android Programming Glossary: after
Android, How to manage start activity for result? it device has camera and recording is done completely then after recording video if user clicks on done button then I'll send..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) an extra to the SMSReceiver Update #3 Receiving MMS So after doing more research I saw some suggestions of registering a.. The error gets thrown after querying the Carriers ContentProvider in the getMMSApns method.. MMS attachment will not be received. Even if I turn it on after the message was received. For some reason when your phone provider..
Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 I have a rather big Android App project that..
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException after changing nothing in the project but upgrading eclipse android sdk [duplicate] after changing nothing in the project but upgrading eclipse android.. an answer here Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 7 answers Some time ago I developed..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? the user to log out but rather implicitly log the user out after a period of inactivity. Same thing with Android and to a lesser..
How do I pass data between activities in Android? between activities in Android I have a scenario where after logging in through a login page there will be sign out button..
Activity has leaked window that was originally added
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? color Color.parseColor #6C8715 Log.d myapp.APP map color after color Collection overlaysToAddAgain new ArrayList for Iterator..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser I'm going to explain the pro's and con's of both after posting a short hander example. android.sax Implementation Let's..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds text final int start final int before final int after mNeedsResize true Since this view may be reused it is good to.. mTextSize mMaxTextSize mTextSize Resize text after measuring @Override protected void onLayout boolean changed..
Android: How to declare global variables? the variable global in order to avoid login form appearing after the user already successfully authenticates Thanks android..
Android Activity Life Cycle - What are all these methods for? was one. Always followed by onStart . onRestart Called after your activity has been stopped prior to it being started again... have enough memory to keep your activity's process running after its onPause method is called. onDestroy The final call you receive..
AsyncTask Android example Void... values I am just trying to change the label after 5 seconds in the background process. This is my main.xml xml.. and postExecute offer you access to GUI before and after the heavy lifting occurs in this new thread you can even pass.. in PostExecute You will then see you TextView text update after the doInBackground completes. EDIT I noticed that your onClick..
Close/hide the Android Soft Keyboard Keyboard I have an EditText and a Button in my layout. After writing in the edit field and clicking on the Button I want..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) could send and receive MMS messages in a similar fashion. After doing some research many examples provided on blogs simply pass..
Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 'Android Private Libraries'. Then refresh clean rebuild. After you done this 'fix' for a library project you may need to just..
Eclipse giving error, missing file after recent update the latest one after Juno . My ADT version is 22.0 . After this update when I create a new project I'm getting error stating.. file eclipse adt share improve this question After updating to SDK Tools to rev. 22 for the first time you may.. again and install a new item Android SDK Build tools . After installing this clean your projects and rebuild. share improve..
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException after changing nothing in the project but upgrading eclipse android sdk [duplicate] my device. Then I stopped development for about 1 month. After the recent Google I O I decided to come back to development...
Caching images and displaying different images next to my text views in my ListView . After going through many threads in SO. The top answers are to solve..
NoClassDefFoundError - Eclipse and Android the normal Eclipse way. This worked fine until my update. After my update I was getting the NoClassDefFoundError for a class..
How to return a result (startActivityForResult) from a TabHost Activity? around yet. android share improve this question Oh god After spending several hours and downloading the Android sources I..
How to pick an image from gallery (SD Card) for my app in Android? yourSelectedImage BitmapFactory.decodeFile filePath After this you've got the selected image stored in yourSelectedImage..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery DEBUG dalvikvm 5221 GC freed 17 objects 808 bytes in 67ms After entering the first gallery DEBUG Application 5221 debug. DEBUG.. dalvikvm 5221 GC freed 353 objects 27312 bytes in 67ms After existing the first gallery DEBUG Application 5221 debug. DEBUG.. DEBUG dalvikvm 5221 GC freed 13 objects 760 bytes in 67ms After entering the fifth gallery DEBUG Application 5221 debug. DEBUG..
Horizontal ListView in Android? horizontal scrolling share improve this question After reading this post I have implemented my own Horizontal listview...
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible? of threads allowing multiple tasks to operate in parallel. After HONEYCOMB it is planned to change this back to a single thread..
Android - SMS Broadcast receiver like the no intents are firing. What am I doing wrong here After installing do I have to somehow 'start' this receiver Because..
Save ArrayList to SharedPreferences arraylist sharedpreferences share improve this question After API 11 the SharedPreferences Editor accept Sets. You could convert..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” is displayed and the user selects one of the options. After the user has made a selection the selected item is displayed..
R cannot be resolved - Android error eclipse android resources share improve this question After tracking down this problem as well I found this note in the..
How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api? STATUS loadingMore false HIDE THE PROGRESS BAR SPINNER AFTER LOADING ALBUMS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility View.GONE .. currentPosition 1 0 SET LOADINGMORE FALSE AFTER ADDING NEW FEEDS TO THE EXISTING LIST loadingMore false HIDE.. loadingMore false HIDE THE BOTTOM PROGRESS BAR SPINNER AFTER LOADING MORE ALBUMS linlaProgressBar.setVisibility View.GONE..
how to show progress bar(circle) in an activity having a listview before loading the listview with data FETCHING MORE DATA loadingMore false HIDE THE SPINNER AFTER LOADING FEEDS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility View.GONE EDIT..
Lazy download images into gridView currentPosition 1 SET LOADINGMORE FALSE AFTER ADDING NEW FEEDS TO THE EXISTING LIST loadingMore false And.. in the onPostExecute HIDE THE BOTTOM PROGRESS BAR SPINNER AFTER LOADING MORE ALBUMS linlaProgressBar.setVisibility View.GONE..
Android audio calls using android's sip mSipProfile pi null This listener must be added AFTER is called Otherwise the methods aren't guaranteed..
More efficient way of updating UI from Service than intents? x Log.d INTENT SENT INTENT SENT INCOMING CALL AFTER PROCESSINVITE So the activity will have a broadcast reciever..
Retrieve Contact Phone Number From URI in Android show an example of how to get the contact's phone number AFTER getting their userID My code private Runnable getSMSRunnable..
iScroll 4 not working with form <select> element iPhone Safari and Android browser event you'll have to make sure to you put this code AFTER the HTML where your select elements are defined. Note that for..
Changing text in Android on text change causes overflow error public void afterTextChanged Editable s Log.i REACHES AFTER YES @Override public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence s.. INFO REACHES ON 492 YES 08 28 19 53 21.276 INFO REACHES AFTER 492 YES 08 28 19 53 21.296 INFO REACHES BEFORE 492 YES 08 28.. INFO REACHES ON 492 YES 08 28 19 53 21.305 INFO REACHES AFTER 492 YES 08 28 19 53 21.745 INFO REACHES BEFORE 492 YES 08 28..
How to hide action bar before activity is created, and then show it again? .hide setContentView R.layout.splash be sure you call this AFTER requestFeature This creates the ActionBar and immediately hides..
Android, How to manage start activity for result? if problem happens then I'll close this activity. If it device has camera and recording is done completely then after recording video if user clicks on done button then I'll send result address of recorded video back to main activity. How..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) the SendBroadcastReceiver not the SMSReceiver . How can I pass an extra to the SMSReceiver Update #3 Receiving MMS So after doing more research I saw some suggestions of registering a ContentObserver . That way you can detect when there are any.. APN settings Neither user 10099 nor current process has android.permission.WRITE_APN_SETTINGS. The error gets thrown after querying the Carriers ContentProvider in the getMMSApns method of the APNHelper class. final Cursor apnCursor this.context.getContentResolver.. But if I do not have mobile data on prior the incoming MMS attachment will not be received. Even if I turn it on after the message was received. For some reason when your phone provider enables you with the ability to send and receive MMS..
Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 I have a rather big Android App project that is referencing several library projects. Everything was..
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException after changing nothing in the project but upgrading eclipse android sdk [duplicate] after changing nothing in the project but upgrading eclipse android sdk duplicate This question already has an answer here .. eclipse android sdk duplicate This question already has an answer here Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 7 answers Some time ago I developed a rather simple app with a target of 4.2.2. I had it working..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? the notion of terminating an app. Most Web apps don't force the user to log out but rather implicitly log the user out after a period of inactivity. Same thing with Android and to a lesser extent iPhone and possibly WebOS . This requires more emphasis..
How do I pass data between activities in Android? do I pass data between activities in Android I have a scenario where after logging in through a login page there will be sign out button on each activity. On clicking signout I will be passing the..
Activity has leaked window that was originally added
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? for dining make it darker if color Color.parseColor #add331 color Color.parseColor #6C8715 Log.d myapp.APP map color after color Collection overlaysToAddAgain new ArrayList for Iterator iter mMapView01.getOverlays .iterator iter.hasNext Object..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser Either you use the org.xml.sax or the android.sax implementation. I'm going to explain the pro's and con's of both after posting a short hander example. android.sax Implementation Let's start with the android.sax implementation. You have first..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds text size. @Override protected void onTextChanged final CharSequence text final int start final int before final int after mNeedsResize true Since this view may be reused it is good to reset the text size resetTextSize If the text view size changed.. if mTextSize 0 super.setTextSize TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX mTextSize mMaxTextSize mTextSize Resize text after measuring @Override protected void onLayout boolean changed int left int top int right int bottom if changed mNeedsResize..
Android: How to declare global variables? the variable strSessionString. Does anyone know how to set the variable global in order to avoid login form appearing after the user already successfully authenticates Thanks android singleton global variables state share improve this question..
Android Activity Life Cycle - What are all these methods for? containing the activity's previously frozen state if there was one. Always followed by onStart . onRestart Called after your activity has been stopped prior to it being started again. Always followed by onStart onStart Called when the activity.. called in low memory situations where the system does not have enough memory to keep your activity's process running after its onPause method is called. onDestroy The final call you receive before your activity is destroyed. This can happen either..
AsyncTask Android example void onPreExecute @Override protected void onProgressUpdate Void... values I am just trying to change the label after 5 seconds in the background process. This is my main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http.. does not have access to the GUI where your views are. preExecute and postExecute offer you access to GUI before and after the heavy lifting occurs in this new thread you can even pass the result of the long operation to postExecute to then show.. findViewById txt.setText Executed put them in PostExecute You will then see you TextView text update after the doInBackground completes. EDIT I noticed that your onClick listener does not check to see which View has been selected...
Close/hide the Android Soft Keyboard hide the Android Soft Keyboard I have an EditText and a Button in my layout. After writing in the edit field and clicking on the Button I want to hide the virtual keyboard. I assume that there's a simple..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) receiver application manifest However I was wondering if you could send and receive MMS messages in a similar fashion. After doing some research many examples provided on blogs simply pass an Intent to the native Messaging application. I am trying..
Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 section. To fix this go to 'Order and Export' and check 'Android Private Libraries'. Then refresh clean rebuild. After you done this 'fix' for a library project you may need to just close and re open any depending project because they may..
Eclipse giving error, missing file after recent update to the latest version I have also update the Eclipse to Kepler the latest one after Juno . My ADT version is 22.0 . After this update when I create a new project I'm getting error stating R cannot be resolved to a variable . I have imported import.. but same problem is there. android eclipse eclipse plugin file eclipse adt share improve this question After updating to SDK Tools to rev. 22 for the first time you may need to relaunch Android SDK Manager again and install a new..
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException after changing nothing in the project but upgrading eclipse android sdk [duplicate] app with a target of 4.2.2. I had it working normally in my device. Then I stopped development for about 1 month. After the recent Google I O I decided to come back to development. What I first did was open the Android SDK Manager and update..
Caching images and displaying I need to display but I don't know how to display all these different images next to my text views in my ListView . After going through many threads in SO. The top answers are to solve this by 1. Lazy List 2. Universal Image Loader I have gone..
NoClassDefFoundError - Eclipse and Android in a folder called lib and adding the jars to the build path the normal Eclipse way. This worked fine until my update. After my update I was getting the NoClassDefFoundError for a class that I could clearly see was included in the jar checking out..
How to return a result (startActivityForResult) from a TabHost Activity? RESULT_CANCELED back to Class A. I just don't know a work around yet. android share improve this question Oh god After spending several hours and downloading the Android sources I have finally come to a solution. If you look at the Activity..
How to pick an image from gallery (SD Card) for my app in Android? String filePath cursor.getString columnIndex cursor.close Bitmap yourSelectedImage BitmapFactory.decodeFile filePath After this you've got the selected image stored in yourSelectedImage to do whatever you want with. This code works by getting..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery dalvikvm 5221 GC freed 4558 objects 638152 bytes in 84ms DEBUG dalvikvm 5221 GC freed 17 objects 808 bytes in 67ms After entering the first gallery DEBUG Application 5221 debug. DEBUG Application 5221 debug.heap native allocated 14.90MB of.. dalvikvm 5221 GC freed 357 objects 50080 bytes in 68ms DEBUG dalvikvm 5221 GC freed 353 objects 27312 bytes in 67ms After existing the first gallery DEBUG Application 5221 debug. DEBUG Application 5221 debug.heap native allocated 14.83MB of.. DEBUG dalvikvm 5221 GC freed 330 objects 17920 bytes in 77ms DEBUG dalvikvm 5221 GC freed 13 objects 760 bytes in 67ms After entering the fifth gallery DEBUG Application 5221 debug. DEBUG Application 5221 debug.heap native allocated 16.80MB of..
Horizontal ListView in Android? with Horizontal Scroll. Share Your Idea android listview gallery horizontal scrolling share improve this question After reading this post I have implemented my own Horizontal listview. You can find it http p 34 Let me know..
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible? thread. Starting with DONUT this was changed to a pool of threads allowing multiple tasks to operate in parallel. After HONEYCOMB it is planned to change this back to a single thread to avoid common application errors caused by parallel execution...
Android - SMS Broadcast receiver So the SMS seems to be received by the emulator but looks like the no intents are firing. What am I doing wrong here After installing do I have to somehow 'start' this receiver Because when I install I get 2010 11 07 21 24 41 SMSBroadcastReceiver..
Save ArrayList to SharedPreferences the way to go about this Is there a simpler method android arraylist sharedpreferences share improve this question After API 11 the SharedPreferences Editor accept Sets. You could convert your List into a HashSet or something similar and store..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” Select One . When the user clicks the spinner the list of items is displayed and the user selects one of the options. After the user has made a selection the selected item is displayed in the Spinner instead of Select One . I have the following..
R cannot be resolved - Android error have an XML file named main.xml under res layout . android eclipse android resources share improve this question After tracking down this problem as well I found this note in the Android documentation http source using eclipse.html..
How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api? TO THE LISTVIEW lv.setAdapter adapter CHANGE THE LOADING MORE STATUS loadingMore false HIDE THE PROGRESS BAR SPINNER AFTER LOADING ALBUMS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility View.GONE For the sake of completeness here is what I use to fetch the.. lv.setAdapter adapter Setting new scroll position lv.setSelectionFromTop currentPosition 1 0 SET LOADINGMORE FALSE AFTER ADDING NEW FEEDS TO THE EXISTING LIST loadingMore false HIDE THE BOTTOM PROGRESS BAR SPINNER AFTER LOADING MORE ALBUMS linlaProgressBar.setVisibility.. LOADINGMORE FALSE AFTER ADDING NEW FEEDS TO THE EXISTING LIST loadingMore false HIDE THE BOTTOM PROGRESS BAR SPINNER AFTER LOADING MORE ALBUMS linlaProgressBar.setVisibility View.GONE The loadMoreAlbums Asynctask is run from a onScrollListener..
how to show progress bar(circle) in an activity having a listview before loading the listview with data lv.setAdapter adapter CHANGE THE LOADINGMORE STATUS TO PERMIT FETCHING MORE DATA loadingMore false HIDE THE SPINNER AFTER LOADING FEEDS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility View.GONE EDIT This is how it looks in my app while loading one of several..
Lazy download images into gridView adapter Setting new scroll position gridOfPhotos.setSelection currentPosition 1 SET LOADINGMORE FALSE AFTER ADDING NEW FEEDS TO THE EXISTING LIST loadingMore false And this is the helper class to SET and GET the data collected..
Android audio calls using android's sip this 0 i Intent.FILL_IN_DATA mSipProfile pi null This listener must be added AFTER is called Otherwise the methods aren't guaranteed to fire. mSipManager.setRegistrationListener mSipProfile.getUriString..
More efficient way of updating UI from Service than intents? Intent x.setAction CallManager.SIP_INCOMING_CALL_INTENT sendBroadcast x Log.d INTENT SENT INTENT SENT INCOMING CALL AFTER PROCESSINVITE So the activity will have a broadcast reciever registered for these intents and will switch its state according..
Retrieve Contact Phone Number From URI in Android I have selected. Can anyone point me in a better direction or show an example of how to get the contact's phone number AFTER getting their userID My code private Runnable getSMSRunnable return new Runnable public void run Intent i new Intent Intent.ACTION_PICK..
iScroll 4 not working with form <select> element iPhone Safari and Android browser everything up. Since your JS is not inside any jQuery like onReady event you'll have to make sure to you put this code AFTER the HTML where your select elements are defined. Note that for mobile devices the event is touchstart but for your PC browser..
Changing text in Android on text change causes overflow error works no exception is thrown txtwt new TextWatcher @Override public void afterTextChanged Editable s Log.i REACHES AFTER YES @Override public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence s int start int count int after Log.i REACHES BEFORE YES @Override.. 28 19 53 21.265 INFO REACHES BEFORE 492 YES 08 28 19 53 21.276 INFO REACHES ON 492 YES 08 28 19 53 21.276 INFO REACHES AFTER 492 YES 08 28 19 53 21.296 INFO REACHES BEFORE 492 YES 08 28 19 53 21.305 INFO REACHES ON 492 YES 08 28 19 53 21.305 INFO.. 28 19 53 21.296 INFO REACHES BEFORE 492 YES 08 28 19 53 21.305 INFO REACHES ON 492 YES 08 28 19 53 21.305 INFO REACHES AFTER 492 YES 08 28 19 53 21.745 INFO REACHES BEFORE 492 YES 08 28 19 53 21.755 INFO REACHES ON 492 YES 08 28 19 53 21.755 INFO..
How to hide action bar before activity is created, and then show it again? .requestFeature Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR getActionBar .hide setContentView R.layout.splash be sure you call this AFTER requestFeature This creates the ActionBar and immediately hides it before it had the chance to be displayed. But now there..