

python Programming Glossary: mainwindow

python drag and drop explorer files to tkinter entry widget


I have seen the following use Tk DropSite . . my mw new MainWindow top mw Toplevel label_entry top Entry width '45' . background..

Multiple Windows in PyQt4


I have the following from PyQt4 import QtGui class MainWindow QtGui.QMainWindow windowList def __init__ self animal pass def.. following from PyQt4 import QtGui class MainWindow QtGui.QMainWindow windowList def __init__ self animal pass def addwindow self.. __init__ self animal pass def addwindow self animal win MainWindow animal windowList.append win if __name__ __main__ import sys..

multiprocessing GUI schemas to combat the “Not Responding” blocking


self self.start_comp.emit # GUI stuff class MainWindow QtGui.QMainWindow def __init__ self parent None QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__.. self.start_comp.emit # GUI stuff class MainWindow QtGui.QMainWindow def __init__ self parent None QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__ self.. QtGui.QMainWindow def __init__ self parent None QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__ self self.tab_list self.setTabShape QtGui.QTabWidget.Rounded..

multiprocessing problem [pyqt, py2exe]


QObject.connect a SIGNAL lastWindowClosed a SLOT quit w MainWindow w.show a.exec_ Any solutions on how to fix this problem Thanks.. QObject.connect a SIGNAL lastWindowClosed a SLOT quit w MainWindow w.show a.exec_ Reference http docs.python.org library multiprocessing.html#multiprocessing.freeze_support..

Why does my PyQt application open in the background on Mac OS X?


you need to call app.raise_ after app.show ui MainWindow ui.show ui.raise_ ref http www.mail archive.com pyqt@riverbankcomputing.com..

PyQt/PySide - icon display problem


problem I have a PySide app which has an icon for the MainWindow a QMainWindow instance . When I run the file normally the icon.. have a PySide app which has an icon for the MainWindow a QMainWindow instance . When I run the file normally the icon is visible..

Triple inheritance causes metaclass conflict… Sometimes


parent class MainController BaseController pass class MainWindow QMainWindow Ui_MainWindow MainController def __init__ self parent.. class MainController BaseController pass class MainWindow QMainWindow Ui_MainWindow MainController def __init__ self parent None super.. BaseController pass class MainWindow QMainWindow Ui_MainWindow MainController def __init__ self parent None super MainWindow..