android Programming Glossary: aka
How to access original activity's views from spawned background service question You have to update widgets from the GUI thread aka 'the thread that created the view hierarchy'. The standard way..
OpenGL ES Android Matrix Transformations square mSquare.draw mMVPMatrix Now moving on to triangle aka ship Matrix.setIdentityM mModelMatrix 0 Matrix.translateM mModelMatrix..
MediaPlayer error (1, -1004) aka MEDIA_ERROR_IO trying to stream music on Samsung S3 error 1 1004 aka MEDIA_ERROR_IO trying to stream music on Samsung S3 Our application..
Android Spinner - How to make dropdown view transparent? I'm setting the spinner dropdown via java Spinner aka breadcrumbs Spinner spin Spinner findViewById
Inform Activity from a BroadcastReceiver ONLY if it is in the foreground my Activity but only if it is currently in the foreground aka active. If it is not running or not visible I don't care and..
How to determine if one of my activities is in the foreground when none of my own activities are in the foreground aka the user is not interacting with my application . I pull information..
Multiple button presses for Android 2.x to handle touch events yourself. With the multi pointers aka multi touch API it's very easy. Just override the onTouchEvent..
Android - MapView contained within a Listview pair.getValue .toString if value null Add the parents aka main categories curGroupMap new HashMap String Object groupData.add..
Determining if an Android device is rooted programatically? [duplicate] and I would like to encrypt it when the phone is rooted aka the user has access to the database. How do I detect that android..
How to set the Android Live Wallpaper icon (aka “thumbnail”) to set the Android Live Wallpaper icon aka &ldquo thumbnail&rdquo I built my first Android app. It is..
Specifying a link key in android without pairing After pairing this association is automatically created aka bonding once devices are bonded then further connection will..
How to convert a image into Base64 string? class packaged in since it just came out in API level 8 aka version 2.2 . Check this article out for a work around http..
Integrating Twitter in an Android application separate thread. By default it will run in the main thread aka the GUI thread . You could pass an entry to the AlarmManager..
NFC card emulation Android supports not only SWP for UICC based SE but also the S2C aka NFC WI for the external e.g. micro SD card SE. Does anybody..
TTS output always going to A2DP headset works such that STREAM_MUSIC goes to A2DP aka media audio in Android Bluetooth settings and STREAM_VOICE_CALL.. Bluetooth settings and STREAM_VOICE_CALL goes to HSP aka phone audio in Android Bluetooth settings . But regardless whether..
Android - creating custom launcher does an android app needs for being at the top of the GUI aka launcher android launcher share improve this question Well..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? selectedMessage startActivity intent BasePagerActivity aka helper public class BasePagerActivity extends FragmentActivity..
Webview in Scrollview setEmbeddedTitleBar method has been removed in Android 4.1 aka Jelly Bean Update 2012 07 08 Nobu games kindly created a TitleBarWebView..
How to access original activity's views from spawned background service interface pass by reference textview share improve this question You have to update widgets from the GUI thread aka 'the thread that created the view hierarchy'. The standard way to do this is via Handler s and an example of how to use..
OpenGL ES Android Matrix Transformations Matrix.multiplyMM mMVPMatrix 0 mProjMatrix 0 mVMatrix 0 Draw square mSquare.draw mMVPMatrix Now moving on to triangle aka ship Matrix.setIdentityM mModelMatrix 0 Matrix.translateM mModelMatrix 0 0.1f 0f 0 Matrix.rotateM mModelMatrix 0 mTriangle.mAngle..
MediaPlayer error (1, -1004) aka MEDIA_ERROR_IO trying to stream music on Samsung S3 error 1 1004 aka MEDIA_ERROR_IO trying to stream music on Samsung S3 Our application has to stream music from from an online source I'm..
Android Spinner - How to make dropdown view transparent? @android color transparent style @style spinner_item_dropdown I'm setting the spinner dropdown via java Spinner aka breadcrumbs Spinner spin Spinner findViewById ArrayAdapter adapter ArrayAdapter.createFromResource..
Inform Activity from a BroadcastReceiver ONLY if it is in the foreground to send an Intent from that background BroadcastReceiver to my Activity but only if it is currently in the foreground aka active. If it is not running or not visible I don't care and the last thing I want to do is start the Activity by my intent..
How to determine if one of my activities is in the foreground problem is that i want the BroadcastReceiver only to do something when none of my own activities are in the foreground aka the user is not interacting with my application . I pull information from a remote server and don't want to notify the user..
Multiple button presses for Android 2.x multi touch share improve this question You would have to handle touch events yourself. With the multi pointers aka multi touch API it's very easy. Just override the onTouchEvent method or register an OnTouchListener on your buttons. share..
Android - MapView contained within a Listview String keyName String pair.getKey String value pair.getValue .toString if value null Add the parents aka main categories curGroupMap new HashMap String Object groupData.add curGroupMap Push the correct Icon if keyName.equalsIgnoreCase..
Determining if an Android device is rooted programatically? [duplicate] or rom. I have some sensitive information in my database and I would like to encrypt it when the phone is rooted aka the user has access to the database. How do I detect that android share improve this question This is what you need..
How to set the Android Live Wallpaper icon (aka “thumbnail”) to set the Android Live Wallpaper icon aka &ldquo thumbnail&rdquo I built my first Android app. It is a Live Wallpaper designed for 2.2. When I press and hold the..
Specifying a link key in android without pairing key with a device without going through the pairing process. After pairing this association is automatically created aka bonding once devices are bonded then further connection will re use the link key that was generated previously. even if..
How to convert a image into Base64 string? phones with older versions of the OS you won't have the Base64 class packaged in since it just came out in API level 8 aka version 2.2 . Check this article out for a work around http 2010 03 how to base64 encode..
Integrating Twitter in an Android application on your local target. Make sure you run your service in a separate thread. By default it will run in the main thread aka the GUI thread . You could pass an entry to the AlarmManager that would wake up your background service every now and then..
NFC card emulation Android Android the Nexus S device NXP PN544 NFC controller supports not only SWP for UICC based SE but also the S2C aka NFC WI for the external e.g. micro SD card SE. Does anybody know how this can be enabled and what it means for the SD card..
TTS output always going to A2DP My understanding is that audio routing to a Bluetooth headset works such that STREAM_MUSIC goes to A2DP aka media audio in Android Bluetooth settings and STREAM_VOICE_CALL goes to HSP aka phone audio in Android Bluetooth settings.. such that STREAM_MUSIC goes to A2DP aka media audio in Android Bluetooth settings and STREAM_VOICE_CALL goes to HSP aka phone audio in Android Bluetooth settings . But regardless whether I use STREAM_MUSIC or STREAM_VOICE_CALL in my little..
Android - creating custom launcher information regarding creating launcher project. What does an android app needs for being at the top of the GUI aka launcher android launcher share improve this question Well firstly you need to listen to the android.intent.category.HOME..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? this StreamActivity.class intent.putExtra Message.class.getName selectedMessage startActivity intent BasePagerActivity aka helper public class BasePagerActivity extends FragmentActivity BasePagerAdapter mPagerAdapter ViewPager mPager Adapter public..
Webview in Scrollview into the WebView . Update 2012 06 30 It seems as if the setEmbeddedTitleBar method has been removed in Android 4.1 aka Jelly Bean Update 2012 07 08 Nobu games kindly created a TitleBarWebView class bringing the expected behavior back to Android..