

php Programming Glossary: mydomain.com

PHP dynamic DB page rewrite URL


dynamic DB page rewrite URL How can I make www.mydomain.com folder id 123 www.mydomain.com folder xCkLbgGge I want my DB.. URL How can I make www.mydomain.com folder id 123 www.mydomain.com folder xCkLbgGge I want my DB query page to get it's own URL.. .com #applies logic that changes the domain from http mydomain.com post my article #to resemble http mydomain.com id post my article..

Remove .php extension with PHP


the .php extension. The URL looks like this now http mydomain.com page.php foo 123 bar 456 function decode_URL_parameters path..

PHP cookie problem - www or without www


know that www is a special case from their perspective www.mydomain.com and mydomain.com are different strings and therefore have different.. a special case from their perspective www.mydomain.com and mydomain.com are different strings and therefore have different security.. is something you can do. When setting the cookie use .mydomain.com with the leading dot . This will tell your user's browser make..

PHP mutual exclusion (mutex)


page. Let's assume that the URL of this page is http mydomain.com update.php . On the website's main page http mydomain.com index.php.. mydomain.com update.php . On the website's main page http mydomain.com index.php I will display the cumulative statistics online users..

how to get dynamic URL like mydomain.com/username using zend framework


to get dynamic URL like mydomain.com username using zend framework I am developing an application.. the application I have to provide a URL for each user like mydomain.com username then public will be able to view his profile. username.. particular user But how can I achieve this I think in ZF mydomain.com username tries to get the controller with name username but..

.htaccess shorten URL using php $_GET


using php _GET I need to be able to shorten my page from mydomain.com mixtape.php mixid WHATEVER NUMBER To mydomain.com m WHATEVER.. from mydomain.com mixtape.php mixid WHATEVER NUMBER To mydomain.com m WHATEVER NUMBER Now usually this wouldn't be much of an issue.. user 1 L Above the .htaccess file is shorting my mydomain.com profile.php username USERNAME to mydomain.com USERNAME Is there..