android Programming Glossary: album
How to get current music track info? cmd String artist intent.getStringExtra artist String album intent.getStringExtra album String track intent.getStringExtra.. artist String album intent.getStringExtra album String track intent.getStringExtra track Log.v tag artist album.. String track intent.getStringExtra track Log.v tag artist album track Toast.makeText CurrentMusicTrackInfoActivity.this track..
How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api? to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api How i can fetch all of user Photo albums from.. albums using graph api How i can fetch all of user Photo albums from facebook. i tried like this with this Url https tried like this with this Url https me albums access_token xxxx i am using this code i was mention this permissions..
cover art on android For example the default android media player shows album covers when listing albums how can i get this artworks. android.. android media player shows album covers when listing albums how can i get this artworks. android share improve this.. Uri sArtworkUri Uri.parse content media external audio albumart Uri uri ContentUris.withAppendedId sArtworkUri album_id ContentResolver..
Picasa access in android: PicasaUploadActivity an app that I would like to upload images to a Picasa album. I am almost sure this is supported for example the built in.. https data feed api user default albumid default content GoogleHeaders headers new GoogleHeaders request.headers..
Looking for android Facebook SDK examples SDK to be updated if you need to post photos to an album directly from the device. I hope that helps. share improve..
android gallery image position problem image position problem As you in following android album widget images placement is from middle of the gallery i want.. i want to start image placement from beginning of the album. android position gallery share improve this question Gallery#setSelection..
launch facebook app from other app facebook photos facebook album facebook photo facebook newsfeed there..
Highlight ListView selected row ListView selected row I have a list of albums several hundred . When I touch the selected album I want to.. list of albums several hundred . When I touch the selected album I want to offer the user a choice of playing the whole album.. I want to offer the user a choice of playing the whole album or moving to its track ListView. No problem. However after touching..
Create easy alphabetical scrolling in ListView? up which allows one to scroll super fast to the artist album track they're looking for Is there a method to enable functionality..
Best option for using the GData APIs on Android? demonstrates the ability create update delete a photo album and to upload a picture. Full disclosure I am an owner of the..
Android — How does Google+ instant upload work? native camera app are automatically uploaded to a private album on Google . And this seems to be true whether the Google application..
Phonegap - Choose Image From Gallery photo chooser dialog is shown from which a photo from the album can be selected. http
Query songs of an album with CursorLoader I add to the code to filter only the songs of a particular Album android android cursor android cursorloader share improve.. names of albums loaded on you phone To request cursor for Album information String columns android.provider.MediaStore.Audio.Albums._ID.. String columns android.provider.MediaStore.Audio.Albums._ID android.provider.MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ALBUM cursor managedQuery..
Lazy download images into gridView your logic. I use this to fetch Facebook Images from an Album. So my needs are I am assuming different from your needs. But.. FIRST LOT OF ALBUMS URL https initialAlbumID photos access_token Utility.mFacebook.getAccessToken limit.. .getStatusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK String queryAlbums EntityUtils.toString rp.getEntity JSONObject JOTemp new JSONObject..
How do I get Album Thumbnails in Android? do I get Album Thumbnails in Android I have a list of albums which I got using.. have a list of albums which I got using this private List Album getAlbums Cursor cur managedQuery MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI.. of albums which I got using this private List Album getAlbums Cursor cur managedQuery MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI..
Retrieve Picasa Image for Upload from Gallery However if the image selected is from a Picasa Web Album nothing is returned. I have done a lot of debugging and narrowed..
Read ID3 Tags of an MP3 file in the SD card. I want to basically fetch Title Artist Album Track Length Album Art android mp3 id3 id3 tag share improve.. I want to basically fetch Title Artist Album Track Length Album Art android mp3 id3 id3 tag share improve this question ..
Android crashing after camera Intent ad.setTitle Save Image ad.setMessage Save This Image To Album ad.setButton Ok this bmp Bitmap extras.get data Set..
How to get and set (change) ID3 tag (metadata) of audio files? ID3 tags the metadata in audio files such as Artist Title Album etc. And the core point . that edited ID3 tags should be shown.. String artist metadata.getArtist String album metadata.getAlbum String song_title metadata.getSongTitle Number track_number.. MusicMetadata meta new MusicMetadata name meta.setAlbum Chirag meta.setArtist CS try new MyID3 .write src dst src_set..
How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api? onPreExecute SHOW THE PROGRESS BAR SPINNER WHILE LOADING ALBUMS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility View.VISIBLE @Override protected.. true SET THE INITIAL URL TO GET THE FIRST LOT OF ALBUMS URL https initialUserID albums access_token.. i if JOAlbums.has link albums new getAlbums GET THE ALBUM ID if JOAlbums.has id albums.setAlbumID JOAlbums.getString..
Lazy download images into gridView true SET THE INITIAL URL TO GET THE FIRST LOT OF ALBUMS URL https initialAlbumID photos access_token.. JOPhotos JAPhotos.getJSONObject i Log.e INDIVIDUAL ALBUMS JOPhotos.toString if JOPhotos.has link photos new getPhotos.. if JOPhotos.has link photos new getPhotos GET THE ALBUM ID if JOPhotos.has id photos.setPhotoID JOPhotos.getString..
How to get current music track info? String cmd intent.getStringExtra command Log.v tag action cmd String artist intent.getStringExtra artist String album intent.getStringExtra album String track intent.getStringExtra track Log.v tag artist album track Toast.makeText CurrentMusicTrackInfoActivity.this.. command Log.v tag action cmd String artist intent.getStringExtra artist String album intent.getStringExtra album String track intent.getStringExtra track Log.v tag artist album track Toast.makeText CurrentMusicTrackInfoActivity.this.. artist String album intent.getStringExtra album String track intent.getStringExtra track Log.v tag artist album track Toast.makeText CurrentMusicTrackInfoActivity.this track Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show It is working fine for some mobiles..
How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api? to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api How i can fetch all of user Photo albums from facebook. i tried like this with this Url https to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api How i can fetch all of user Photo albums from facebook. i tried like this with this Url https me albums access_token xxxx i am using this code.. How i can fetch all of user Photo albums from facebook. i tried like this with this Url https me albums access_token xxxx i am using this code i was mention this permissions also user_photos . Bundle parameters new Bundle parameters.putString..
cover art on android question is how can i get the cover art of audio file on android. For example the default android media player shows album covers when listing albums how can i get this artworks. android share improve this question Uri sArtworkUri Uri.parse.. the cover art of audio file on android. For example the default android media player shows album covers when listing albums how can i get this artworks. android share improve this question Uri sArtworkUri Uri.parse content media external.. i get this artworks. android share improve this question Uri sArtworkUri Uri.parse content media external audio albumart Uri uri ContentUris.withAppendedId sArtworkUri album_id ContentResolver res context.getContentResolver InputStream in..
Picasa access in android: PicasaUploadActivity because that is what my device runs. Specifically I am writing an app that I would like to upload images to a Picasa album. I am almost sure this is supported for example the built in Google photo viewer has a 'share' button with a Picasa option.. request requestFactory.buildPostRequest new GenericUrl https data feed api user default albumid default content GoogleHeaders headers new GoogleHeaders request.headers headers String fileName cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow..
Looking for android Facebook SDK examples
android gallery image position problem gallery image position problem As you in following android album widget images placement is from middle of the gallery i want to start image placement from beginning of the album. android.. album widget images placement is from middle of the gallery i want to start image placement from beginning of the album. android position gallery share improve this question Gallery#setSelection 1 after the setAdapter will do the trick..
launch facebook app from other app redirects to another activity facebook notifications facebook photos facebook album facebook photo facebook newsfeed there might be additianl parameters you can give to certain of..
Highlight ListView selected row ListView selected row I have a list of albums several hundred . When I touch the selected album I want to offer the user a choice of playing the whole album or moving.. ListView selected row I have a list of albums several hundred . When I touch the selected album I want to offer the user a choice of playing the whole album or moving to its track ListView. No problem. However after.. of albums several hundred . When I touch the selected album I want to offer the user a choice of playing the whole album or moving to its track ListView. No problem. However after touching the ablum in albumListView I want the row to remain..
Create easy alphabetical scrolling in ListView? in the latest Music app namely the nice little cursor that pops up which allows one to scroll super fast to the artist album track they're looking for Is there a method to enable functionality like this in a ListView in the Android SDK android..
Best option for using the GData APIs on Android? look at the Android sample for Picasa Web Albums Data API which demonstrates the ability create update delete a photo album and to upload a picture. Full disclosure I am an owner of the google api java client project. share improve this answer..
Android — How does Google+ instant upload work? the Google application and any pictures that I take with the native camera app are automatically uploaded to a private album on Google . And this seems to be true whether the Google application is currently running or not. Is there any type of hook..
Phonegap - Choose Image From Gallery
Query songs of an album with CursorLoader select null sortOrder Which modification should I add to the code to filter only the songs of a particular Album android android cursor android cursorloader share improve this question Go step by step Step 1 Look the names of albums.. improve this question Go step by step Step 1 Look the names of albums loaded on you phone To request cursor for Album information String columns android.provider.MediaStore.Audio.Albums._ID android.provider.MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ALBUM cursor.. of albums loaded on you phone To request cursor for Album information String columns android.provider.MediaStore.Audio.Albums._ID android.provider.MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ALBUM cursor managedQuery MediaStore.Audio.Albums.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI columns..
Lazy download images into gridView photos in my activity. You can use parts of it for fit your logic. I use this to fetch Facebook Images from an Album. So my needs are I am assuming different from your needs. But again the logic may be of use to you. Note This will be lengthy... A BATCH loadingMore true SET THE INITIAL URL TO GET THE FIRST LOT OF ALBUMS URL https initialAlbumID photos access_token Utility.mFacebook.getAccessToken limit 10 try HttpClient hc new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet get new.. get new HttpGet URL HttpResponse rp hc.execute get if rp.getStatusLine .getStatusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK String queryAlbums EntityUtils.toString rp.getEntity JSONObject JOTemp new JSONObject queryAlbums JSONArray JAPhotos JOTemp.getJSONArray..
How do I get Album Thumbnails in Android? do I get Album Thumbnails in Android I have a list of albums which I got using this private List Album getAlbums Cursor cur managedQuery.. do I get Album Thumbnails in Android I have a list of albums which I got using this private List Album getAlbums Cursor cur managedQuery MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI null null null null List Album albums new.. do I get Album Thumbnails in Android I have a list of albums which I got using this private List Album getAlbums Cursor cur managedQuery MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI null null null null List Album albums new ArrayList..
Retrieve Picasa Image for Upload from Gallery via its API. I have this working regular images from the gallery. However if the image selected is from a Picasa Web Album nothing is returned. I have done a lot of debugging and narrowed the problem down to this method. public String getPath..
Read ID3 Tags of an MP3 file I am trying to read ID3 from a mp3 file thats locally stored in the SD card. I want to basically fetch Title Artist Album Track Length Album Art android mp3 id3 id3 tag share improve this question You can get all of this using MediaMetadataRetriever.. ID3 from a mp3 file thats locally stored in the SD card. I want to basically fetch Title Artist Album Track Length Album Art android mp3 id3 id3 tag share improve this question You can get all of this using MediaMetadataRetriever MediaMetadataRetriever..
Android crashing after camera Intent this .create ad.setIcon android.R.drawable.ic_menu_camera ad.setTitle Save Image ad.setMessage Save This Image To Album ad.setButton Ok this bmp Bitmap extras.get data Set the bitmap to the bundle of data that was just received..
How to get and set (change) ID3 tag (metadata) of audio files? ID3 tag metadata of audio files I am working to change ID3 tags the metadata in audio files such as Artist Title Album etc. And the core point . that edited ID3 tags should be shown only into my app. android metadata id3 mediastore share.. else try IMusicMetadata metadata src_set.getSimplified String artist metadata.getArtist String album metadata.getAlbum String song_title metadata.getSongTitle Number track_number metadata.getTrackNumber Log.i artist artist Log.i album album.. catch Exception e e.printStackTrace File dst new File pathdata MusicMetadata meta new MusicMetadata name meta.setAlbum Chirag meta.setArtist CS try new MyID3 .write src dst src_set meta catch UnsupportedEncodingException e TODO Auto generated..
How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api? @Override protected void onPreExecute SHOW THE PROGRESS BAR SPINNER WHILE LOADING ALBUMS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility View.VISIBLE @Override protected Void doInBackground Void... params CHANGE THE LOADING.. DUPLICATE CALLS FOR MORE DATA WHILE LOADING A BATCH loadingMore true SET THE INITIAL URL TO GET THE FIRST LOT OF ALBUMS URL https initialUserID albums access_token Utility.mFacebook.getAccessToken limit 10 try HttpClient.. JAAlbums.length i JSONObject JOAlbums JAAlbums.getJSONObject i if JOAlbums.has link albums new getAlbums GET THE ALBUM ID if JOAlbums.has id albums.setAlbumID JOAlbums.getString id else albums.setAlbumID null GET THE ALBUM NAME..
Lazy download images into gridView DUPLICATE CALLS FOR MORE DATA WHILE LOADING A BATCH loadingMore true SET THE INITIAL URL TO GET THE FIRST LOT OF ALBUMS URL https initialAlbumID photos access_token Utility.mFacebook.getAccessToken limit 10 try HttpClient.. getPhotos photos for int i 0 i JAPhotos.length i JSONObject JOPhotos JAPhotos.getJSONObject i Log.e INDIVIDUAL ALBUMS JOPhotos.toString if JOPhotos.has link photos new getPhotos GET THE ALBUM ID if JOPhotos.has id photos.setPhotoID.. i Log.e INDIVIDUAL ALBUMS JOPhotos.toString if JOPhotos.has link photos new getPhotos GET THE ALBUM ID if JOPhotos.has id photos.setPhotoID JOPhotos.getString id else photos.setPhotoID null GET THE ALBUM NAME if..