android Programming Glossary: ahead
How to get the correct number of bytes sent and received in TrafficStats? by extending the Activity class. Let ™s also go ahead and declare three private class variables. package..
Camera Force Closing issue in Samsung Galaxy S3 version 4.1.1 Devices Like Samsung Galaxy S3. Further you all can go ahead with your Code. it Works For me Very Fine With all the Devices..
How can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android? need to support any printer then you have a very large job ahead of you In ESC POS you will need to use the GS v 0 command documented..
android start user defined activity on search button pressed @ handset
Crossplatform iPhone / Android code sharing scenarios I think would be Blank slate new project knowing ahead of time there is a large chunk of reusable logic that needs..
android: how do i open another app from my app? .show or Query the Package Manager to see if it is ahead of time PackageManager packageManager getPackageManager Intent..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer for P's position actually returns Q's. So we need to look ahead to make sure that there is really a Q at Q's position. If not..
Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1 with javax/net/SocketFactory.class library option to suppress this error message. If you go ahead and use core library but are in fact building an application..
Get Android Google Analytics referrer tag google play share improve this question I went ahead and published a dead pixel finder app to play with snooping..
Anyone doing C2DM on Android android c2dm share improve this question I went ahead and downloaded the Chrome2Phone source code for android and..
Android ListView Text Color can also do this with a quick fix if you do not want to go ahead with complex layout defining etc. While instantiating the adapter..
Sqlite issues with HTC Desire HD . Longer answer The WAL is the write ahead log a relatively new feature in SQLite as I understand it. The..
Android 2.3 Visualizer - Trouble understanding getFft() what the hell is actually going on under the hood I went ahead and grabbed all of the output of getFft 93 2 28 16 21 19 44..
Android: Convert Stream to String without running out of memory run out of memory. In particular if you send string length ahead of your stream you will be able to create a StringBuilder with..
Can't include C++ headers like vector in Android NDK JNIEnv env jobject thiz std vector std string vec Go ahead and do some stuff with this vector of strings now. #ifdef __cplusplus..
How to deal with deprecated classes in Android to keep compatibility another method. Now I have my test for the method I can go ahead and attempt to use it if ClassThatExtendsApplication.getExternalFilesDir..
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) to the SIM UICC . However there could be some light ahead of the tunnel since citizy project in France are already using..
What does Bitmap#recycle() in Android Honeycomb actually DO? that even with rigorous recycle s it is possible to get ahead of the native heap GC. Fortunately there are mechanisms to monitor..
Android - A simple ndk project using the Eigen library and jni the good old windows command line to do the same thing. Go ahead and use this as a sample to learn how to pass some data from..
How to get the correct number of bytes sent and received in TrafficStats? our layout in place we can move on to the src folder. Create by extending the Activity class. Let ™s also go ahead and declare three private class variables. package com.authorwjf import import
Camera Force Closing issue in Samsung Galaxy S3 version 4.1.1 Image path in mImageCaptureUri_samsung if you are running with Devices Like Samsung Galaxy S3. Further you all can go ahead with your Code. it Works For me Very Fine With all the Devices i have tested on. Also if Someone is having Problem with..
How can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android? for your printer to determine which language to use if you need to support any printer then you have a very large job ahead of you In ESC POS you will need to use the GS v 0 command documented on p33 . You do this by sending the the characters..
android start user defined activity on search button pressed @ handset
Crossplatform iPhone / Android code sharing code between iPhone and Android builds The two most common scenarios I think would be Blank slate new project knowing ahead of time there is a large chunk of reusable logic that needs to run on each device. Existing iPhone code base porting of..
android: how do i open another app from my app? No Application Available to View PDF Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show or Query the Package Manager to see if it is ahead of time PackageManager packageManager getPackageManager Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setType application..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer is not unique. For instance if there is no P then request for P's position actually returns Q's. So we need to look ahead to make sure that there is really a Q at Q's position. If not move further down... int nextNextSection nextSection 1 while..
Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1 with javax/net/SocketFactory.class as opposed to compiling an application then use the core library option to suppress this error message. If you go ahead and use core library but are in fact building an application then please be aware that your build will still fail at some..
Get Android Google Analytics referrer tag Does anyone have experience with this android google analytics google play share improve this question I went ahead and published a dead pixel finder app to play with snooping on the intent. For some reason when I registered two different..
Anyone doing C2DM on Android then a tutorial is more than appreciated. Please help. android android c2dm share improve this question I went ahead and downloaded the Chrome2Phone source code for android and understood how it works through that example I had the most..
Android ListView Text Color accepted if you agree. Messy Way But a Good quick fix You can also do this with a quick fix if you do not want to go ahead with complex layout defining etc. While instantiating the adapter declare an inner class to do this here is the code sample..
Sqlite issues with HTC Desire HD improve this question Short answer try removing SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY . Longer answer The WAL is the write ahead log a relatively new feature in SQLite as I understand it. The SQLite docs on WAL say It is not possible to open read only..
Android 2.3 Visualizer - Trouble understanding getFft() source code of the Visualizer class so maybe I can figure out what the hell is actually going on under the hood I went ahead and grabbed all of the output of getFft 93 2 28 16 21 19 44 16 3 16 9 4 0 2 21 16 3 1 2 4 3 5 5 10 6 4 9 7 2 1 2 11 1 5..
Android: Convert Stream to String without running out of memory but you can certainly tune the conditions that cause you to run out of memory. In particular if you send string length ahead of your stream you will be able to create a StringBuilder with correct array size inside of it. Arrays cannot be resized..
Can't include C++ headers like vector in Android NDK omitted. void Java_com_example_hellojni_HelloJni_stringFromJNI JNIEnv env jobject thiz std vector std string vec Go ahead and do some stuff with this vector of strings now. #ifdef __cplusplus #endif The only thing that bite me here was #ifdef..
How to deal with deprecated classes in Android to keep compatibility I want to use this if they have Froyo but otherwise I need another method. Now I have my test for the method I can go ahead and attempt to use it if ClassThatExtendsApplication.getExternalFilesDir null Object arglist new Object 1 arglist 0 null..
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) that allows the application processor to send APDUs directly to the SIM UICC . However there could be some light ahead of the tunnel since citizy project in France are already using secure element mode of NFC technology with Android phones..
What does Bitmap#recycle() in Android Honeycomb actually DO? appears to be lazier it runs less frequently . That means that even with rigorous recycle s it is possible to get ahead of the native heap GC. Fortunately there are mechanisms to monitor the state of the native heap. See BitmapFactory OOM driving..
Android - A simple ndk project using the Eigen library and jni cygwin to use the ndk build command but you can now use the good old windows command line to do the same thing. Go ahead and use this as a sample to learn how to pass some data from java to c using the ndk. There definitely is a severe lack..