android Programming Glossary: alarms
Android AlarmManager AlarmManager being set. java android alarmmanager android alarms android 1.5 share improve this question Some sample code..
Android Alarm Clock UI of Preferences since the Alarm app can have multiple alarms and not just one alarm. If there are multiple alarms and you.. alarms and not just one alarm. If there are multiple alarms and you don't use multiple SharedPreferences files it would.. provider to store the information related to multiple alarms. android user interface settings android preferences alarm..
Inform Activity from a BroadcastReceiver ONLY if it is in the foreground to do that Thanks EDIT my BroadcastReceiver is waiting for alarms that must be notified to the user. So it must be there and declared..
android pending intent notification problem the correct intents That depends on whether you have two alarms that will be registered at once or not. If not you can use FLAG_ONE_SHOT.. use the newer extras. If however you will have two alarms registered at once with different Intent extras you will need..
Using Alarmmanager to start a service at specific time using the AlarmManager I want to register several such alarms and triggering them should result in a service to be started...
Android keeps caching my intents Extras, how to declare a pending intent that keeps fresh extras? was struggling to find a way to use custom intents for my alarms. Although I got clear answer that I have to customize the Intents..
How can I setup multiple alarms in Android? can I setup multiple alarms in Android So far and thanks to this website I've been able.. itemId notification Thanks in Advance monn3t android alarms share improve this question Ok when you set an PendingIntent..
Android: Get all PendingIntents set with AlarmManager alarmTime pendingEvent I'm interested in removing all the alarms that where previously set clearing them. Is there a way for.. them. Is there a way for me to do that or to get all the alarms that are currently set so that I can delete them manually Thanks.. context 0 updateServiceIntent 0 Cancel alarms try alarmManager.cancel pendingUpdateIntent catch Exception..
How can I correctly pass unique extras to a pending intent? with extras that will go along with it. If I set multiple alarms They will go off however the extras stay the same. I have already..
Android: CursorAdapter, ListView and CheckBox and periodic calls of onCheckedChanged start stop the alarms. A lot of unnesseccary actions. android listview checkbox ..
Date and time change listener in Android? at the time I expect. So I may have to reset all the alarms again. Is there an date and time change listener in android..
Enable and disable a Broadcast Receiver a BOOT_COMPLETED receiver when I don't have any active alarms that need to be scheduled. My guess is that your ComponentName..
How to run a service every day at noon, and on every boot use it with a broadcast receiver which also resets the alarms on phone wake. Now with code example Setting alarm inside a.. here you call a service etc. Receiver for resetting alarms whenever phone has been shut down. public class AlarmSetter.. this cleared things up if any errors plz tell. Edit added alarmsetter example public class AlarmSetter extends BroadcastReceiver.. cannot be instantiated due to NullPointerException One is a customized ListView display the existing alarms. There are some buttons in it to start the other one which is.. buttons in it to start the other one which is for add edit alarms. There is a button in it lead to the previous ListView activity...
Android AlarmManager I need to trigger a block of code after 20 minutes from the AlarmManager being set. java android alarmmanager android alarms android 1.5 share improve this question Some sample code is not that easy when it comes to AlarmManager . Here is a snippet..
Android Alarm Clock UI I am not completely convinced that it is a combination of Preferences since the Alarm app can have multiple alarms and not just one alarm. If there are multiple alarms and you don't use multiple SharedPreferences files it would naturally.. combination of Preferences since the Alarm app can have multiple alarms and not just one alarm. If there are multiple alarms and you don't use multiple SharedPreferences files it would naturally make sense to create a content provider to store the.. files it would naturally make sense to create a content provider to store the information related to multiple alarms. android user interface settings android preferences alarm share improve this question The stock alarm clock app is..
Inform Activity from a BroadcastReceiver ONLY if it is in the foreground my onResume method so I don't care at all. Any hints on how to do that Thanks EDIT my BroadcastReceiver is waiting for alarms that must be notified to the user. So it must be there and declared in the manifest. The problem is it will have to decide..
android pending intent notification problem extras as the first one. Correct. How can I make it to launch the correct intents That depends on whether you have two alarms that will be registered at once or not. If not you can use FLAG_ONE_SHOT or one of the other PendingIntent flags to have.. of the other PendingIntent flags to have your second PendingIntent use the newer extras. If however you will have two alarms registered at once with different Intent extras you will need to make the two Intents be more materially different such..
Using Alarmmanager to start a service at specific time if thats not possible then an activity at a specific time daily using the AlarmManager I want to register several such alarms and triggering them should result in a service to be started. I'll be having a small piece of code in the service which..
Android keeps caching my intents Extras, how to declare a pending intent that keeps fresh extras? a pending intent that keeps fresh extras A few days ago I was struggling to find a way to use custom intents for my alarms. Although I got clear answer that I have to customize the Intents based on some unique ID eg. setAction still have some..
How can I setup multiple alarms in Android? can I setup multiple alarms in Android So far and thanks to this website I've been able to set up an alarm that will be set up and active even if I.. notification.defaults Notification.DEFAULT_ALL nm.notify itemId notification Thanks in Advance monn3t android alarms share improve this question Ok when you set an PendingIntent you're supposed to assign it a unique ID to it incase you..
Android: Get all PendingIntents set with AlarmManager an alarm like this alarmManager.set AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP alarmTime pendingEvent I'm interested in removing all the alarms that where previously set clearing them. Is there a way for me to do that or to get all the alarms that are currently set.. in removing all the alarms that where previously set clearing them. Is there a way for me to do that or to get all the alarms that are currently set so that I can delete them manually Thanks android alarmmanager share improve this question You.. PendingIntent pendingUpdateIntent PendingIntent.getService context 0 updateServiceIntent 0 Cancel alarms try alarmManager.cancel pendingUpdateIntent catch Exception e Log.e TAG AlarmManager update was not canceled. e.toString..
How can I correctly pass unique extras to a pending intent? a problem with the alarmManager and the pending intent with extras that will go along with it. If I set multiple alarms They will go off however the extras stay the same. I have already read into these questions android pending intent notification..
Android: CursorAdapter, ListView and CheckBox That's normal The deal is my list view describes alarm elements and periodic calls of onCheckedChanged start stop the alarms. A lot of unnesseccary actions. android listview checkbox share improve this question There are a few concerns with..
Date and time change listener in Android? date or time to a passed time. My alarm will not be triggered at the time I expect. So I may have to reset all the alarms again. Is there an date and time change listener in android android share improve this question Create an intent filter..
Enable and disable a Broadcast Receiver flag PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP I use this to disable a BOOT_COMPLETED receiver when I don't have any active alarms that need to be scheduled. My guess is that your ComponentName is not set up properly e.g. your leading . . Try the constructor..
How to run a service every day at noon, and on every boot improve this question Android alarmmanager is your answer. use it with a broadcast receiver which also resets the alarms on phone wake. Now with code example Setting alarm inside a method Intent intent new Intent context AlarmReceiver.class.. now String action intent.getAction if SOMEACTION.equals action here you call a service etc. Receiver for resetting alarms whenever phone has been shut down. public class AlarmSetter extends BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive Context.. android name android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED Hope this cleared things up if any errors plz tell. Edit added alarmsetter example public class AlarmSetter extends BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent.. cannot be instantiated due to NullPointerException It's a very simple reminder like app with just two activities. One is a customized ListView display the existing alarms. There are some buttons in it to start the other one which is for add edit alarms. There is a button in it lead to the previous.. ListView display the existing alarms. There are some buttons in it to start the other one which is for add edit alarms. There is a button in it lead to the previous ListView activity. There is a weird situation I ran into recently. My app..
Android Set Multiple Alarms Set Multiple Alarms Android Rookie here. I'm trying to implement an Android app that needs to alarm or to alert multiple times along the time...
Android Alarm Clock UI android.preference.RingtonePreference . Repeat is a customized implementation of android.preference.ListPreferenc e. Alarms are managed by a static class which use Content Providers store the actual information. Holo.. implementation of android.preference.ListPreferenc e. Alarms are managed by a static class which use Content Providers store the actual information. Holo theme is used by default since Android 4.0 on other Android..
Nexus 4 not showing files via MTP Manager but Windows doesn't see it... adb shell on the directory shows ls l drwxrwxr x root sdcard_rw 1970 01 16 20 51 Alarms drwxrwxr x root sdcard_rw 1970 01 16 20 51 Android drwxrwxr x root sdcard_rw 2012 11 21 19 30 DCIM drwxrwxr x root sdcard_rw..
Android -Starting Service at Boot Time
Android AsyncTask - avoid multiple instances running multiple instances running I have AsyncTask that processes some background HTTP stuff. AsyncTask runs on schedule Alarms service and sometime user executes it manually. I process records from SQLite and I noticed double posts on server which..
How to implement yearly and monthly repeating alarms? will not accept large time intervals because the number of millis will overflow the argument I do not think Alarms will survive reboots of your phone that will most certainly happen during such a long period of time. I advice that you.. onStartCommand Intent intent int flags int startId your method to check if an alarm must be fired today checkForTodayAlarmsAndBehaveAppropriately reschedule me to check again tomorrow Intent serviceIntent new Intent AlarmService.this AlarmService.class..