android Programming Glossary: categoryid
KSoap2 and KvmSerializable - How to Send complex Objects like Stringarrays private String Name private String Description @return the categoryId public int getCategoryId return CategoryId @param categoryId.. public int getCategoryId return CategoryId @param categoryId the categoryId to set public void setCategoryId int categoryId.. int getCategoryId return CategoryId @param categoryId the categoryId to set public void setCategoryId int categoryId CategoryId categoryId..
JacksonParser databind and core cause “Found duplicate file for APK”? public class Category @JsonProperty Id private String categoryId @JsonProperty name private String categoryName public String.. String categoryName public String getCategoryId return categoryId public void setCategoryId String categoryId this.categoryId.. return categoryId public void setCategoryId String categoryId this.categoryId categoryId public String getCategoryName return..
How to parse a big JSON file in android catalog v1 us product publisherId 50085 placementId 1 categoryId 1 keyword iphone cases start 0 results 10 sort relevancy_desc..
Get selected item from ListView bound with SimpleCursorAdapter this Cursor c Cursor l.getAdapter .getItem position int categoryId c.getInt 0 Is this the proper way to get the id of the element..
Custom Adapter for List View TextView tt1 TextView v.findViewById TextView tt3 TextView v.findViewById if tt.. TextView android textColor #FFFFFF android id @ id categoryId android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content.. android layout_height wrap_content android text categoryId android layout_weight 1 android height 20sp TextView android..
KSoap2 and KvmSerializable - How to Send complex Objects like Stringarrays Category obj Category C1 new Category C1.setCategoryId 1 C1.setDescription server desc C1.setName server Name System.out.println.. desc C1.setName server Name System.out.println obj.getCategoryId return C1 This is my Category Class on the WebServer package.. package public class Category private int CategoryId private String Name private String Description @return the categoryId..
KSoap2 and KvmSerializable - How to Send complex Objects like Stringarrays public class Category private int CategoryId private String Name private String Description @return the categoryId public int getCategoryId return CategoryId @param categoryId the categoryId to set public void setCategoryId int categoryId.. String Name private String Description @return the categoryId public int getCategoryId return CategoryId @param categoryId the categoryId to set public void setCategoryId int categoryId CategoryId categoryId @return the name public String getName.. private String Description @return the categoryId public int getCategoryId return CategoryId @param categoryId the categoryId to set public void setCategoryId int categoryId CategoryId categoryId @return the name public String getName return Name..
JacksonParser databind and core cause “Found duplicate file for APK”? my Category class as well @JsonIgnoreProperties DisplayPriority public class Category @JsonProperty Id private String categoryId @JsonProperty name private String categoryName public String getCategoryId return categoryId public void setCategoryId String.. Id private String categoryId @JsonProperty name private String categoryName public String getCategoryId return categoryId public void setCategoryId String categoryId this.categoryId categoryId public String getCategoryName return categoryName.. name private String categoryName public String getCategoryId return categoryId public void setCategoryId String categoryId this.categoryId categoryId public String getCategoryName return categoryName public void setCategoryName String categoryName..
How to parse a big JSON file in android try URL twitter new URL http services catalog v1 us product publisherId 50085 placementId 1 categoryId 1 keyword iphone cases start 0 results 10 sort relevancy_desc brandId attFilter zipCode 90291 biddedOnly minRelevancyScore..
Get selected item from ListView bound with SimpleCursorAdapter between this Cursor c cursor l.getItemAtPosition position and this Cursor c Cursor l.getAdapter .getItem position int categoryId c.getInt 0 Is this the proper way to get the id of the element that was selected It seems strange because I wouldn't think..
Custom Adapter for List View p items.get position if p null TextView tt TextView v.findViewById TextView tt1 TextView v.findViewById TextView tt3 TextView v.findViewById if tt null tt.setText p.getId if tt1 null tt1.setText p.getCategory.. layout_height wrap_content android layout_width fill_parent TextView android textColor #FFFFFF android id @ id categoryId android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android text categoryId android layout_weight 1.. android id @ id categoryId android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android text categoryId android layout_weight 1 android height 20sp TextView android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width fill_parent..
KSoap2 and KvmSerializable - How to Send complex Objects like Stringarrays public class HelloWorldWS public Category getCategoryObject Category obj Category C1 new Category C1.setCategoryId 1 C1.setDescription server desc C1.setName server Name System.out.println obj.getCategoryId return C1 This is my Category.. C1 new Category C1.setCategoryId 1 C1.setDescription server desc C1.setName server Name System.out.println obj.getCategoryId return C1 This is my Category Class on the WebServer package public class Category private int CategoryId.. return C1 This is my Category Class on the WebServer package public class Category private int CategoryId private String Name private String Description @return the categoryId public int getCategoryId return CategoryId @param..