php Programming Glossary: mydatabase
execute sql query from sql file file i want to include all tables from a database shop to mydatabase newhshop . i export that shop database and now it is named as..
Read a text file and transfer contents to mysql database mysql_connect localhost username password mysql_select_db mydatabase conn while feof handle Loop til end of file. buffer fgets handle..
PDO try-catch usage in functions NULL private static dsn mysql host localhost dbname mydatabase private static db_user 'root' private static db_pass '0O0ooIl1'..
Why is my database backup script not working in php? how I would write it BACKUP_HOST localhost BACKUP_DATABASE mydatabase BACKUP_DIR opt local var db mysql5 backups BACKUP_FILE DATABASE..
MySQL to MySQL clone with PHP exec or system call something like mysqldump q C databases mydatabase mysql C h othermachine Add the appropriate flags to these commands..
Is fopen() limited by the filesystem?
read cdata from a rss feed ... description how can I read and store CDATA value in mydatabase . php xml cdata share improve this question Tell SimpleXML..
Help with php blank page? someone help php username me password mypassword database mydatabase mysql_connect localhost username password @mysql_select_db database..