

php Programming Glossary: myapp

How To Deploy Your PHP Applications Correctly?


All my development are done thru svn located at var svn myapp trunk and the actual production code is in var www myapp. I.. myapp trunk and the actual production code is in var www myapp. I check out the latest code to my local machine into a directory.. latest code to my local machine into a directory called myapp_latest_svn . I have site and location specific code in my main..

Android login activity using mysql database


On your localhost you can refer it to as http localhost myapp login.php If you need to get it on a webserver which you purchase.. purchase then you URL will have http www.yourwebsite.com myapp login.php . note that myapp is just a folder where you have.. have http www.yourwebsite.com myapp login.php . note that myapp is just a folder where you have uploaded your php files. Now..

How can I get the “application root” of my URL from PHP?


of my URL from PHP If my URL is http www.server.com myapp stuff to see and my directory structure on disk is htdocs myapp.. stuff to see and my directory structure on disk is htdocs myapp how can I extract the myapp part Also what if there was no application.. structure on disk is htdocs myapp how can I extract the myapp part Also what if there was no application folder and the application..

placing php script outside website root


share improve this question A if your web root is www myapp public_html then your public_html index.php could include scripts..

index.php not loading by default


centos apache and php when I visit my site http domain.com myapp it says forbidden by default its not loading the index.php file... loading the index.php file. When I visit http domain.com myapp index.php it works fine. Any idea how to fix that issue php..

How to show Ajax requests in URL?


just like before. How to redirect from www.yoursite.com myapp a b c to www.yoursite.com myapp # a b c and still keep the experience.. from www.yoursite.com myapp a b c to www.yoursite.com myapp # a b c and still keep the experience smooth for the user such..

Can I use zend translate, date and cache as standalone class in my project?


specific subclasses. So for example if you have a folder myapp lib to contain your external libraries you simply make sure.. that lib folder and copy the Zend folder into it as myapp lib Zend . Then to use a component like Zend_Translate all you..

How can I find out what Page has installed my Facebook App / which page is loading my app


loading my app I have a canvas app http apps.facebook.com myapp and other pages businesses etc can Add it to their page. Within..

Run a php app using tomcat?


have a java application running on my webserver at host myapp. Now I want to install RoundCube at host roundcube. One is php..

How to get name of facebook application page?


I want it to be like https www.facebook.com myapp I have 25 likes for the page I tried facebook.com username but..