android Programming Glossary: alertdialog.settitle
Shared Prefence for alert dialog is making my application non responsive alertDialog new AlertDialog.Builder this alertDialog.setTitle Title alertDialog.setIcon R.drawable.ic_launcher alertDialog.setAdapter..
Location servise GPS Force closed new AlertDialog.Builder mContext Setting Dialog Title alertDialog.setTitle GPS settings Setting Dialog Message alertDialog .setMessage..
How to open new browser from WebViewClient? MyActivity.this Oh no description Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show alertDialog.setTitle Error alertDialog.setMessage description alertDialog.setButton..
Android - Listview delete item and Refresh alertDialog new AlertDialog.Builder context .create alertDialog.setTitle getString R.string.app_name_for_alert_Dialog alertDialog.setButton..
How to Reuse getExternalStorageState? alertDialog new AlertDialog.Builder null .create alertDialog.setTitle External Storage State alertDialog.setMessage Your SD Card..
Android: how to create a transparent dialog-themed activity alertDialog new AlertDialog.Builder this .create alertDialog.setTitle alertDialog.setMessage alertDialog.setIcon R.drawable.icon alertDialog.setButton..
AlertDialog inside alertdialog android alertDialog new AlertDialog.Builder myclass.this .create alertDialog.setTitle First alert alertDialog.setMessage first alert press alertDialog.setButton..
Shared Prefence for alert dialog is making my application non responsive settings.getBoolean installed false if installed final AlertDialog.Builder alertDialog new AlertDialog.Builder this alertDialog.setTitle Title alertDialog.setIcon R.drawable.ic_launcher alertDialog.setAdapter new MyAdapter null alertDialog.setPositiveButton..
Location servise GPS Force closed public void showSettingsAlert AlertDialog.Builder alertDialog new AlertDialog.Builder mContext Setting Dialog Title alertDialog.setTitle GPS settings Setting Dialog Message alertDialog .setMessage GPS is not enabled. Do you want to go to settings menu On pressing..
How to open new browser from WebViewClient? failingUrl Log.e TAG Error description Toast.makeText MyActivity.this Oh no description Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show alertDialog.setTitle Error alertDialog.setMessage description alertDialog.setButton OK new DialogInterface.OnClickListener public void onClick..
Android - Listview delete item and Refresh message int position final int pos position final AlertDialog alertDialog new AlertDialog.Builder context .create alertDialog.setTitle getString R.string.app_name_for_alert_Dialog alertDialog.setButton Delete new DialogInterface.OnClickListener public void..
How to Reuse getExternalStorageState? Pass context to AlertDialog.Builder AlertDialog alertDialog new AlertDialog.Builder null .create alertDialog.setTitle External Storage State alertDialog.setMessage Your SD Card is not mounted If the device is plugged into a computer via..
Android: how to create a transparent dialog-themed activity super.onCreate savedInstanceState final AlertDialog alertDialog new AlertDialog.Builder this .create alertDialog.setTitle alertDialog.setMessage alertDialog.setIcon R.drawable.icon alertDialog.setButton Accept new DialogInterface.OnClickListener..
AlertDialog inside alertdialog android alertdialog..please help me here is my code shown AlertDialog alertDialog new AlertDialog.Builder myclass.this .create alertDialog.setTitle First alert alertDialog.setMessage first alert press alertDialog.setButton ok new DialogInterface.OnClickListener public..