android Programming Glossary: alarmtime
How can I setup multiple alarms in Android? PendingIntent mAlarmSender mAlarmSender PendingIntent.getBroadcast Activity_Reminder.this 0 intent 0 long alarmTime dateMgmt.getTimeForAlarm pickedDate Calendar c Calendar.getInstance c.setTimeInMillis alarmTime Schedule the alarm AlarmManager.. 0 intent 0 long alarmTime dateMgmt.getTimeForAlarm pickedDate Calendar c Calendar.getInstance c.setTimeInMillis alarmTime Schedule the alarm AlarmManager am AlarmManager getSystemService ALARM_SERVICE am.set AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP alarmTime.. Schedule the alarm AlarmManager am AlarmManager getSystemService ALARM_SERVICE am.set AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP alarmTime 15000 mAlarmSender 2 From the receiver I call a service Bundle bundle intent.getExtras String itemName bundle.getString..
How to cancel this repeating alarm? sure where to cancel this repeating alarm. Below are some of the codes Set up the repeating alarm in my main activity alarmTime Calendar.getInstance Intent intent new Intent this AlarmReceive.class PendingIntent sender PendingIntent.getBroadcast this.. PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 0 intent 0 AlarmManager alarmManager AlarmManager getSystemService ALARM_SERVICE alarmTime.add Calendar.MINUTE offset_time Schedule the alarm alarmManager.setRepeating AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP alarmTime.getTimeInMillis.. alarmTime.add Calendar.MINUTE offset_time Schedule the alarm alarmManager.setRepeating AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP alarmTime.getTimeInMillis 30 1000 sender In my OnReceive method I just display the notification in status bar and set the flag as..
Android: Get all PendingIntents set with AlarmManager Get all PendingIntents set with AlarmManager I'm setting an alarm like this alarmManager.set AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP alarmTime pendingEvent I'm interested in removing all the alarms that where previously set clearing them. Is there a way for me to..
android AlarmManager not waking phone up works fine when the device is awake but it doesn't wake it up if it's asleep. My code for setting the alarm Calendar alarmTime Calendar.getInstance alarmTime.set Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY alarm.hour alarmTime.set Calendar.MINUTE alarm.minute alarmTime.set.. awake but it doesn't wake it up if it's asleep. My code for setting the alarm Calendar alarmTime Calendar.getInstance alarmTime.set Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY alarm.hour alarmTime.set Calendar.MINUTE alarm.minute alarmTime.set Calendar.SECOND 0 if alarmTime.before.. My code for setting the alarm Calendar alarmTime Calendar.getInstance alarmTime.set Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY alarm.hour alarmTime.set Calendar.MINUTE alarm.minute alarmTime.set Calendar.SECOND 0 if alarmTime.before now alarmTime.add Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH..