android Programming Glossary: again
How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active? state. Need to kill the whole app before it starts working again. android android activity android dialog share improve this..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works and width of views to be rendered and getView won't call again and again some random rows and other problems like returning.. of views to be rendered and getView won't call again and again some random rows and other problems like returning convert view..
Is it possible to have multiple styles inside a TextView? is wondering how to do this here's one way Thanks to Mark again mBox new TextView context mBox.setText Html.fromHtml b title..
Stop EditText from gaining focus at Activity startup this component to prevent the dummy from receiving focus again AutoCompleteTextView android id @ id autotext android layout_width..
Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 download a fresh ADT bundle delete all my code an get it again from git copy the library in question to the app project comment..
How can I capture a video recording on Android? recording false Let's initRecorder so we can record again initRecorder prepareRecorder else recording true recorder.start..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget - Android in memory by the VM and then at some point the user enters again. Each time the user enters to the app I can see the memory growing.. that removes callbacks when your application redraws but again there's not enough information here to say for sure. share..
Changing Locale within the app itself menu What should I do in API Level 5 to make this work again HERE IS THE FULL CODE IF YOU WANT TO TEST THIS import java.util.Locale..
Focusable EditText inside ListView And when I navigate out of that header change it back it again. public void onItemSelected AdapterView listView View view int..
Change language programatically in Android from my experience. here is a code if you still need this again i don't recommend that Resources res context.getResources Change..
Maintain/Save/Restore scroll position when returning to a ListView to the previous screen. When the user opens this ListView again I want the list to be scrolled to the same point that it was..
Activity restart on rotation Android on device rotation or 2. Make it so onCreate is not called again and the layout just adjusts or 3. Limit the app to just portrait..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object as I disabled the image on the list view it worked fine again. FYI This is how I was doing it String from new String DBHelper.KEY_BUSINESSNAME..
Android: How to declare global variables? also when the phone keyboard slides the login form appears again and I guess the problem is the variable strSessionString. Does..
Android accelerometer accuracy (Inertial navigation) from each subsequent reading . I then tested the system by again placing it on the table and sampling 5000 accelerometer readings..
Android Activity Life Cycle - What are all these methods for? your activity has been stopped prior to it being started again. Always followed by onStart onStart Called when the activity..
Error inflating class PID 24278 SIG 9 I am using GoogleAdMobAdsSdkAndroid 6.0.0. Again I am very new to this and I have tried using examples off multiple..
How to create a file in Android? use the openFileInput method the ActivityContext provides. Again for security reasons with openFileInput ... FileInputStream..
Force overflow menu in ActionBarSherlock I use this as the attribute @style Theme.SociallyYOU Again if you must absolutely force overflow you might also want to..
Custom SSL handling stopped working on Android 2.2 FroYo source browse #svn trunk src org transdroid util Again I don't understand why it suddenly stopped work or even what..
Change the background color of the options menu does not appear on the current system. Again understand that this is a hack and by no means am I claiming..
android:orientation=“vertical” does not work for TabWidget true style android attr tabWidgetStyle RelativeLayout Again this is identical to the original Android XML except for the..
Key hash for Facebook Android SDK windows win7 and I tried opening the file keytool.exe. Again this is probably really simple and I just cant find any information..
hiding strings in Obfuscated code snippets 39 index.html provides a decent usage example. Again this is more annoying then secure to would be hackers as you..
custom row in a listPreference? xml took out al my other preference items for simplicity. Again be sure to mind the package name the custom ListPreference class.. the entry names and values for the ListPreference. Again shortened mine for simplicity. xml version 1.0 encoding utf..
Technical details of Android Garbage Collector source with more technical information to read upon this. Again what's the impact on the developer other than the obvious that..
When to close db connection on android? Every time after your operation finished or after your app exit Do you fetch different data each time you fetch something Again it seems reasonable to leave it open as you won't gain in caching..
Difference between “@id/” and “@+id/” in Android links this to the already created id in . More Info Again As you said in your chat note that android layout_below @id..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? to get auth on your server... An article worth itself. Again is the defined string identifying... style..
Help with passing ArrayList and parcelable Activity a lot of attention except for one with a GeoPoint example. Again it looked to me like they just flattened the GeoPoint object..
Android post JSON using HTTP does. It doesn't need to be a complex simple will suffice. Again I know there are a ton of examples out there I'm just really..
Android: How to declare global variables? your application a tag is necessary in the manifest file. Again see the Android docs for more info. An example application android.. on demand using an Application subclass as well. Again there is no difference. Diane ends with The framework itself..
How to show alphabetical letters on side of Android ListView feature in the Contacts list for my own ListView Edited Again I followed this tutorial which I thought would finally make..
Android - Start service on boot Does this all sound correct or am I missing something Again any help is much appreciated. java android broadcastreceiver..
How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active? thread is still going and the UI is in partially drawn state. Need to kill the whole app before it starts working again. android android activity android dialog share improve this question When you switch orientations Android will create..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works same height and width .this will tell getView of exact height and width of views to be rendered and getView won't call again and again some random rows and other problems like returning convert view even before scrolling won't happen i have test.. and width .this will tell getView of exact height and width of views to be rendered and getView won't call again and again some random rows and other problems like returning convert view even before scrolling won't happen i have test this myself..
Is it possible to have multiple styles inside a TextView? textview share improve this question In case anyone is wondering how to do this here's one way Thanks to Mark again mBox new TextView context mBox.setText Html.fromHtml b title b br small description small br small DateAdded small For..
Stop EditText from gaining focus at Activity startup 0px nextFocusUp and nextFocusLeft have been set to the id of this component to prevent the dummy from receiving focus again AutoCompleteTextView android id @ id autotext android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android..
Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 stuff including but not limited to re install the android SDK download a fresh ADT bundle delete all my code an get it again from git copy the library in question to the app project comment out the code that uses this library i just get the same..
How can I capture a video recording on Android? finish public void onClick View v if recording recorder.stop recording false Let's initRecorder so we can record again initRecorder prepareRecorder else recording true recorder.start public void surfaceCreated SurfaceHolder holder prepareRecorder..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget - Android user quits the onDestroy method is executed and app stays in memory by the VM and then at some point the user enters again. Each time the user enters to the app I can see the memory growing more and more until user gets the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError..
Changing Locale within the app itself return super.onCreateOptionsMenu menu What should I do in API Level 5 to make this work again HERE IS THE FULL CODE IF YOU WANT TO TEST THIS import java.util.Locale import import android.content.res.Configuration..
Focusable EditText inside ListView change descendant focusability and set focus on the EditText. And when I navigate out of that header change it back it again. public void onItemSelected AdapterView listView View view int position long id if position 1 listView.setItemsCanFocus..
Change language programatically in Android have to set it every time you enter activity each activity from my experience. here is a code if you still need this again i don't recommend that Resources res context.getResources Change locale settings in the app. DisplayMetrics dm res.getDisplayMetrics..
Maintain/Save/Restore scroll position when returning to a ListView ListView that the user can scroll around before returning to the previous screen. When the user opens this ListView again I want the list to be scrolled to the same point that it was previously. Any ideas on how to achieve this android android..
Activity restart on rotation Android initial setting up in another function so it's not all lost on device rotation or 2. Make it so onCreate is not called again and the layout just adjusts or 3. Limit the app to just portrait so that onCreate is not called. android rotation android..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object to do but some sample code for that would be nice. As soon as I disabled the image on the list view it worked fine again. FYI This is how I was doing it String from new String DBHelper.KEY_BUSINESSNAME DBHelper.KEY_ADDRESS DBHelper.KEY_CITY..
Android: How to declare global variables? appears twice the login method is called twice and also when the phone keyboard slides the login form appears again and I guess the problem is the variable strSessionString. Does anyone know how to set the variable global in order to avoid..
Android accelerometer accuracy (Inertial navigation) this value to calibrate the phone subtracting this value from each subsequent reading . I then tested the system by again placing it on the table and sampling 5000 accelerometer readings in the X and Y directions. I would expect given the calibration..
Android Activity Life Cycle - What are all these methods for? was one. Always followed by onStart . onRestart Called after your activity has been stopped prior to it being started again. Always followed by onStart onStart Called when the activity is becoming visible to the user. Followed by onResume if the..
Error inflating class 20 more 05 09 13 12 11.593 I Process 24278 Sending signal. PID 24278 SIG 9 I am using GoogleAdMobAdsSdkAndroid 6.0.0. Again I am very new to this and I have tried using examples off multiple sites but the app continues to crash when it hits a page..
How to create a file in Android? osw.flush osw.close Reading the file back... We have to use the openFileInput method the ActivityContext provides. Again for security reasons with openFileInput ... FileInputStream fIn openFileInput samplefile.txt InputStreamReader isr new InputStreamReader..
Force overflow menu in ActionBarSherlock And while applying a theme for an Activity in the manifest.xml I use this as the attribute @style Theme.SociallyYOU Again if you must absolutely force overflow you might also want to read CommonsWare's thought on the same in another question..
Custom SSL handling stopped working on Android 2.2 FroYo which the source can be found here http p transdroid source browse #svn trunk src org transdroid util Again I don't understand why it suddenly stopped work or even what the error 'Broken pipe' means. I have seen messages on Twitter..
Change the background color of the options menu way that will fall back if does not appear on the current system. Again understand that this is a hack and by no means am I claiming this will work on all platforms. But we developers are not..
android:orientation=“vertical” does not work for TabWidget layout_alignParentBottom true android layout_centerHorizontal true style android attr tabWidgetStyle RelativeLayout Again this is identical to the original Android XML except for the ids. For a landscape friendly version we need to invert again..
Key hash for Facebook Android SDK I have no idea where to insert this i tried through command windows win7 and I tried opening the file keytool.exe. Again this is probably really simple and I just cant find any information made dumb enough for me about this. Could you reach..
hiding strings in Obfuscated code like AES via javax.crypto.Cipher http snippets 39 index.html provides a decent usage example. Again this is more annoying then secure to would be hackers as you will need to store the key somewhere in your jar thus negating..
custom row in a listPreference? The xml for my PreferenceActivity. This is not my full xml took out al my other preference items for simplicity. Again be sure to mind the package name the custom ListPreference class must be referenced by the package name. Also mind the names.. Finally under res values here is my array.xml that contains the entry names and values for the ListPreference. Again shortened mine for simplicity. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources string array name yourArray item Item 1 item item..
Technical details of Android Garbage Collector arrange for this automatically. As before I'd rather find a source with more technical information to read upon this. Again what's the impact on the developer other than the obvious that increased performance could be hoped for Any such input is..
When to close db connection on android? Every time after your operation finished or after your app exit the database a lot Then it seems rectified to keep it open. Do you fetch different data each time you fetch something Again it seems reasonable to leave it open as you won't gain in caching the data instead . Are there any other applications accessing..
Difference between “@id/” and “@+id/” in Android referring to an id that has already been created so parser links this to the already created id in . More Info Again As you said in your chat note that android layout_below @id myTextView won't recognize an element with id myTextView if..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? This involves creating a subclass of AccountAuthenticator to get auth on your server... An article worth itself. Again is the defined string identifying... style account credentials again this should not be a surprise...
Help with passing ArrayList and parcelable Activity and around the web on this but nothing that got a lot of attention except for one with a GeoPoint example. Again it looked to me like they just flattened the GeoPoint object into two integers and passed it in. I can't do that because..
Android post JSON using HTTP explanation of why you do each step or of what that step does. It doesn't need to be a complex simple will suffice. Again I know there are a ton of examples out there I'm just really looking for an example with an explanation of what exactly..
Android: How to declare global variables? in order to correctly tie your Application override to your application a tag is necessary in the manifest file. Again see the Android docs for more info. An example application android name my.application.MyApp android icon ... android label.. This ignores the fact that there is no reason you cannot initialize on demand using an Application subclass as well. Again there is no difference. Diane ends with The framework itself has tons and tons of singletons for all the little shared data..
How to show alphabetical letters on side of Android ListView Does anyone know how I can implement that alphabetical scroll feature in the Contacts list for my own ListView Edited Again I followed this tutorial which I thought would finally make it work but I'm still getting a forced close. class AlphabeticalAdapter..
Android - Start service on boot logs in DDMS and check the Running Services in the OS settings. Does this all sound correct or am I missing something Again any help is much appreciated. java android broadcastreceiver intentservice share improve this question Well here is..