

php Programming Glossary: multilingual

Wordpress: Use method=“post” for multiple language selection


from the initial language selection. php html wordpress multilingual bi lingual share improve this question Answers Firstly for.. this question Answers Firstly for adding regional multilingual support to a wordpress site there is no better alternative than..

How to generate multilingual content Pdf in PHP


to generate multilingual content Pdf in PHP I am using TCPDF to generate multilingual.. content Pdf in PHP I am using TCPDF to generate multilingual content PDF in PHP. I am using TCPDF and using font 'cid0jp'.. pack for adobe reader. Is there any way to generate multilingual pdf without enforcing user to download any langauge pack php..

How would you transform a pre-existing web app into a multilingual one?


would you transform a pre existing web app into a multilingual one I am going to work on a project where a fairly large web..

How to best configure PHP to handle a UTF-8 website


content have been somewhat overstated. I've been doing multilingual websites since 1998 and never knew there might be an issue until..

PHP Localization Question


why to choose it or something similar over gettext. In multilingual applications the content must be translated into several languages..

How to create .po files using xgettext on Windows?


on Windows I'm following this tutorial about building a multilingual web sites using PHP gettext http onlamp.com pub a php 2002 06..

Am I breaking any “php good practice” in the following php array which deals with 3 (human) languages?


languages This is the most optimal way of dealing with a multilingual website I can think of right now not sure which doesn't involve.. Vim with the theme ir_black and NERDTree. php arrays multilingual share improve this question Looks all right to me although..

Multilingual Site in Zend Framework


for each language Or is there any other way I am new to multilingual please help. Thanks in advance. Addition Ok i decided to use.. i save records in related tables php zend framework multilingual zend translate share improve this question Few possible..

what is the best method to build “multilingual” script in php?


is the best method to build &ldquo multilingual&rdquo script in php I am building a website and it need to.. if there is a good practice can be applied to get multilingual php script Easy for me Easy for the translators Also what do.. should I Store it in DB XML or in PHP file php sql xml multilingual share improve this question There are plenty of options..

$_POST empty on utf-8 characters


_POST empty on utf 8 characters I'm working on a multilingual site with CodeIgniter.There is a form that posts data to controller..

PHP translation frontend similar to Rosetta?


both difficult and expensive. Most people who write multilingual web sites actually don't. They write a master site and then..

How to write code for multilingual in php? [closed]


to write code for multilingual in php closed I tried this code but can not able to execute..

Resume/CV Parsing in PHP [closed]


Extract Textkernel's CV Parsing software. Sourcebox has a multilingual web interface for staff to manage the CV queue and manually..

Best way to internationalize simple PHP website


prefer Pure PHP implementations php internationalization multilingual share improve this question Although ext gettext and ext..