchDrawableOnThread..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] this.close try Copy the database from assests copyDataBase Log.e TAG createDatabase database created catch IOException mIOException throw new Error ErrorCopyingDataBase Check that the database exists here data data your package.. new DataBaseHelper mContext public TestAdapter createDatabase throws SQLException try mDbHelper.createDataBase catch IOException mIOException Log.e TAG mIOException.toString UnableToCreateDatabase throw new Error UnableToCreateDatabase.. TestAdapter open throws SQLException try mDbHelper.openDataBase mDbHelper.close mDb mDbHelper.getReadableDatabase catch SQLException mSQLException Log.e TAG open mSQLException.toString throw mSQLException return this public void close mDbHelper.close..
Android - basic gesture detection velocityX SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY Toast.makeText SelectFilterActivity.this Right Swipe Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show catch Exception e nothing return false Attach your gesture listener to all the views you add to the main layout Do this for..
AsyncTask Android example Void String @Override protected String doInBackground String... params for int i 0 i 5 i try Thread.sleep 1000 catch InterruptedException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace TextView txt TextView findViewById String... params for int i 0 i 5 i try Thread.sleep 1000 catch InterruptedException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace TextView txt TextView findViewById txt.setText Executed return null @Override.. Void String @Override protected String doInBackground String... params for int i 0 i 5 i try Thread.sleep 1000 catch InterruptedException e e.printStackTrace return Executed @Override protected void onPostExecute String result TextView..
Trying to use SmbFileInputStream aborts on my tablet with this error message The application has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again. I'm using Try Catch but it doesn't trigger any of those exceptions. The applicable code looks like this SmbFile inFile null jcifs.Config.setProperty..
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch it. I've been working on this problem for 3 days and have still not found any solution but when I use the Compass from Catch theirs stays stable no matter how much the phone is inclined. So I know it must be possible. All I want to do is create..
android bluetooth can't connect 07 22 10 38 06.975 DEBUG kent 17512 read failed socket might closed or timeout read ret 1 That last line is in the Catch section of a try catch...I'm just logging the error message. Please note there is about a 20 second gap between trying to..
Catch keypress with android keypress with android How can i catch a phone keypress with the android SDK i've been looking around for hours without..
Exception is NULL always is NULL always Can someone explain to me why the Android Catch handler will not initialize an Exception object When an error occurs and my code is trying to initialize an Exception object..
Android Create custom SearchView Search action TODO Auto generated method stub Log.d SEARCH Search onkey return false Here you can see that I`ve tried 2 approaches Catch the onclick event from the submit button. That didnt work since it only fired when I clicked on the search icon to open.. from the submit button. That didnt work since it only fired when I clicked on the search icon to open the SearchView. Catch keystrokes within the SearchView. That didnt work either. Got no response from any key that I pressed there. Does anyone..
Catching OutOfMemoryError in decoding Bitmap OutOfMemoryError in decoding Bitmap Is it a good practice to catch OutOfMemoryError even you have tried some ways to.. out of memory share improve this question Its good practice to catch it once and give decodeFile another chance. Catch it and call System.gc and try decoding again. There is a high probability that it will work after calling System.gc . try..
HTTPS connection with client certificate in an android app HttpResponse response client.execute request resultData EntityUtils.toString response.getEntity catch Exception e Catch some exceptions Actually multiple catch blocks shortened I have verified that yes indeed the keyStore loads a certificate..
webview shouldinterceptrequest example InputStream data return new WebResourceResponse text css UTF 8 data webview.loadUrl http Catch the loading of the css file and return your own WebResourceResponse containing the data you want to load in stead. Do note..