android Programming Glossary: al
Android gridview keep item selected must be kept selected once the the onClickListener is called.How can i achive this I'v already tried v.setSelected true.. the onClickListener is called.How can i achive this I'v already tried v.setSelected true but it doesnt seem to work. gridview.setOnItemClickListener.. Red position Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show position al catelea element v.setPressed true if bp 2 if position 0 Square.setSex..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader using a custom Tokenizer . The issue rises specifically with the mAdapter.setCursorToStringConverter call. The convertToString.. specifically with the mAdapter.setCursorToStringConverter call. The convertToString method which has a Cursor as an argument.. method which has a Cursor as an argument has a valid and unclosed cursor upon the first call to this method. However..
Can't run a java android program with valgrind run a java android program with valgrind I'm trying to start a java program under valgrin like.. with valgrind I'm trying to start a java program under valgrin like this in adb shell valgrind am start a android.intent.action.MAIN.. start a java program under valgrin like this in adb shell valgrind am start a android.intent.action.MAIN n .MainActivity..
Android listview row delete animation to animate a listview row I keep trying something like final Animation animation AnimationUtils.loadAnimation getActivity.. shareables devbytes Here's the link to the video http . You have the videos to get to know what's happening. You also get to know how to port back to previous versions. Example..
Can a videoview play a video stored on internal storage? a videoview play a video stored on internal storage I'm trying to provide my users with the ability to.. to provide my users with the ability to use either external or internal storage. I'm displaying both images and videos of.. my users with the ability to use either external or internal storage. I'm displaying both images and videos of a scientific..
Android: How can I pass parameters to AsyncTask's onPreExecute()? as an inner class. In onPreExecute I show a loading dialog which I then hide again in onPostExecute . But for some of.. very quickly so I don't want to display the loading dialog. I wanted to indicate this by a boolean parameter that I could.. boolean showLoading super do stuff doInBackground et al. Then when calling the task do something like new MyAsyncTask..
Is it possible to change the radio button icon in an android radio button group icon in an android radio button group I am wanting to allow the user of my android application the ability to set some.. the ability to set some parameters. The radio button is ideal for this situation. However I don't like the radio buttons are.. that layout reference my own icon and change the font et al. android radio button share improve this question Yes that's..
Safely wipe file content would undelete deleted file one could find instead of real data just garbage android security file share improve this.. security file share improve this question In practical terms you really can't because you have no idea what kind of.. share improve this question In practical terms you really can't because you have no idea what kind of medium is being..
custom row in a listPreference? it sets the adapter but none of the adapter functions get called. I set breakpoints on the methods such as getCount but they.. on the methods such as getCount but they never get called. Here's my code. Custom ListPreference taken from http import android.content.Context import android.content.DialogInterface import import android.preference.ListPreference..
Different font sizes for different screen sizes different screen sizes In my application I must use a smaller font for the medium density devices. Is it possible to specify.. You should use styles then you can have separate folders values default values hdpi high density values mdpi medium density.. styles then you can have separate folders values default values hdpi high density values mdpi medium density and so on and..
how to install ndk(linux)? to install ndk linux hi now i am download android ndk and then extract.. use this ndk in eclipse tell me...please.... android install android ndk share improve this question In Linux I have.. it does not matter what the directory name is. If its not already set you need to set the environment variable as export..
Android playing resource files from internal storage causes MediaPlayer.prepare to give IOException playing resource files from internal storage causes MediaPlayer.prepare to give IOException My app.. My app plays audio resource files from the internal directory designated for my app data data com... . It seems.. data data winds.mp3 catch IllegalArgumentException e1 e1.printStackTrace catch IllegalStateException..
Getting telephone country code with Android response will help someone else. The example in the original question is confusing you say you want to append the country.. 212 as an example That is not a country code it is a local area code. The country code for USA is 1. So you would want.. The country code for USA is 1. So you would want the final number to look like 1 212 xxx xxxx . My answer below explains..
Drawing multiple lines in edittext e.g. notepad e.g http screenshots simple notepad app al 1.jpg But I'd like to display lines that fill up the screen.. of text in the View. int count getLineCount Gets the global Rect and Paint objects Rect r mRect Paint paint mPaint Draws.. from the left of the rectangle to the right at a vertical position one dip below the baseline using the paint object ..
gcc ON arm/android development ON the device itself. I've searched google and all I can seem to find are pages on how to build an arm toolchain.. improve this question The process of building gcc et al. to run on your target should be similar to building a cross.. to specify your ARM platform when running configure for all of the parts of your toolchain. share improve this answer..
Getting telephone country code with Android code. xml version '1.0' encoding 'UTF 8' icc AF 93 AF AL 355 AL DZ 213 DZ AD 376 AD AO 244 AO AQ 672 AQ AR 54 AR AM 374.. xml version '1.0' encoding 'UTF 8' icc AF 93 AF AL 355 AL DZ 213 DZ AD 376 AD AO 244 AO AQ 672 AQ AR 54 AR AM 374 AM AW..
How to create a custom ListView with “extends Activity”? Western SaharaWestern Sahara Western SaharaWestern Sahara AL DZ AS AD AO AI AQ AG AR AM AW AU AT AZ BS BH BD BB BY BE BZ..
Layout Animation Android[Facebook] 300f 0 0 slide.setAnimationListener AL slide.setFillAfter true slide.setDuration 1000 parentlayout.startAnimation.. display private View fakeLayout private AnimationListener AL Values for after the animation private int oldLeft private int.. animSlideRight else if menuOpen true animSlideLeft AL new AnimationListener @Override public void onAnimationStart..
Android gridview keep item selected selected I have a GridView with multiple items but the items must be kept selected once the the onClickListener is called.How can i achive this I'v already tried v.setSelected true but it doesnt seem to work. gridview.setOnItemClickListener.. multiple items but the items must be kept selected once the the onClickListener is called.How can i achive this I'v already tried v.setSelected true but it doesnt seem to work. gridview.setOnItemClickListener new OnItemClickListener public.. parent View v int position long id Toast.makeText Project.this Red position Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show position al catelea element v.setPressed true if bp 2 if position 0 Square.setSex R.drawable.girl_body2v Square2.setHair R.drawable.girl_hair_01v..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader and backing it with a CursorLoader while simultaneously using a custom Tokenizer . The issue rises specifically with the mAdapter.setCursorToStringConverter call. The convertToString method which has a Cursor as an argument has a.. simultaneously using a custom Tokenizer . The issue rises specifically with the mAdapter.setCursorToStringConverter call. The convertToString method which has a Cursor as an argument has a valid and unclosed cursor upon the first call to this.. with the mAdapter.setCursorToStringConverter call. The convertToString method which has a Cursor as an argument has a valid and unclosed cursor upon the first call to this method. However subsequent calls result in either a null cursor or a closed..
Can't run a java android program with valgrind run a java android program with valgrind I'm trying to start a java program under valgrin like this in adb shell valgrind am start a android.intent.action.MAIN.. run a java android program with valgrind I'm trying to start a java program under valgrin like this in adb shell valgrind am start a android.intent.action.MAIN n .MainActivity I'm getting 2362.. run a java android program with valgrind I'm trying to start a java program under valgrin like this in adb shell valgrind am start a android.intent.action.MAIN n .MainActivity I'm getting 2362 Memcheck a memory error detector..
Android listview row delete animation listview row delete animation What is the best way to animate a listview row I keep trying something like final Animation animation AnimationUtils.loadAnimation getActivity R.anim.translate_up_fade_anim animation.setAnimationListener.. Here's the sourcee code for android 4.1 i guess . http shareables devbytes Here's the link to the video http watch list PLWz5rJ2EKKc_XOgcRukSoKKjewFJZrKV0 v YCHNAi9kJI4.. a blog Google Engineer http . You have the videos to get to know what's happening. You also get to know how to port back to previous versions. Example public class ListViewRemovalAnimation..
Can a videoview play a video stored on internal storage? a videoview play a video stored on internal storage I'm trying to provide my users with the ability to use either external or internal storage. I'm displaying both.. videoview play a video stored on internal storage I'm trying to provide my users with the ability to use either external or internal storage. I'm displaying both images and videos of a scientific nature . When storing the media on the SD card.. a video stored on internal storage I'm trying to provide my users with the ability to use either external or internal storage. I'm displaying both images and videos of a scientific nature . When storing the media on the SD card all is fine...
Android: How can I pass parameters to AsyncTask's onPreExecute()? I use an AsyncTask for loading operations that I implemented as an inner class. In onPreExecute I show a loading dialog which I then hide again in onPostExecute . But for some of the loading operations I know in advance that they will finish.. the loading operations I know in advance that they will finish very quickly so I don't want to display the loading dialog. I wanted to indicate this by a boolean parameter that I could pass to onPreExecute but apparently for some reason onPreExecute.. MyAsyncTask extends AsyncTask Void Void Void public MyAsyncTask boolean showLoading super do stuff doInBackground et al. Then when calling the task do something like new MyAsyncTask true .execute maybe_other_params Edit this is more useful..
Is it possible to change the radio button icon in an android radio button group it possible to change the radio button icon in an android radio button group I am wanting to allow the user of my android application the ability to set some parameters. The radio button is ideal for this situation... I am wanting to allow the user of my android application the ability to set some parameters. The radio button is ideal for this situation. However I don't like the radio buttons are rendered. Is it possible to change the radio button icon.. is it possible to create a custom layout for each row and in that layout reference my own icon and change the font et al. android radio button share improve this question Yes that's possible you have to define your own style for radio buttons..
Safely wipe file content data should be unrecoverably wiped so even if someone intruder would undelete deleted file one could find instead of real data just garbage android security file share improve this question In practical terms you really can't because you.. file one could find instead of real data just garbage android security file share improve this question In practical terms you really can't because you have no idea what kind of medium is being used for storage and whether its blocks can.. find instead of real data just garbage android security file share improve this question In practical terms you really can't because you have no idea what kind of medium is being used for storage and whether its blocks can be reliably overwritten...
custom row in a listPreference? use the adapter to create what I want. The code works and it sets the adapter but none of the adapter functions get called. I set breakpoints on the methods such as getCount but they never get called. Here's my code. Custom ListPreference taken.. but none of the adapter functions get called. I set breakpoints on the methods such as getCount but they never get called. Here's my code. Custom ListPreference taken from http wp archives 240 import android.content.Context.. taken from http wp archives 240 import android.content.Context import android.content.DialogInterface import import android.preference.ListPreference import android.util.AttributeSet import..
Different font sizes for different screen sizes font sizes for different screen sizes In my application I must use a smaller font for the medium density devices. Is it possible to specify that android share improve this question You should.. to specify that android share improve this question You should use styles then you can have separate folders values default values hdpi high density values mdpi medium density and so on and put your style file with correct textSize values.. that android share improve this question You should use styles then you can have separate folders values default values hdpi high density values mdpi medium density and so on and put your style file with correct textSize values in each folder..
how to install ndk(linux)? to install ndk linux hi now i am download android ndk and then extract can rename the NDK directory. this is necessary.. is my doubt and how to change my directory name ok how to use this ndk in eclipse tell me...please.... android install android ndk share improve this question In Linux I have my directory named android ndk under my home directory. I think.. directory named android ndk under my home directory. I think it does not matter what the directory name is. If its not already set you need to set the environment variable as export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT home user android ndk I have pasted following..
Android playing resource files from internal storage causes MediaPlayer.prepare to give IOException playing resource files from internal storage causes MediaPlayer.prepare to give IOException My app plays audio resource files from the internal directory designated.. from internal storage causes MediaPlayer.prepare to give IOException My app plays audio resource files from the internal directory designated for my app data data com... . It seems to download the files to that location okay setDataSource String.. Downloads Files public void MusicPlay try mp.setDataSource data data winds.mp3 catch IllegalArgumentException e1 e1.printStackTrace catch IllegalStateException e1 e1.printStackTrace catch IOException e1 e1.printStackTrace..
Getting telephone country code with Android I spent a while trying to solve this issue so hopefully my response will help someone else. The example in the original question is confusing you say you want to append the country code but give New York area code 212 as an example That is.. want to append the country code but give New York area code 212 as an example That is not a country code it is a local area code. The country code for USA is 1. So you would want the final number to look like 1 212 xxx xxxx . My answer below.. an example That is not a country code it is a local area code. The country code for USA is 1. So you would want the final number to look like 1 212 xxx xxxx . My answer below explains how to determine the country code not the local area code...
Drawing multiple lines in edittext e.g. notepad Thing is it only draws the current line the cursor is on e.g http screenshots simple notepad app al 1.jpg But I'd like to display lines that fill up the screen e.g. http wp content uploads 2010 03 AK.. protected void onDraw Canvas canvas Gets the number of lines of text in the View. int count getLineCount Gets the global Rect and Paint objects Rect r mRect Paint paint mPaint Draws one line in the rectangle for every line of text in the EditText.. baseline getLineBounds i r Draws a line in the background from the left of the rectangle to the right at a vertical position one dip below the baseline using the paint object for details. canvas.drawLine r.left baseline 1 r.right baseline..
gcc ON arm/android on it. I know I can cross compile but I'd like to do development ON the device itself. I've searched google and all I can seem to find are pages on how to build an arm toolchain for x86 64 Linux. Thoughts android gcc arm android 3.0 transformer.. Thoughts android gcc arm android 3.0 transformer share improve this question The process of building gcc et al. to run on your target should be similar to building a cross compiler excepting that you will need to have an ARM cross..
Getting telephone country code with Android seem to be a direct way to get the user's current country code. xml version '1.0' encoding 'UTF 8' icc AF 93 AF AL 355 AL DZ 213 DZ AD 376 AD AO 244 AO AQ 672 AQ AR 54 AR AM 374 AM AW 297 AW AU 61 AU AT 43 AT AZ 994 AZ BH 973 BH BD 880.. seem to be a direct way to get the user's current country code. xml version '1.0' encoding 'UTF 8' icc AF 93 AF AL 355 AL DZ 213 DZ AD 376 AD AO 244 AO AQ 672 AQ AR 54 AR AM 374 AM AW 297 AW AU 61 AU AT 43 AT AZ 994 AZ BH 973 BH BD 880 BD BY..
How to create a custom ListView with “extends Activity”? public static String abbreviations AF Western Sahara Western SaharaWestern Sahara Western SaharaWestern Sahara AL DZ AS AD AO AI AQ AG AR AM AW AU AT AZ BS BH BD BB BY BE BZ BJ BM BT BO BA BW BV BR IO BN BG BF BI KH CM CA CV KY CF TD..
Layout Animation Android[Facebook] TranslateAnimation slide new TranslateAnimation Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF 300f 0 0 slide.setAnimationListener AL slide.setFillAfter true slide.setDuration 1000 parentlayout.startAnimation slide Update Because of the many up votes I decided.. Android iPhone BlackBerry AndroidPeople private Display display private View fakeLayout private AnimationListener AL Values for after the animation private int oldLeft private int oldTop private int newleft private int newTop private int.. @Override public void onClick View v if menuOpen false animSlideRight else if menuOpen true animSlideLeft AL new AnimationListener @Override public void onAnimationStart Animation animation buttonSwitch.setClickable false topLayout.setEnabled..