

python Programming Glossary: makefile

What are site-packages in python and can you install/use them if you aren't root?


in usr lib python2.6 site packages I found the line in the Makefile that sets this variable and it is PYTHON_DEST_DIR DESTDIR call.. I can specify in the configure sciprt but I can change the Makefile to cause the files to be copied to some location in my home..

Writing Python bindings for C++ code that use OpenCV


to create the python module. I took this and the following Makefile from http jayrambhia.wordpress.com tag boost pysomemodule.cpp.. ones you wish to make available to python. And finally the Makefile successfully compiled on Ubuntu but should work elsewhere possibly..

django-admin.py: command not found (bluehost server)


Mac PCbuild config.status python gdb.py .hgtags Makefile Parser configure setup.py Demo Makefile.pre Python configure.in.. gdb.py .hgtags Makefile Parser configure setup.py Demo Makefile.pre Python configure.in Doc Makefile.pre.in README install sh.. setup.py Demo Makefile.pre Python configure.in Doc Makefile.pre.in README install sh Grammar Misc RISCOS libpython2.7.a..

Commit in git only if tests pass


self assert False if __name__ '__main__' unittest.main Makefile test python3.1 test.py .git hooks pre commit # bin sh make test..

Simple wrapping of C code with cython


would be to run the steps separately in a script or Makefile cython cplus f.pyx f.cpp # see cython h g c ... f.cpp f.o g.. g c fc.cpp fc.o # link f.o fc.o f.so # distutils uses the Makefile distutils.sysconfig.get_makefile_filename # for compiling and..

compiling vim with python support


a few libraries removed cd xxd CC gcc CFLAGS g O2 make f Makefile 3 make install works fine 4 test the python support ver shows..

Playing RTSP with python-gstreamer


Pipeline n gst_object_unref GST_OBJECT pipeline return 0 Makefile test test12 ext c CC gcc CPP g gstreamer CC g test . ext o test..

problem compiling libjingle


and got nrtp by cvs download. After overwriting my Makefile twice attempting to follow the rather poorly written README.. rather poorly written README I came up with the following Makefile that almost works # First make sure the SCONS_DIR environment.. expat 2.0.1 configure... talk third_party expat 2.0.1 Makefile cd talk third_party expat 2.0.1 && . configure # ...and talk..

Python distutils not using correct version of gcc


in mind that the sysconfig defaults are pulled from the Makefile which was originally used to compile python so fudging with.. plat_specific 1 standard_lib 1 os.path.join path 'config' 'Makefile' ' System Library Frameworks Python.framework Versions 2.6 lib..

Vim failing to compile with python on OS X


question Turns out the bug is actually in the Python Makefile believe it or not. Open the file usr local Cellar python 2.7.2..

Python code to generate part of sphinx documentation, is it possible?


to be inserted .. include myrst.inc Modify the sphinx Makefile in order to generate the required .inc files at build time myrst.inc..

Lazy data-flow (spreadsheet like) properties with dependencies in Python


properties grows. So I would like to have something like Makefile rules inside my objects to automatically keep track of what..

HTTP basic authentication using sockets in python


question Probably the easiest place to start is using makefile to get a simpler file like interface to the socket. import socket.. 'Connection close' s socket.socket s.connect host 80 f s.makefile 'rwb' bufsize 0 f.write ' r n'.join lines ' r n r n' response..

Python socket connection timeout


operation if it can't connect yet it also want to use the makefile for the socket which requires no timeout. Is there an easy way.. a reset of the timeout after connected so that I can use makefile and still have a timeout for the socket connection python sockets.. set the socket into blocking mode such is required for the makefile . Here is the code I am using sock socket.socket socket.AF_INET..

Parallel processing from a command queue on Linux (bash, python, ruby… whatever)


do this using make and the make j xx command. Perhaps a makefile like this all usera userb userc.... usera imapsync usera userb..

How can I rewrite python __version__ with git?


is dumped to a file whose contents are read into the makefile and then passed into the build via a D preprocessor option and..