android Programming Glossary: ajax
How to check a file's existence in phone directory with phonegap directory using either phonegap methods javascript or ajax javascript android ajax phonegap share improve this question.. phonegap methods javascript or ajax javascript android ajax phonegap share improve this question You could check if..
$.ajax() on phonegap .ajax on phonegap Anyone know an example of phonegap with .ajax in.. on phonegap Anyone know an example of phonegap with .ajax in github for Android I have read of JSONP or CORS but I have.. I just need to get my data server. android jquery ajax phonegap github share improve this question It is very easy..
phonegap jQuery .ajax cross domain requests work in browser, fail in Android SDK jQuery .ajax cross domain requests work in browser fail in Android SDK I've.. Here's the code taken from bog standard jQuery examples .ajax url http api 4213a68e7f20c998 geolookup.. changes here .mobile.allowCrossDomainPages true .mobile.ajaxEnabled true .mobile.pushStateEnabled false .mobile.allowCrossDomainPages..
Android Web Scraping with a Headless Browser to a view. The lib should support pages that fires off ajax requests to load some additional result data after the initial.. success Jsoup Works great but no support for javascript ajax so it does not load full page Android built in HttpEntity same.. Android built in HttpEntity same problem with javascript ajax as jsoup HtmlUnit Looks exactly what I need but after hours..
Google Search api for Android systems question Here a solution using a JSON call to google ajax local search without using java gsearch library. share improve..
Jquery ajax post not working on iPhone and Android ajax post not working on iPhone and Android I'm building a web application.. is much appreciatec. Cheers Craig jquery iphone android ajax share improve this question I've solved the issue and I'm..
Android JavascriptInterface Security? error return self or something Or rewrite everything using ajax and intercepting calls Would that result in better worse performance..
Android: Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is area new HttpConnection handler .post http ajax getJobsInArea.php params show_jobs_in_area.xml xml version..
how do i call a webservice using phonegap for android 2009 09 25 call soap xm web services with jquery ajax http jan archive 2009 04 09 calling the sharepoint..
Android 4.0.1 breaks WebView HTML 5 local storage? head title Simple localStorage test title script src http ajax libs jquery 1.7.1 jquery.min.js script script.. test title script src http ajax libs jquery 1.7.1 jquery.min.js script script type text javascript..
How to focus an input field on Android browser through javascript or jquery html html head script type text javascript src https ajax libs jquery 1 jquery.min.js script script.. script type text javascript src https ajax libs jquery 1 jquery.min.js script script type text javascript..
Auto playing vimeo videos in Android webview The file looks like this DOCTYPE html html head script src ajax libs jquery 1.8.1 jquery.min.js script script.. this DOCTYPE html html head script src ajax libs jquery 1.8.1 jquery.min.js script script type text javascript..
Phonegap android unable to upload image using fileTransfer to capture an image using the camera and upload it to my AJAX endpoint. I've confirmed that this endpoint can accept the file.. serverURL is defined as the domain for my AJAX endpoint which has been whitelisted in cordova.xml. I've seen..
page loaded differently with jQuery-mobile transition other files only a BODY content is loaded. This is because AJAX is used to load other pages into the DOM . Because there's already.. from the other pages. This can be prevented if you turn AJAX loading completely or if you initialize all of your js fils..
Jquery ajax post not working on iPhone and Android the change event for the first dropdown and that does an AJAX call and uses the JSON response to populate the second dropdown... I then placed the alert in the callback function for the AJAX call and it didn't get executed so either the AJAX call is not.. for the AJAX call and it didn't get executed so either the AJAX call is not hitting the server or the response is not being..
How to check a file's existence in phone directory with phonegap pdf files. How can I check whether the file exists in the phone directory using either phonegap methods javascript or ajax javascript android ajax phonegap share improve this question You could check if the file exists using the FileReader.. whether the file exists in the phone directory using either phonegap methods javascript or ajax javascript android ajax phonegap share improve this question You could check if the file exists using the FileReader object from phonegap. You..
$.ajax() on phonegap .ajax on phonegap Anyone know an example of phonegap with .ajax in github for Android I have read of JSONP or CORS but I have.. .ajax on phonegap Anyone know an example of phonegap with .ajax in github for Android I have read of JSONP or CORS but I have worked only requesting data from Twitter. I just need to get.. JSONP or CORS but I have worked only requesting data from Twitter. I just need to get my data server. android jquery ajax phonegap github share improve this question It is very easy through jquery mobile. You can do your job with normal Ajax..
phonegap jQuery .ajax cross domain requests work in browser, fail in Android SDK jQuery .ajax cross domain requests work in browser fail in Android SDK I've been on this now for three days and I've tried pretty much.. much every piece of alternative code and fixes to no avail. Here's the code taken from bog standard jQuery examples .ajax url http api 4213a68e7f20c998 geolookup conditions forecast q Australia Noarlunga.json dataType jsonp.. function Make your jQuery Mobile framework configuration changes here .mobile.allowCrossDomainPages true .mobile.ajaxEnabled true .mobile.pushStateEnabled false .mobile.allowCrossDomainPages true In addition I have added uses permission..
Android Web Scraping with a Headless Browser of a webpage like in the background without rendering result to a view. The lib should support pages that fires off ajax requests to load some additional result data after the initial HTML has loaded for example. From the resulting html I need.. submitting buttons links etc Here is what I have tried without success Jsoup Works great but no support for javascript ajax so it does not load full page Android built in HttpEntity same problem with javascript ajax as jsoup HtmlUnit Looks exactly.. no support for javascript ajax so it does not load full page Android built in HttpEntity same problem with javascript ajax as jsoup HtmlUnit Looks exactly what I need but after hours cannot get it to work on Android Other users failed by trying..
Google Search api for Android systems
Jquery ajax post not working on iPhone and Android ajax post not working on iPhone and Android I'm building a web application targeting mobile devices specifically iPhone and.. use Fiddler to see what's happening on the wire. Any help is much appreciatec. Cheers Craig jquery iphone android ajax share improve this question I've solved the issue and I'm just posting it in case others run into the same problem...
Android JavascriptInterface Security? calling of functions public Object getClass throw error return self or something Or rewrite everything using ajax and intercepting calls Would that result in better worse performance Update I succeeded in removing the JS interface and..
Android: Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is NameValuePair 1 params.add new BasicNameValuePair area area new HttpConnection handler .post http ajax getJobsInArea.php params show_jobs_in_area.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http
how do i call a webservice using phonegap for android 1853 Posting XML SOAP Requests With jQuery.htm http 2009 09 25 call soap xm web services with jquery ajax http jan archive 2009 04 09 calling the sharepoint web services with jquery.aspx share improve this answer..
Android 4.0.1 breaks WebView HTML 5 local storage? transitional.dtd html xmlns http 1999 xhtml head title Simple localStorage test title script src http ajax libs jquery 1.7.1 jquery.min.js script script type text javascript function doTest '#stuff' .append.. html xmlns http 1999 xhtml head title Simple localStorage test title script src http ajax libs jquery 1.7.1 jquery.min.js script script type text javascript function doTest '#stuff' .append ' p reading p ' var..
How to focus an input field on Android browser through javascript or jquery worked. I have a simple html that reproduces the problem. DOCTYPE html html head script type text javascript src https ajax libs jquery 1 jquery.min.js script script type text javascript document .ready function '#field' .focus.. html that reproduces the problem. DOCTYPE html html head script type text javascript src https ajax libs jquery 1 jquery.min.js script script type text javascript document .ready function '#field' .focus script head body..
Auto playing vimeo videos in Android webview in a text file inside the resources raw vimeo_frame.html . The file looks like this DOCTYPE html html head script src ajax libs jquery 1.8.1 jquery.min.js script script type text javascript jQuery.noConflict script script src.. the resources raw vimeo_frame.html . The file looks like this DOCTYPE html html head script src ajax libs jquery 1.8.1 jquery.min.js script script type text javascript jQuery.noConflict script script src http
Phonegap android unable to upload image using fileTransfer android unable to upload image using fileTransfer I'm trying to capture an image using the camera and upload it to my AJAX endpoint. I've confirmed that this endpoint can accept the file I created a test HTML file on my desktop that sends a form.. sourceType serverURL is defined as the domain for my AJAX endpoint which has been whitelisted in cordova.xml. I've seen a number of questions here in SO regarding this which varying..
page loaded differently with jQuery-mobile transition HTML files HEAD is only loaded in the first HTML file. In other files only a BODY content is loaded. This is because AJAX is used to load other pages into the DOM . Because there's already a HEAD content inside an original DOM only a body will.. HEAD content inside an original DOM only a body will be loaded from the other pages. This can be prevented if you turn AJAX loading completely or if you initialize all of your js fils inside a first HTML file. If you want to find out more take..
Jquery ajax post not working on iPhone and Android I have a cascading dropdown. I've hooked up a function on the change event for the first dropdown and that does an AJAX call and uses the JSON response to populate the second dropdown. This all works fine on my desktop but does not work from.. function and it verified that the event is being triggered. I then placed the alert in the callback function for the AJAX call and it didn't get executed so either the AJAX call is not hitting the server or the response is not being received.. triggered. I then placed the alert in the callback function for the AJAX call and it didn't get executed so either the AJAX call is not hitting the server or the response is not being received by the phone. The jQuery code is function #ProgramId..