

python Programming Glossary: manage.py

How do I stop getting ImportError: Could not import settings 'mofin.settings' when using django with wsgi?


to work fine. The settings.py file loads fine with python manage.py runserver shell syncdb test store as does the application. Here.. mofin trunk mofin' if I open an interactive shell with manage.py sys.path is ' home django mofin trunk mofin' ' usr lib python25.zip'.. there it fails with a misleading message. name settings.py manage.py application1 file.py file2.py name the problem rename this file.py..

ubuntu ImportError: cannot import name MAXREPEAT


my system up . I am having this issue when running . manage.py runserver Traceback most recent call last File . manage.py line.. manage.py runserver Traceback most recent call last File . manage.py line 8 in module from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line..

Django + MySQL on Mac OS 10.6.2 Snow Leopard


I've been able to get the module installed but python manage.py runserver fails with iMac myproject drhoden python manage.py.. runserver fails with iMac myproject drhoden python manage.py runserver Validating models... Unhandled exception in thread..

How Python web frameworks, WSGI and CGI fit together


the various interfaces. For mod_fastcgi Django provides a manage.py runfcgi that integrates FLUP and the handler. For mod_wsgi there's..

Why don't my south migrations work?


tutorial part1.html The tutorial tells me to do this py manage.py schemamigration wall initial Created 0001_initial.py. You can.. 0001_initial.py. You can now apply this migration with . manage.py migrate wall Great now I migrate. py manage.py migrate wall.. with . manage.py migrate wall Great now I migrate. py manage.py migrate wall But it gives me this error... django.db.utils.DatabaseError..

Django - Set Up A Scheduled Job?


do this 1 Create a custom management command e.g. python manage.py my_cool_command 2 Use cron on Linux or at on Windows to run..

How do you reload a Django model module using the interactive interpreter via “manage.py shell”?


model module using the interactive interpreter via &ldquo manage.py shell&rdquo I know how to reload a regular Python module within.. some reason I am having trouble doing that within Django's manage.py shell interpreter session. To recreate my issue start the basic.. application and Poll class start up the interpreter via manage.py shell and import the polls app into it. import polls.models..

Use Django ORM as standalone [duplicate]


2 files __init__.py models.py Your going to need a copy of manage.py from an either an existing Django project or you can just grab.. from your Django install path django conf project_template manage.py Copy the manage.py to your standAlone directory. Ok so you should.. path django conf project_template manage.py Copy the manage.py to your standAlone directory. Ok so you should now have the..