android Programming Glossary: agent
upload video to facebook in android new URL url .openConnection conn.setRequestProperty User Agent System.getProperties . getProperty http.agent FacebookAndroidSDK..
Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off Connection Keep Alive connection.setRequestProperty User Agent Android Multipart HTTP Client 1.1 return connection private..
Secure HTTP Post in Android Name Here Setting httpPost headers httpPost.setHeader User Agent SET YOUR USER AGENT STRING HERE httpPost.setHeader Accept text..
Android Service - Ping URL url.openConnection urlc.setRequestProperty User Agent Android Application Z.APP_VERSION urlc.setRequestProperty Connection..
HttpUrlConnection.openConnection fails second time Connection Keep Alive conn.setRequestProperty User Agent useragent conn.setConnectTimeout 30000 conn.setDoOutput true.. conn.setUseCaches false conn.setRequestProperty User Agent useragent conn.setConnectTimeout 30000 conn.setDoOutput true..
Android HTTP User Agent HTTP User Agent Can i ask how to get http_user_agent real device When i use..
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) post.addHeader entity.getContentType post.addHeader User Agent USER_AGENT post.setEntity entity maybeCreateHttpClient context..
Out of memory exception due to large bitmap size card memory HttpURLConnection connection null String userAgent null try URL url new URL imgUrl connection HttpURLConnection.. connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection if userAgent null connection.setRequestProperty User Agent userAgent connection.setConnectTimeout.. if userAgent null connection.setRequestProperty User Agent userAgent connection.setConnectTimeout 5000 connection.setReadTimeout..
How do detect Android Tablets in general. Useragent? improve this question The issue is that the Android User Agent is a general User Agent and there is no difference between tablet.. The issue is that the Android User Agent is a general User Agent and there is no difference between tablet Android and mobile.. is incorrect. Mobile Android has Mobile string in the User Agent header. Tablet Android does not. share improve this answer..
Android detect if device has internet connection .openConnection urlc.setRequestProperty User Agent Test urlc.setRequestProperty Connection close urlc.setConnectTimeout..
Problems loading mobile.twitter in webview question Those are indeed dirty hacks. Changing the User Agent is really a nasty solution and should never be done. When loading.. Edit Just a little update to justify this choice User Agent are meant to give the visited site the info about who's the.. dedicated to Android they will definitely use the User Agent to achieve that. If you tell them your an iPhone or whatever..
Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android Youtubedl no compression True c.setRequestProperty User Agent YouTube c.setDoOutput true c.connect FileOutputStream f new..
Want to load desktop version in my webview using uastring of urls which I am giving. I tried by setting the user Agent but I dont know whats the exact ua string will solve my issue... the following Code String ua m_webview.getSettings .getUserAgentString Log.i AboutActivity UA ua UA String UA Mozilla 5.0 Linux.. 4.0 Desktop Safari 534.13 mWebview.getSettings .setUserAgentString ua Any help to solve this issue android webview user..
Are there any standards for mobile device web browsers in terms of thread sleeping? and even more explicit 9 Optionally wait a further user agent defined length of time. Note This is intended to allow user.. length of time. Note This is intended to allow user agents to pad timeouts as needed to optimise the power usage of the.. granularity of timers is reduced on such platforms user agents can slow timers down to fit this schedule instead of requiring..
Android Phone Browser Detection mobile optimized website. The new Samsung Galaxy SIII user agent provides no clue that the request is coming from a mobile phone... something better. Below is the Samsung Galaxy SIII user agent Mozilla 5.0 X11 Linux x86_64 AppleWebKit 534.24 KHTML like Gecko.. Safari 534.24 EDIT The SIII has two possible user agents. Above is the 'desktop' version. Fun stuff. See link below..
What is “android:allowBackup”? of the class that implement's the application's backup agent a subclass of BackupAgent. The attribute value should be a fully..
Retrieve User-Agent programatically programatically Is there a way to retrieve Browser's user agent without having a WebView in activity I know it is possible to.. and I don't want to create it just for retrieving user agent string. android webview android webview user agent share.. user agent string. android webview android webview user agent share improve this question If you don't have one you can..
Android HTTP User Agent HTTP User Agent Can i ask how to get http_user_agent real device When i use WebView i can get the real value like.. .setParameter CoreProtocolPNames.USER_AGENT Custom user agent when you create your HttpClient . share improve this answer..
How to use flurry in an application? to your AndroidManifest.xml. 4 Add a call to the Flurry agent from the onStart and onStop methods of your activities. Note..
Download a file from webview to a custom folder Create client and set our specific user agent string HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost request..
Get Android OS version from user-agent Android OS version from user agent I've been trying to find a parser or regex that will give me.. regex that will give me the Android OS version from a user agent string. E.g. Mozilla 5.0 Linux U Android 2.2.1 fr fr Desire.. return 2.2.1 Can anyone help Thanks android version user agent share improve this question This regular expression is a..
Get the language of user in android The solution I found to this problem is to set the user agent through the webview's settings WebSettings settings wv.getSettings..
How to include the Spongy Castle JAR in Android? eclipse Eclipse rtyley toy android ssh agent Maven Since v1.47 Spongy Castle has been split into separate..
Want to load desktop version in my webview using uastring ua Any help to solve this issue android webview user agent share improve this question It might be that they know you.. are on a mobile phone because you have Android in the user agent. Try something more desktop browser looking such as String ua..
upload video to facebook in android Util method URL url HttpURLConnection conn HttpURLConnection new URL url .openConnection conn.setRequestProperty User Agent System.getProperties . getProperty http.agent FacebookAndroidSDK if method.equals GET Bundle dataparams new Bundle for..
Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off true triggers POST connection.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive connection.setRequestProperty User Agent Android Multipart HTTP Client 1.1 return connection private boolean wakeWifiUp ConnectivityManager _androidConnectivityMgr..
Secure HTTP Post in Android url response null StringEntity tmp null Log.d Your App Name Here Setting httpPost headers httpPost.setHeader User Agent SET YOUR USER AGENT STRING HERE httpPost.setHeader Accept text html application xml application xhtml xml text html q 0.9..
Android Service - Ping URL URL url new URL http params 0 HttpURLConnection urlc HttpURLConnection url.openConnection urlc.setRequestProperty User Agent Android Application Z.APP_VERSION urlc.setRequestProperty Connection close urlc.setConnectTimeout 1000 30 mTimeout is in..
HttpUrlConnection.openConnection fails second time mURL.openConnection conn.setUseCaches false conn.setRequestProperty Connection Keep Alive conn.setRequestProperty User Agent useragent conn.setConnectTimeout 30000 conn.setDoOutput true conn.setDoInput true consumer.sign conn InputSource is new.. HttpURLConnection conn HttpURLConnection mURL.openConnection conn.setUseCaches false conn.setRequestProperty User Agent useragent conn.setConnectTimeout 30000 conn.setDoOutput true conn.setDoInput true consumer.sign conn conn.connect InputSource..
Android HTTP User Agent HTTP User Agent Can i ask how to get http_user_agent real device When i use WebView i can get the real value like this HTTP_USER_AGENT..
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) new AssertionError e final HttpPost post new HttpPost THE_URL post.addHeader entity.getContentType post.addHeader User Agent USER_AGENT post.setEntity entity maybeCreateHttpClient context if mHttpClient null return false try resp mHttpClient.execute..
Out of memory exception due to large bitmap size check in the cache if not available then store in the sd card memory HttpURLConnection connection null String userAgent null try URL url new URL imgUrl connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection if userAgent null connection.setRequestProperty.. null String userAgent null try URL url new URL imgUrl connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection if userAgent null connection.setRequestProperty User Agent userAgent connection.setConnectTimeout 5000 connection.setReadTimeout.. new URL imgUrl connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection if userAgent null connection.setRequestProperty User Agent userAgent connection.setConnectTimeout 5000 connection.setReadTimeout 5000 int CHUNKSIZE 8192 size of fixed chunks ..
How do detect Android Tablets in general. Useragent? would be very helpful. android device detection share improve this question The issue is that the Android User Agent is a general User Agent and there is no difference between tablet Android and mobile Android. This is incorrect. Mobile.. android device detection share improve this question The issue is that the Android User Agent is a general User Agent and there is no difference between tablet Android and mobile Android. This is incorrect. Mobile Android has Mobile string..
Android detect if device has internet connection try HttpURLConnection urlc HttpURLConnection new URL http .openConnection urlc.setRequestProperty User Agent Test urlc.setRequestProperty Connection close urlc.setConnectTimeout 1500 urlc.connect return urlc.getResponseCode 200..
Problems loading mobile.twitter in webview true android twitter webview share improve this question Those are indeed dirty hacks. Changing the User Agent is really a nasty solution and should never be done. When loading in a webview you'd better try the piece of.. true All credits goes to gregm who gave this one Happy coding Edit Just a little update to justify this choice User Agent are meant to give the visited site the info about who's the client. If one day Twitter makes special changes dedicated to.. who's the client. If one day Twitter makes special changes dedicated to Android they will definitely use the User Agent to achieve that. If you tell them your an iPhone or whatever you might never get redirected or more simply never get the..
Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android c.setRequestMethod GET c.setRequestProperty Youtubedl no compression True c.setRequestProperty User Agent YouTube c.setDoOutput true c.connect FileOutputStream f new FileOutputStream new File sdcard 3.flv InputStream in c.getInputStream..
Want to load desktop version in my webview using uastring and kindle fire. My webview is not loading the desktop version of urls which I am giving. I tried by setting the user Agent but I dont know whats the exact ua string will solve my issue. When I took log of ua string I got the following Code String.. will solve my issue. When I took log of ua string I got the following Code String ua m_webview.getSettings .getUserAgentString Log.i AboutActivity UA ua UA String UA Mozilla 5.0 Linux U Android 3.1 en US GT P7500 Build HMJ37 AppleWebKit 534.13.. P7500 Build HMJ37 AppleWebKit 534.13 KHTML like Gecko Version 4.0 Desktop Safari 534.13 mWebview.getSettings .setUserAgentString ua Any help to solve this issue android webview user agent share improve this question It might be that they..
Are there any standards for mobile device web browsers in terms of thread sleeping? Delays due to CPU load other tasks etc are to be expected. and even more explicit 9 Optionally wait a further user agent defined length of time. Note This is intended to allow user agents to pad timeouts as needed to optimise the power usage.. even more explicit 9 Optionally wait a further user agent defined length of time. Note This is intended to allow user agents to pad timeouts as needed to optimise the power usage of the device. For example some processors have a low power mode.. For example some processors have a low power mode where the granularity of timers is reduced on such platforms user agents can slow timers down to fit this schedule instead of requiring the processor to use the more accurate mode with its associated..
Android Phone Browser Detection I have an web application where mobile phone users see a mobile optimized website. The new Samsung Galaxy SIII user agent provides no clue that the request is coming from a mobile phone. What are the best pratices to detect mobile phones I'm.. javascript feature detection ie. modernizer but am hoping for something better. Below is the Samsung Galaxy SIII user agent Mozilla 5.0 X11 Linux x86_64 AppleWebKit 534.24 KHTML like Gecko Chrome 11.0.696.34 Safari 534.24 EDIT The SIII has two.. Linux x86_64 AppleWebKit 534.24 KHTML like Gecko Chrome 11.0.696.34 Safari 534.24 EDIT The SIII has two possible user agents. Above is the 'desktop' version. Fun stuff. See link below for details. http Show Index 5310 cPage 19..
What is “android:allowBackup”? restore feature of the cloud as shown here and here The name of the class that implement's the application's backup agent a subclass of BackupAgent. The attribute value should be a fully qualified class name such as com.example.project.MyBackupAgent..
Retrieve User-Agent programatically User Agent programatically Is there a way to retrieve Browser's user agent without having a WebView in activity I know it is possible to get it via WebView WebView view WebView findViewById But in my case I don't have need a webview object and I don't want to create it just for retrieving user agent string. android webview android webview user agent share improve this question If you don't have one you can try taking.. object and I don't want to create it just for retrieving user agent string. android webview android webview user agent share improve this question If you don't have one you can try taking it like this String ua new WebView this .getSettings..
Android HTTP User Agent HTTP User Agent Can i ask how to get http_user_agent real device When i use WebView i can get the real value like this HTTP_USER_AGENT Mozilla 5.0 Linux U Android 2.2 en gb..
How to use flurry in an application? choose Add External JARs... 3 Add android.permission.INTERNET to your AndroidManifest.xml. 4 Add a call to the Flurry agent from the onStart and onStop methods of your activities. Note replace the ID below with your unique tracking code. public..
Download a file from webview to a custom folder this if sUserAgent null Log.e TAG Conexion getString R.string.e_envio_datos Create client and set our specific user agent string HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost request new HttpPost url request.setHeader User Agent sUserAgent..
Get Android OS version from user-agent Android OS version from user agent I've been trying to find a parser or regex that will give me the Android OS version from a user agent string. E.g. Mozilla.. from user agent I've been trying to find a parser or regex that will give me the Android OS version from a user agent string. E.g. Mozilla 5.0 Linux U Android 2.2.1 fr fr Desire HD Build FRG83D AppleWebKit 533.1 KHTML like Gecko Version 4.0.. 533.1 KHTML like Gecko Version 4.0 Mobile Safari 533.1 Will return 2.2.1 Can anyone help Thanks android version user agent share improve this question This regular expression is a bit more future proof than mathepic's answer Android d . d..
Get the language of user in android way android localization share improve this question The solution I found to this problem is to set the user agent through the webview's settings WebSettings settings wv.getSettings settings.setJavaScriptEnabled true settings.setUserAgentString..
How to include the Spongy Castle JAR in Android? to include Spongy Castle in a project rtyley spongycastle eclipse Eclipse rtyley toy android ssh agent Maven Since v1.47 Spongy Castle has been split into separate sub jars that exactly mirror the matching Bouncy Castle artifacts..
Want to load desktop version in my webview using uastring Desktop Safari 534.13 mWebview.getSettings .setUserAgentString ua Any help to solve this issue android webview user agent share improve this question It might be that they know you are on a mobile phone because you have Android in the user.. improve this question It might be that they know you are on a mobile phone because you have Android in the user agent. Try something more desktop browser looking such as String ua Mozilla 5.0 X11 U Linux i686 en US rv Gecko 20100101..