

php Programming Glossary: multiline

How can I echo HTML in PHP?


HTML to generate a page so what's the easiest way to echo multiline snippets of HTML in PHP 4 Would I need to use a template framework..

remove new line when sending request to server via Ajax Post with JQuery


to use Ajax with JQuery what I want to do is just send multiline textbox value to php with Ajax. I'm using that code it sends..

Am I correctly supporting UTF-8 in my PHP apps?


plain newlines for strings you know aren't supposed to be multiline textboxes. Was UTF 16 written to address a limit in UTF 8 No..

Regexp to add attribute in any xml tags


SPARQL query to get all parent of a node [closed]


to do some fancier string processing and to get the multiline string. You might look at the latter part of this answer where..

Best Practices: working with long, multiline strings in PHP?


Practices working with long multiline strings in PHP Note I'm sorry if this is an extremely simple.. and heredoc syntax. How do you deal with using long multiline strings in your objects php share improve this question ..

Identifying PHP unused variables (in Emacs)?


I guess I should slightly change the regexp to match the multiline errors. Any hint about this php emacs flymake share improve..

PHP: Regular Expression to get a URL from a string [duplicate]


used in case insensitive mode. So to find all matches in a multiline string use preg_match_all ' b https ftp file www . ftp . A Z0..

Match everything inbetween two tags with Regular Expressions?


it finds s modifier in regex end of the variable allows multiline matches such as ' LoginStart stuff more stuff LoginEnds '..

Find extra space / new line after a closing ?> (php tag)


files in the folder and subfolders the r part using PCRE multiline match the M part and only list their filenames the l part ...

What is the use of <<<EOD in PHP?


method and is an alternative to using quotes for writing multiline strings. The HTML in your example will be tr td TEST td tr Read..