android Programming Glossary: albums
Query songs of an album with CursorLoader this question Go step by step Step 1 Look the names of albums loaded on you phone To request cursor for Album information..
How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api? to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api How i can fetch all of user Photo albums from.. albums using graph api How i can fetch all of user Photo albums from facebook. i tried like this with this Url https tried like this with this Url https me albums access_token xxxx i am using this code i was mention this permissions..
cover art on android android media player shows album covers when listing albums how can i get this artworks. android share improve this question..
fetch photos from facebook album in android for a particular person then https me albums And then choose the album id and then use the first call EDIT..
Getting IP Cam video stream on Android (MJEPG) here's the screenshot of the app http albums ad295 kevinybh action view current video.jpg not enough points..
Highlight ListView selected row ListView selected row I have a list of albums several hundred . When I touch the selected album I want to..
Android - How to upload photo from the SD card to the Facebook wall on now params.putString link http albums k538 tom_rada bota2.jpg asyncRunner.request me feed params POST.. wallAlbumID null String response facebook.request me albums JSONObject json Util.parseJson response JSONArray albums json.getJSONArray.. albums JSONObject json Util.parseJson response JSONArray albums json.getJSONArray data for int i 0 i albums.length i JSONObject..
How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api? onPreExecute SHOW THE PROGRESS BAR SPINNER WHILE LOADING ALBUMS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility View.VISIBLE @Override protected.. true SET THE INITIAL URL TO GET THE FIRST LOT OF ALBUMS URL https initialUserID albums access_token.. false HIDE THE PROGRESS BAR SPINNER AFTER LOADING ALBUMS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility View.GONE For the sake of..
Lazy download images into gridView true SET THE INITIAL URL TO GET THE FIRST LOT OF ALBUMS URL https initialAlbumID photos access_token.. JOPhotos JAPhotos.getJSONObject i Log.e INDIVIDUAL ALBUMS JOPhotos.toString if JOPhotos.has link photos new getPhotos.. JOPhotos JAPhotos.getJSONObject i Log.e INDIVIDUAL ALBUMS JOPhotos.toString if JOPhotos.has link photos new getPhotos..
How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api? method I am calling this Asynctask private class getAlbumsData extends AsyncTask Void Void Void LinearLayout linlaHeaderProgress.. .getStatusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK String queryAlbums EntityUtils.toString rp.getEntity JSONObject JOTemp new JSONObject.. rp.getEntity JSONObject JOTemp new JSONObject queryAlbums JSONArray JAAlbums JOTemp.getJSONArray data if JAAlbums.length..
How do I get Album Thumbnails in Android? of albums which I got using this private List Album getAlbums Cursor cur managedQuery MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI.. ListActivity but I also want to get the thumbnails of the Albums. I know I can use the following code to get the actual artwork..
Changing the view within the Android Tab Widget same for the other tabs intent new Intent .setClass this AlbumsActivity.class spec tabHost.newTabSpec albums .setIndicator Albums.. spec tabHost.newTabSpec albums .setIndicator Albums res.getDrawable R.drawable.ic_tab_artists .setContent intent..
Best option for using the GData APIs on Android? . Also please look at the Android sample for Picasa Web Albums Data API which demonstrates the ability create update delete..
Query songs of an album with CursorLoader android android cursor android cursorloader share improve this question Go step by step Step 1 Look the names of albums loaded on you phone To request cursor for Album information String columns android.provider.MediaStore.Audio.Albums._ID..
How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api? to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api How i can fetch all of user Photo albums from facebook. i tried like this with this Url https to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api How i can fetch all of user Photo albums from facebook. i tried like this with this Url https me albums access_token xxxx i am using this code.. How i can fetch all of user Photo albums from facebook. i tried like this with this Url https me albums access_token xxxx i am using this code i was mention this permissions also user_photos . Bundle parameters new Bundle parameters.putString..
cover art on android the cover art of audio file on android. For example the default android media player shows album covers when listing albums how can i get this artworks. android share improve this question Uri sArtworkUri Uri.parse content media external audio..
fetch photos from facebook album in android question https ALBUM_ID photos If it's for a particular person then https me albums And then choose the album id and then use the first call EDIT You will also need to give permission while creating Facebook..
Getting IP Cam video stream on Android (MJEPG) viewer source code that i can use to display these images here's the screenshot of the app http albums ad295 kevinybh action view current video.jpg not enough points to post pictures I just need to make the video stream around..
Highlight ListView selected row ListView selected row I have a list of albums several hundred . When I touch the selected album I want to offer the user a choice of playing the whole album or moving..
Android - How to upload photo from the SD card to the Facebook wall Bundle params new Bundle params.putString message Uploaded on now params.putString link http albums k538 tom_rada bota2.jpg asyncRunner.request me feed params POST new PostPhotoRequestListener null Facebook result Approach.. async call so the operation doesn't block the UI thread String wallAlbumID null String response facebook.request me albums JSONObject json Util.parseJson response JSONArray albums json.getJSONArray data for int i 0 i albums.length i JSONObject.. String wallAlbumID null String response facebook.request me albums JSONObject json Util.parseJson response JSONArray albums json.getJSONArray data for int i 0 i albums.length i JSONObject album albums.getJSONObject i if album.getString type .equalsIgnoreCase..
How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api? @Override protected void onPreExecute SHOW THE PROGRESS BAR SPINNER WHILE LOADING ALBUMS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility View.VISIBLE @Override protected Void doInBackground Void... params CHANGE THE LOADING.. DUPLICATE CALLS FOR MORE DATA WHILE LOADING A BATCH loadingMore true SET THE INITIAL URL TO GET THE FIRST LOT OF ALBUMS URL https initialUserID albums access_token Utility.mFacebook.getAccessToken limit 10 try HttpClient.. lv.setAdapter adapter CHANGE THE LOADING MORE STATUS loadingMore false HIDE THE PROGRESS BAR SPINNER AFTER LOADING ALBUMS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility View.GONE For the sake of completeness here is what I use to fetch the Paging URLS for..
Lazy download images into gridView DUPLICATE CALLS FOR MORE DATA WHILE LOADING A BATCH loadingMore true SET THE INITIAL URL TO GET THE FIRST LOT OF ALBUMS URL https initialAlbumID photos access_token Utility.mFacebook.getAccessToken limit 10 try HttpClient.. getPhotos photos for int i 0 i JAPhotos.length i JSONObject JOPhotos JAPhotos.getJSONObject i Log.e INDIVIDUAL ALBUMS JOPhotos.toString if JOPhotos.has link photos new getPhotos GET THE ALBUM ID if JOPhotos.has id photos.setPhotoID.. getPhotos photos for int i 0 i JAPhotos.length i JSONObject JOPhotos JAPhotos.getJSONObject i Log.e INDIVIDUAL ALBUMS JOPhotos.toString if JOPhotos.has link photos new getPhotos GET THE ALBUM ID if JOPhotos.has id photos.setPhotoID..
How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api? android facebook share improve this question In the onCreate method I am calling this Asynctask private class getAlbumsData extends AsyncTask Void Void Void LinearLayout linlaHeaderProgress LinearLayout findViewById get new HttpGet URL HttpResponse rp hc.execute get if rp.getStatusLine .getStatusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK String queryAlbums EntityUtils.toString rp.getEntity JSONObject JOTemp new JSONObject queryAlbums JSONArray JAAlbums JOTemp.getJSONArray.. HttpStatus.SC_OK String queryAlbums EntityUtils.toString rp.getEntity JSONObject JOTemp new JSONObject queryAlbums JSONArray JAAlbums JOTemp.getJSONArray data if JAAlbums.length 0 stopLoadingData true Runnable run new Runnable @Override..
How do I get Album Thumbnails in Android? do I get Album Thumbnails in Android I have a list of albums which I got using this private List Album getAlbums Cursor cur managedQuery MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI null null null null List Album albums new ArrayList.. cur.moveToNext return albums I use this list of albums in a ListActivity but I also want to get the thumbnails of the Albums. I know I can use the following code to get the actual artwork but I need the thumbnails because I get Out Of Memory if..
Changing the view within the Android Tab Widget .setContent intent tabHost.addTab spec Do the same for the other tabs intent new Intent .setClass this AlbumsActivity.class spec tabHost.newTabSpec albums .setIndicator Albums res.getDrawable R.drawable.ic_tab_artists .setContent.. for the other tabs intent new Intent .setClass this AlbumsActivity.class spec tabHost.newTabSpec albums .setIndicator Albums res.getDrawable R.drawable.ic_tab_artists .setContent intent tabHost.addTab spec intent new Intent .setClass this SongsActivity.class..
Best option for using the GData APIs on Android? To start please take a look at the Android Developer's Guide . Also please look at the Android sample for Picasa Web Albums Data API which demonstrates the ability create update delete a photo album and to upload a picture. Full disclosure I am..