

php Programming Glossary: mustunderstand

PHP SoapClient and a complex header


namespaces messageHeader eb version 2.0 SOAP ENV mustUnderstand 1 005 eb From 006 eb PartyId webservices.example.com eb PartyId.. cert SOAP ENV Header ns2 header SOAP ENV mustUnderstand 1 From item key PartyId key value www.example.com@example.com.. wsse http schemas.xmlsoap.org ws 2003 06 secext SOAP ENV mustUnderstand 1 wsse UsernameToken wsse Username '. USERNAME .' wsse Username..

Java Webservice Client UsernameToken equivalent to PHP


get parsed into this Soap header. wsse Security SOAP ENV mustUnderstand 0 xmlns wsse http docs.oasis open.org wss 2004 01 oasis 200401..

parse an XML with SimpleXML which has multiple namespaces


namespaces messageHeader eb version 1.0 soap env mustUnderstand 1 eb From eb PartyId eb type URI wscompany.com eb PartyId eb..

Handling Soap timeouts in PHP


or not obeyed by the processing party contained a SOAP mustUnderstand attribute with a value of 1 Client The Client class of errors.. like we got XML without Envelope element Missing parameter mustUnderstand value is not boolean SoapClient __doRequest failed SoapClient..