android Programming Glossary: alertbox
How to send multiple images to server using MultipartEntity from android submit.put abc txt_phototext.getText .toString executeMultipartPost PD1.dismiss else AlertDialog.Builder alertbox new AlertDialog.Builder CustomTabActivity.mTabHost.getContext alertbox.setMessage Take Image Size Less than 10 MB alertbox.setNeutralButton.. PD1.dismiss else AlertDialog.Builder alertbox new AlertDialog.Builder CustomTabActivity.mTabHost.getContext alertbox.setMessage Take Image Size Less than 10 MB alertbox.setNeutralButton Ok new DialogInterface.OnClickListener public void.. new AlertDialog.Builder CustomTabActivity.mTabHost.getContext alertbox.setMessage Take Image Size Less than 10 MB alertbox.setNeutralButton Ok new DialogInterface.OnClickListener public void onClick DialogInterface arg0 int arg1 finish..
Memory leak in Android when trying to send a form with image to PHP server barcodeStr Boolean fromScanner b.getBoolean scanner if fromScanner true AlertDialog.Builder alertbox new AlertDialog.Builder this alertbox.setMessage getString R.string.insert_product alertbox.setPositiveButton getString.. Boolean fromScanner b.getBoolean scanner if fromScanner true AlertDialog.Builder alertbox new AlertDialog.Builder this alertbox.setMessage getString R.string.insert_product alertbox.setPositiveButton getString R.string.yes new DialogInterface.OnClickListener.. true AlertDialog.Builder alertbox new AlertDialog.Builder this alertbox.setMessage getString R.string.insert_product alertbox.setPositiveButton getString R.string.yes new DialogInterface.OnClickListener public void onClick DialogInterface arg_1..
Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class (LazyList) NetworkInfo netInfo cm.getActiveNetworkInfo if netInfo null netInfo.isConnected return true else AlertDialog.Builder alertbox new AlertDialog.Builder this alertbox.setTitle spendino Helfomat alertbox.setMessage Please check your internet connection.. if netInfo null netInfo.isConnected return true else AlertDialog.Builder alertbox new AlertDialog.Builder this alertbox.setTitle spendino Helfomat alertbox.setMessage Please check your internet connection alertbox.setPositiveButton OK new.. return true else AlertDialog.Builder alertbox new AlertDialog.Builder this alertbox.setTitle spendino Helfomat alertbox.setMessage Please check your internet connection alertbox.setPositiveButton OK new DialogInterface.OnClickListener public..
how can i get the repeat alarm for week days using alarm manager in android? extends BroadcastReceiver DBAdapter mDba SQLiteDatabase mDb Ringtone rt MediaPlayer mp AlertDialog.Builder alertbox Context ctx @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent DBHelper mDbh new DBHelper context null null 1..
Can I combine my code into some kind of “global activity”? KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK try final Intent itnt_BackServices new Intent this BackServices.class AlertDialog.Builder alertbox new AlertDialog.Builder this alertbox.setTitle Touch signs alertbox.setMessage Do you want to quit alertbox.setPositiveButton.. itnt_BackServices new Intent this BackServices.class AlertDialog.Builder alertbox new AlertDialog.Builder this alertbox.setTitle Touch signs alertbox.setMessage Do you want to quit alertbox.setPositiveButton Yes new DialogInterface.OnClickListener.. this BackServices.class AlertDialog.Builder alertbox new AlertDialog.Builder this alertbox.setTitle Touch signs alertbox.setMessage Do you want to quit alertbox.setPositiveButton Yes new DialogInterface.OnClickListener public void onClick..