android Programming Glossary: alert.settitle
How to get the correct number of bytes sent and received in TrafficStats? AlertDialog.Builder alert new AlertDialog.Builder this alert.setTitle Uh Oh alert.setMessage Your device does not support traffic..
How can I change the color of AlertDialog title and the color of the line under it changed the color of AlertDialog title using this command alert.setTitle Html.fromHtml font color '#FF7F27' Set IP Address font put I..
start navigating to position which is stored in database AlertDialog alert alt_bld.create Title for AlertDialog alert.setTitle Navigation I have the location stored lat and lon..
Null Validation on EditText box in Alert Dialog - Android AlertDialog.Builder alert new AlertDialog.Builder this alert.setTitle Record New Track alert.setMessage Please Name Your Track Set..
AlertDialog Input Text AlertDialog.Builder alert new AlertDialog.Builder this alert.setTitle Login alert.setMessage Enter Pin Set an EditText view to get.. AlertDialog.Builder alert new AlertDialog.Builder this alert.setTitle Login alert.setMessage Enter Pin alert.setView textEntryView..
How to add two edit text fields in an alert dialog AlertDialog.Builder alert new AlertDialog.Builder this alert.setTitle Please Login to Fogbugz alert.setMessage Enter your email and..
android prompt user's input using a dialog AlertDialog.Builder alert new AlertDialog.Builder this alert.setTitle Title alert.setMessage Message Set an EditText view to get user..
Displaying soft keyboard whenever AlertDialog.Builder object is opened AlertDialog.Builder alert new AlertDialog.Builder this alert.setTitle Dialog Title alert.setMessage Request information LayoutInflater..
How To Get Location Using AsyncTask AlertDialog alert new AlertDialog.Builder this .create alert.setTitle title alert.setMessage message return alert public class FetchCordinates..
Custom calendar dayview in android alert new AlertDialog.Builder mContext alert.setTitle New Event alert.setMessage Event Set an EditText view to get..
Android: Overlay on Android Camera Preview alert new AlertDialog.Builder CameraActivity.this alert.setTitle getString R.string.anotherimage alert.setCancelable false ..
AlertDialog inside alertdialog android CategoryPage.this alert dialog2.create alert.setTitle Delete title alert.setMessage Are you sure you want to delete..
how to set different title for alert dialog when WebView page is loaded? AlertDialog.Builder alert new AlertDialog.Builder mContext alert.setTitle Loading... final WebView wv new WebView mContext wv.loadUrl.. WebView view String url TODO Auto generated method stub alert.setTitle Loading... super.onPageFinished view url @Override public void.. String url Bitmap favicon TODO Auto generated method stub alert.setTitle Finished super.onPageStarted view url favicon private class..
android: webview inside dialog or popup AlertDialog.Builder alert new AlertDialog.Builder this alert.setTitle Title here WebView wv new WebView this wv.loadUrl http
How to get the correct number of bytes sent and received in TrafficStats? TrafficStats.UNSUPPORTED mStartTX TrafficStats.UNSUPPORTED AlertDialog.Builder alert new AlertDialog.Builder this alert.setTitle Uh Oh alert.setMessage Your device does not support traffic stat monitoring. else mHandler.postDelayed mRunnable..
How can I change the color of AlertDialog title and the color of the line under it of AlertDialog title and the color of the line under it I changed the color of AlertDialog title using this command alert.setTitle Html.fromHtml font color '#FF7F27' Set IP Address font put I want to change the color of the line that appear under the..
start navigating to position which is stored in database dialog int id Action for 'NO' Button dialog.cancel AlertDialog alert alt_bld.create Title for AlertDialog alert.setTitle Navigation I have the location stored lat and lon and i want to start navigating to that position. How can I..
Null Validation on EditText box in Alert Dialog - Android apart from creating a Toast saying error. So far I have AlertDialog.Builder alert new AlertDialog.Builder this alert.setTitle Record New Track alert.setMessage Please Name Your Track Set an EditText view to get user input final EditText trackName..
AlertDialog Input Text as a Login or pin code or password dialog. Here is my code AlertDialog.Builder alert new AlertDialog.Builder this alert.setTitle Login alert.setMessage Enter Pin Set an EditText view to get user input final EditText input new EditText this alert.setView.. View textEntryView factory.inflate R.layout.dialog_login null AlertDialog.Builder alert new AlertDialog.Builder this alert.setTitle Login alert.setMessage Enter Pin alert.setView textEntryView alert.setPositiveButton Ok new DialogInterface.OnClickListener..
How to add two edit text fields in an alert dialog View textEntryView factory.inflate R.layout.userpasslayout null AlertDialog.Builder alert new AlertDialog.Builder this alert.setTitle Please Login to Fogbugz alert.setMessage Enter your email and password Set an EditText view to get user input alert.setView..
android prompt user's input using a dialog android application using a dialog. this is what I have found AlertDialog.Builder alert new AlertDialog.Builder this alert.setTitle Title alert.setMessage Message Set an EditText view to get user input final EditText input new EditText this alert.setView..
Displaying soft keyboard whenever AlertDialog.Builder object is opened My code for opening an input dialog reads as follows final AlertDialog.Builder alert new AlertDialog.Builder this alert.setTitle Dialog Title alert.setMessage Request information LayoutInflater factory LayoutInflater.from this final View textEntryView..
How To Get Location Using AsyncTask public AlertDialog CreateAlert String title String message AlertDialog alert new AlertDialog.Builder this .create alert.setTitle title alert.setMessage message return alert public class FetchCordinates extends AsyncTask String Integer String ProgressDialog..
Custom calendar dayview in android void onClick View arg0 TODO Auto generated method stub AlertDialog.Builder alert new AlertDialog.Builder mContext alert.setTitle New Event alert.setMessage Event Set an EditText view to get user input final EditText input new EditText mContext alert.setView..
Android: Overlay on Android Camera Preview message is e.toString 1000 .show x final AlertDialog.Builder alert new AlertDialog.Builder CameraActivity.this alert.setTitle getString R.string.anotherimage alert.setCancelable false alert.setMessage Play or Delete the Video selected alert.setIcon..
AlertDialog inside alertdialog android AlertDialog alert AlertDialog.Builder dialog2 new AlertDialog.Builder CategoryPage.this alert dialog2.create alert.setTitle Delete title alert.setMessage Are you sure you want to delete this category alert.setButton Yes new DialogInterface.OnClickListener..
how to set different title for alert dialog when WebView page is loaded? loaded but its not working. here is the code snippet final AlertDialog.Builder alert new AlertDialog.Builder mContext alert.setTitle Loading... final WebView wv new WebView mContext wv.loadUrl http androidview wv.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled.. new WebViewClient @Override public void onPageFinished WebView view String url TODO Auto generated method stub alert.setTitle Loading... super.onPageFinished view url @Override public void onPageStarted WebView view String url Bitmap favicon TODO.. view url @Override public void onPageStarted WebView view String url Bitmap favicon TODO Auto generated method stub alert.setTitle Finished super.onPageStarted view url favicon private class webviewclient extends WebViewClient wv.loadUrl file android_asset..
android: webview inside dialog or popup thanks android share improve this question Here is example AlertDialog.Builder alert new AlertDialog.Builder this alert.setTitle Title here WebView wv new WebView this wv.loadUrl http wv.setWebViewClient new WebViewClient @Override public..