

python Programming Glossary: makeitalic

Why can't Python decorators be chained across definitions?


makebold fn def wrapped return b fn b return wrapped def makeitalic fn def wrapped return i fn i return wrapped @makebold @makeitalic.. fn def wrapped return i fn i return wrapped @makebold @makeitalic def hello return hello world print hello ## returns b i hello.. fn def wrapped return b fn b return wrapped @makebold def makeitalic fn def wrapped return i fn i return wrapped @makeitalic def..

How can I make a chain of function decorators in Python?


in Python that would do the following @makebold @makeitalic def say return Hello which should return b i Hello i b I'm not.. makebold fn def wrapped return b fn b return wrapped def makeitalic fn def wrapped return i fn i return wrapped @makebold @makeitalic.. fn def wrapped return i fn i return wrapped @makebold @makeitalic def hello return hello world print hello ## returns b i hello..